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DJ Muggs recommended AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted by Ice Cube in Music (curated)

AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted by Ice Cube
AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted by Ice Cube
1990 | Hip-hop, Rhythm And Blues
6.0 (6 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I was already into the game and I already knew Cube when this came out. I already knew Public Enemy too because I worked with them with my first band, The 7A3 and they produced one song on our album. At this time, I was hip to the game and when Ice Cube released this record I was just like 'This is fucking dope.' I knew a little of what to expect [from hearing mixtapes] but he was taking the best from two different coasts and just putting them both together; you knew this shit was going to be special – there's no way it could not be. With his time in NWA coming out of the West Coast, it was the first time you heard a great rapper coming out of that area: not a good one, but a great one with power. Now you had a West Coast MC with a New York based production unit, a New York sound which was something revolutionary in the game and I felt that the power that he brought was incredible. Ice Cube brought what was going on in certain parts of LA to the world. He left NWA, he did his first solo album with Public Enemy's producers. The storytelling, the self-centric lyricism of Ice Cube was phenomenal: that shit just took over. It was in many ways like a gangster Public Enemy and it changed the way people viewed and listened to this music, including me. Previously, you thought there were limits to how far you could go when you listened to this type of music but he just shattered every fucking limit that you thought there was: Ice Cube shattered your perception of music."


Lee Ronaldo recommended Talking Heads: 77 by Talking Heads in Music (curated)

Talking Heads: 77 by Talking Heads
Talking Heads: 77 by Talking Heads
1977 | Punk
6.4 (5 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"In the late 70s, I was moving to New York and I was inspired by all this stuff coming out of CBGB’s, and Talking Heads was one of the hugest influences at that time. I started to read about them, and I guess when I heard that record I wasn’t really sure what I thought of it. Some weeks later they came through Binghamton, New York where I was in University. This was the first tour they did after Jerry Harrison joined the band, it must have been late ‘77 or early ‘78 they were still touring in a station wagon, I remember seeing them drive up and they were playing this same little pub out the edge of the campus that my band were playing. As soon as I saw them it was like everything clicked. This was one of the most impressive concerts I’d ever seen and all of a sudden their music became super important to me. I’ve been listening to a lot of their records recently. I was going to choose Fear Of Music because that’s the record I’ve been listening to again right now and I’ve always thought that was their obscure third record but I didn’t realise it had ‘Life During Wartime’ on it and stuff like that and ‘Cities’, but they were such an incredible, experimental band. That period of music –Talking Heads and Elvis Costello and Television and Devo’s first record, those records all seemed to define a new period of music for me and it wasn’t exactly punk, it wasn’t ‘God Save The Queen’ or ‘Tommy Gun’ or whatever The Clash were coming out with (which was also really strong), it just struck me as art music for the era."

The Omega Merger: A Reverse Harem Omegaverse
The Omega Merger: A Reverse Harem Omegaverse
Roxy Collins | 2023 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE OMEGA MERGER is a Reverse Harem Omegaverse with MM and MF elements and is the first book in the Billionaires in Heat series

I enjoyed the story and the different characters although I did have some issues with it too. It was one of those books that absolutely drew me in whilst I was reading it but, after I had finished, questions and reactions started coming to light.

For example, Alain after he drops a bombshell at dinner when he comments about Maddie and Kel checking in with their boss because he keeps them on a tight leash. He was just being an a$$hole, there was no reason for that. No wonder Maddie didn't think he liked her!

In one respect, the book was actually true to life. After all, things happen every day that don't move our stories forward, and that's what happened here with the bomb threats and stuff about Maddie coming out. It made for fun reading but I don't really know why it was in there. If you take it out, you're not missing anything. Or with Finn Viser or the Lyall Brothers too. It makes me wonder if things will tie together when their stories come out.

I really feel as though Lucas got the short straw. He was the one alpha I was interested in and he got the least amount of page space.

This was an omegaverse with a twist that I did enjoy and would definitely read more in this world.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 6, 2023
Nothing But Good
Nothing But Good
Kess McKinley | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I did NOT see the whodunnit coming at me, at all! And the WHY!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.
First time author, peeps, and I think it’s rather good!
Jefferson is an FBI agent tasked with catching The Smiley Face killer, Mr Smiley (I have no idea why, but that tickled me no end!) Coming face to face with his college room-mate after 8 years, and then Finny getting attacked by Mr Smiley, puts Jefferson in a difficult position. But Jefferson can’t stay away from Finny, not now.
So, couple points.
First, though, well done Ms McKinley, on a job well done. I did NOT see the whodunnit coming at me, at all! And the WHY! Loved being kept on my toes.
It did take me a little while to get into it, and it was touch and go whether I would dump this or not, but I am glad I kept going, I really did enjoy it!
I did feel, though, that I might have enjoyed this more, had there not been any smexy stuff, I really do. I felt the scene before the gala dinner was kinda thrown in, like it NEEDED some smexy, but I really don’t think it did. So, clean, here, might have worked better for ME.
And of course, I wanted to hear from Finny too! Why they fell out, all those years ago was playing on my mind, and what I had was not how it went down. But I needed Finny to tell me why, not Jefferson. Finny had his heart broken when Jefferson went nuts, and I needed Finny to tell me how he dealt with it all, in much more detail than when he is talking to Jefferson. And we don’t get him, we just get Jefferson. Just me, being greedy!
A well thought out plot line, well written, and well delivered.
4 GREAT stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
1 like
 If Beale Street Could Talk (2018)
If Beale Street Could Talk (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama, Romance
Starts slow...and then slows down...
Director/Writer Barry Jenkins scored an unexpected Oscar upset a few years ago when his film MOONLIGHT won the Best Picture Oscar (besting LA LA LAND), so it was with much anticipation that his follow-up film was coming out, just in time for Oscar consideration this year - and the Oscar Buzz was loud. So, I decided to check it out...

And...I'm glad I did, so I can warn you to stay away for IF BEALE STREET COULD TALK starts slow and then...slows down even more...and, if that isn't slow enough for you, kicks it down a couple of notches before finishing up on an even slower note.

Based on the best selling book by James Baldwin and telling the tale of a wrongfully incarcerated African-American man and his family, BEALE STREET is a languidly paced meditation on the constant living in fear of the African-American community in NYC in the early 1970's, and when "the system" fails this family, they are afraid of doing more for it might just make things worse.

The film starts out winningly enough when the 2 sets of parents of our young lovers get together to discuss the unexpected coming of a grandchild into this world. The 4 parents (Regina King, Coleman Domingo, Michael Beeach and Aunjanue Ellis) start out civilly, if coldly, but things quickly escalate into a crackling scene that explodes on-screen and I was looking forward to more of this foursome combating with each other for the rest of the film.

Unfortunately, the rest of the film focuses on the two young lovers (Kiki Layne and Stephan James) and these two are not charismatic or charming enough to hold the audience's attention during low-key scene after low-key scene.

Blame for this must go to Jenkins, who is making a very personal, intimate film, but - unlike something like ROMA - the world that this personal pastiche is thrown into is not interesting enough to hold interest nor are the pictures rich enough to look at, they are mostly washed out and boring.

Regina King is being touted as a "sure-fire" Academy Award nominee (and front runner to win the Best Supporting Actress Oscar) and I just don't see it. She was "fine" but nothing more in an underwritten role that was just as low-key and uninteresting as the rest of the film.

Give me the 4 parents feuding and we just might have an interesting film.

If you are looking for a low-key, moody film, check out ROMA, you can skip BEALE STREET.

Letter Grade: C

5 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank (of Marquis)
Show all 4 comments.

Lee (2222 KP) Jan 22, 2019

Thanks. It's high on my Netflix watchlist, definitely need to watch soon.


Lee (2222 KP) Mar 14, 2019

So, I still haven't seen ROMA but I checked out this movie last night (completely forgetting about your review!) and I think you were quite generous with your score. What an absolutely awful movie. Completely agree with you about the coming together of the two sets of parents near the start literally being the best thing in the whole movie!

Holmes and Watson (2018)
Holmes and Watson (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Comedy, Mystery
This film wasn't without some laughs. With its witty caption at the very beginning followed by quite an entertaining scene where Holmes and Watson first meet I had some hopes that the feedback I'd been hearing was a little over played. By the end of the film however... well I can count the amount of times I laughed out loud on one hand. As a 90 minute film with two of those laughs coming right at the beginning it's not exactly amazing.

But... there's always a but... I'm not really a fan of repetetive humour. There are a few scenes that rely on the same gag over and over, that's just not my sort of thing. There is certainly an audience out there for this film, it just wasn't me.

I'm not particularly a fan of Will Ferrell or John C Reilly, they produce entertaining characters but they're not generally names that will have me running out straight away to see something. In such a mediocre film though John C Reilly has managed to pull out a great performance. It doesn't feel like he's hamming it up quite as much as Ferrell and for the most part he's great on screen.

There are a few cameo parts involved. Steve Coogan was given quite a good part to play, and Pam Ferris as Queen Victoria seemed to come out of it alright too. It's coming again... but... Hugh Laurie's piece, well it's not what we're used to from him or Mycroft.

One of the things I love is the mid-air mind calculations in Holmes related things and thankfully this film does them in a rather amusing way. We're treated to a few, although my personal favourite came from the mind of Watson. From his solution I'm going to say that there's a little bit of Watson in most of us.

Mini spoiler alert... there's a musical number. I slumped in my seat a bit when it started. Don't panic though, it was actually quite good. I feel like they might be able to get a music video out of it somewhere.

What you should do

My gut reaction is that this sort of film is a bit Marmite. If you enjoy their sort of humour then you'll enjoy it, if not then you'll probably get a handful of laughs out of it like I did. It's definitely a streamer, get some friends over, order some pizza and pour some drinks. In that scenario I think most people would find it amusing.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I would honestly love the picture that Millie draws for Holmes.
Deal Breaker (Myron Bolitar #1)
Deal Breaker (Myron Bolitar #1)
Harlan Coben | 1995 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
7.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Myron Bolitar is an accomplished sports agent in New York City. He doesn't have very many clients, and the ones he does have aren't very big names. His newest client, Christian Steele has been signed by the Titans this year, but trouble seems to find Christian around every turn. A year ago, his fiancee went missing and now her father has turned up dead. What is the connection of these two incidents? How can Myron help clear Christian's name and find out what happened to Cathy? With the help of Myron's best friend, Win and his ex-girlfriend Jessica, who also happens to be Cathy's sister, they will get to the bottom of this no matter what they have to do, to get to the truth.

This book is the first in the Myron Bolitar series. We are introduced to Myron and his cohorts and find out about his background. I enjoy a good series and I can't wait to find out more about these characters.

This was a book that kept my attention the whole time. There are times when listening to an audio book that the story gets lost along the way. But not for this one. I found myself wanting to listen and find out what was going to happen next. I definitely didn't see the ending coming. I can't wait to see what Book 2 in the series has in store.
Wasp's Nest (Roma Series Book 2)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Wasp Nest is a complicated scheme for what you learn from this. There is a professional assassin out the kill a few targets. We also meet some new friends along the way. Again who is Loki? What does Rendition want?

We are back in the United States with Bianca. Her friends show up in a few days laters. Things go from okay to creepy. This book really gave me the creeps and still was good. I enjoyed it none the less but think you can not be creepy out by how it goes.

I am still trying to figure out who Loki is and what exactly Rendition wants her to do. She seems to get the help she needs from this computer person who is named Loki. I will tell you there are lots of deaths. I believe we will see more in the coming books for they seem to all running though Roma Underground.

We find out more about Sergeant and Nasonia Pharmaceutical. I do not want to give away much here for it really bring to life and what this book is about. The author did have me confused, but I also enjoy the story along they way. How is Garnero and Farugia past involved in this all of this. We meet a few new characters and find new friends. There seem to be connection and something else also know as corruptions.

Dana (24 KP) rated The Hearts We Sold in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
The Hearts We Sold
The Hearts We Sold
Emily Lloyd-Jones | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so I got this in one of my Owlcrate boxes and I very much enjoyed it. For some reason, I haven't actually read a lot of the books I have gotten in my boxes, but this cover looked really cool, so I wanted to give it a read.

I loved the opening scene. I mean, come on, if you saw a demon knitting, wouldn't you want to see what is up about it? I know I would. That is what immediately drew me in.

The story itself was very well thought out. I loved the pacing and all of the intricacies in the book itself. The rag tag crew of misfit deal makers was fun. I loved whenever they would just hang out. Granted them actually going on missions was really exciting because you could see all of their skills coming out to play.

Whenever they would interact with their demon, I imagined him like a disgruntled mother figure for some reason. I loved him so much.

The character relationships were awesome. I loved how everyone interacted with one another, especially when it wasn't a romantic interest. (even though I loved those too)

The ending (spoiler) was heartbreaking, but beautiful. I loved it so much even though I cried.

I can definitely say that the crew at Owlcrate did an excellent job picking this book out and I can't wait to actually read more of the books from the boxes!