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Through a free book of day web page I stumbled upon a new to me author named Jessie Evans. Leather and Lace (Lonesome Point Texas) was the first book I’ve ever read by Jessie and can I just say, I will now be reading the rest of the books in her repertoire.
Leather and Lace is book #1 in the Lonesome Point Texas series. The main characters are Mia Sherman and Sawyer Kane. Mia’s family is one of prominence in the community and she recently returned home after a relationship turned bad and failed. Sawyer Kane was new to town coming for work opportunities, having ended a bad relationship recently. Neither was looking to start a new relationship until when they literally run into each other changes that.

Mia’s family has established themselves as solid settlers of Lonesome Point Texas. Mia’s grandmother runs the historic society old town, trying to keep the sightseers coming back to enjoy the history and ghost stories it provides. Mia runs her own lingerie store trying to shed the old stigma of being the town prankster but failing miserably. She just got out of a failed relationship and is just looking to have a little fun with her friends and family. After a night out with friends she decided to have a little fun with the items from her store and panty up the town. She “decorated” her cousin’s yard and while trying to escape detection, ran full force into Sawyer Kane. With a family curse and haunted house in her life this was not what she was looking for.

Sawyer Kane headed to Lonesome Point in place of his uncle who wanted him to check out a possible refurbish project. Trying to find a place to eat one night let him smack dab into Mia Sherman. He wasn’t looking for a new relationship but after their run in he can’t get her out of his mind. Can he convince her to give a relationship a chance, curse be damned.

Throw in a back story of drama, bad relationships and psychotic exes leads them toward each other and questioning getting involved again. I can’t wait to get further into Lonesome Point and its fun loving residents.
I Couldn't Love You More
I Couldn't Love You More
Esther Freud | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A very confusing book. Timelines all over the place and changing between there different characters meant that I spent most of the first half of the book confused about what was happening and how old certain characters were at that point in the story.

The story follows three women Aoife, Rosaleen and Kate, who are three generations of the same family. Throughout the book Aoife is wondering where her daughter has gone as she seems to have vanished without a trace after coming home one Christmas and then never to be heard from again. Rosaleen has her own secret, that she is pregnant with a married man’s baby and finds herself going to a convent to have her baby, and this book sheds some light on the horrors that unmarried mothers had to suffer before and after giving birth and having their babies taken from them. Kate was adopted and is trying to find out information about her birth mother whilst also trying to cope with her husband who spends most of his time “with the band” and coming back drunk most nights.

The story was an interesting look at how the Catholic Church dealt with expectant mothers who weren’t married, and although you’d think going to a convent for help they would be well looked after, it didn’t work out that way at all. But I did find that it was unnecessarily confusing and jumped around with the timelines quite a lot.

I found myself not wanting to sit down and carry on with the book, but I did persevere with it because I wanted to know how it turned out. The writing was beautiful and some of the descriptions really did make you feel like you were there. The ending seemed quite rushed and after 95% of the book being emotional and there not seeming like there would be a happy ending, the last few pages of the book seemed to solve everything quickly. It would have been nice to have a few more pages around that and questions answered around whether Aoife ever found out what happened to her daughter.

Thank you to Esther and Pigeonhole for allowing me to read this book in return for an honest review.
Echoes ( Remington Carter book 1)
Echoes ( Remington Carter book 1)
Emma Cole | 2021
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
125 of 250
Echoes (Remington Carter boom 1)
By Emma Cole

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

When well-laid plans for college went awry, twenty-year-old Remi took it in stride. With events beyond her control taking place and familial responsibility to fulfill, she did the best she could and waited patiently for her turn.
Now, two years later and back on track, albeit a little later than she’d hoped, things are finally looking up. That is until an unforeseen circumstance arises. A flooding in her dorm building has put her into a unique situation that could be just the push she needs to take a chance on the up-and-coming football star that has taken a serious interest in her.
With elements from her past coming back for round two, will Remi be able to juggle it all?
Find out in this first installment of the Remington Carter Series.

I was a not sure I’d enjoy this but I ended up really liking it. It’s very straight forward and slightly predictable but it’s a very good base and well written. Main character is likeable and not annoying which is a good start! For the the first book in the series it’s promising.
Dares, Lies & Gemini's
Dares, Lies & Gemini's
Kat Alexander | 2018 | Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unpredictable twist (0 more)
This book was incredible
Tristana and Peter live as roommates in a boarding house in Virginia. When they first meet, there is an instant connection between the two. Tristana, though, is too involved in her work and Peter is still working out issues of his own after the death of his brother.

Seraphina is a club girl who likes going out and finding the bad boys. Men that are willing to cheat to have a piece of her. Nathan stand on the sideline and watches her, trying to figure out why she is doing this to herself. But he is always there to step in in case there is a problem.

Will these couples ever get their lives together in order to be much happier as partners instead of singles? Will Tristana be able to break out of her shell around Peter? Will Nathan ever reveal himself to Seraphina and tell her his true feelings?

Thank you to Kat Alexander for the opportunity to read and review this book. She is now on my list of authors whose books I'm going to get without reading the description.

I was hooked on this story from the start. The characters are intriguing and I could totally identify with Seraphina. I was very anxious to find out what was going to happen with these characters. Then about half way through the book BOOM!!! The atomic bomb was dropped on the whole story. Usually when reading book, you know a twist is going to come or you can guess what is going to happen next. I didn't see this coming at all!! From that point on, nothing in life mattered except finding out what was going to happen next.

I can't say much more without giving away spoilers, but if you like a romantic novel with a huge twist, pick up this book today.
Creed II (2018)
Creed II (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sport
Dripping with nostalgia
Creed finally becomes WBC champion. Now a new challenge is forthcoming. The son of the man who killed his father has become a boxer as well and wants to take on Creed. His father's loss to Rocky sent his father down a downward spiral losing face with the State and having his mother leave him so he is out for revenge.

Creed has to again wrestle with his own emotions about the death of his famous father and also still wanting to get out of his shadow and strike his own course.

After the initial brawl ends in controversy, Creed is beaten physically and emotionally. He becomes engaged and also finds out he is going to have a child which changes his perspective on life and helps him try and flush out what is important to him.

His pal Rocky is torn as to stay with Creed as this brings out old memories for him as well and also the desire to maybe reconnect with his estranged son. He doesn't want Creed to fight for the wrong reasons.

Michael B Jordan really comes into his own in this film and displays not only intense physical prowess, but emotional range and muscles as well.

The film hits all the usual notes you have seen countless times in the Rocky/Creed franchise. If you have been a lifelong fan or coming to the film just during the Creed portion, the nostalgia of seeing Dolph Lundgren (who couldn't act his way out of a paper bag) and Rocky in the ring together again this time alongside their proteges in the ring is exciting and worth the reteam.

The boxing scenes are very well done; however, so are the slower emotional scenes which is really what the film is about. The relationships and bonds we all need and search for our entire lives.

Well worth it.

The Breakdown
The Breakdown
B.A. Paris | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ok, so I never saw the twist coming.

This story is crafted so well, and kept me so engaged, that it was hard to put the book down. The entire time, I felt so bad for Cass - what must it be like to forget things like how to use the washing machine or the microwave? Terrifying, I imagine. To feel like you're losing your mind, and then to find out you were being gas-lighted all along by the two people you love most in the world?

I felt vindicated right along with her when the truth came out and she got some measure of revenge on her husband and best friend - both of whom are just terrible, terrible people and deserve every ounce of it. In truth, the actual "murder mystery" part of the story was entirely secondary for me, as I was completely wrapped up in what was happening to Cass.

Thank you to SheSpeaks and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this book!
Sliding Doors (1998)
Sliding Doors (1998)
1998 | Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi
7.0 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
An enjoyable romcom
I’m ashamed to admit that despite this film coming out in 1997, I’ve never seen it until now. Probably with good reason, as it had me bawling my eyes out by the end. This is your typical British romcom, with a lot of heart, humour and some seriously sad moments. It has a great cast, I adore John Hannah and it’s always good to see him in a lead role in a romcom, especially as he isn’t your typical leading man. But who can resist a charming, funny Scot? I also realised that I've not really seen many Gwyneth Paltrow films and she’s actually a lovely and very engaging lead, even though her English accent is a little dodgy at times.

The plot itself isn’t that of your usual typical romcom and I love the unique way of telling two versions of the same story, set apart simply by the small act of missing a train. It’s a great heartwarming and smart film, even if it is sadly showing it’s age now!