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Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Bone Clocks in Books

Dec 29, 2017  
The Bone Clocks
The Bone Clocks
David Mitchell | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a very unusual book. Not quite in the realms of Cloud Atlas, but it’s still a strange and interesting read.

This is unusual because it starts off as a character driven life story, and a very good one at that, with a few odd snippets of a underlying fantasy subplot that create quite a lot of intrigue. Even when the focus of a chapter shifts to a different main character, it doesn’t lose the interest and great writing. It shows a great take on a dystopian future and it’s almost disturbing to read as it’s a future most of us could imagine coming true.

It’s also unusual as the main fantasy subplot isn’t fully revealed until well over two thirds of the way through the book. But for me, this is where the problem starts as the fantasy strands turn out to be the main plot and it’s a bit of a letdown. It isn’t complete nonsense, it just seems very overcomplicated and out of place with the rest of the novel. Parts of it could have worked well, but it has perhaps been a little overthought.

Alison Pink (7 KP) rated Bel Canto in Books

Jan 15, 2018  
Bel Canto
Bel Canto
Ann Patchett | 2001 | Fiction & Poetry
9.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a book unlike any I have ever read before. It seems like nothing much happens, yet I found myself sucked into the story & completely invested in how the characters would come out of the story. It was incredibly realistic, but at the same time so unbelievable & so romantic!
Bel Canto tells the story of a a birthday party for a captain of Japanese industry. That party is thrown in a Central American country better known for it's drugs than much else. The Japanese man is coaxed into coming to the party because he is a HUGE opera fan & his favorite soprano will be performing. As soon as Roxanne Coss finishes her last scheduled aria the lights go out & in pound soldiers looking to kidnap the president. Of course the president isn't there as he decided to stay home to watch his TV show!
From there, the story tells of the captivity of the hostages (guests at the party) & their captors. Relationships begin to flourish after the initial shock wears off. The book tells the story of this captivity & eventually it's tragic & heartbreaking conclusion.

Alison Pink (7 KP) rated Spilled Blood in Books

Jan 15, 2018  
Spilled Blood
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I won an ARC of this book from First Reads.
This is the first Brian Freeman book I've ever read. Now that I'm done with it I feel like I've been missing out on a fantastic author! This book was so well written! It had colorful but realistic & well developed characters. The suspense was top notch. The conclusion was fast paced & 1 that I did not see coming in the least. So many books like this turn out to be too predictable. Thankfully this one was not!
Spilled Blood tells the story of Olivia Hawk, a high schooler who is arrested for murdering another high school girl. The evidence points strongly to her, both in the physical evidence from the scene & from the gossip around town. In sweeps her dad, a lawyer, who beings to slowly unravel the mysteries of the crime while struggling with the ever present, "Did she do it?" question. I hate to say much more than that for fear of ruining a fantastic plot!
This book had action, mystery, big companies, cancer, cover-ups, and bombs all covered yet still managed to throw in a good romance without feeling forced. This was an AMAZING read!!
Margaret Cho: PsyCHO (2015)
2015 |
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
she isn't as funny as she use to be
Contains spoilers, click to show
Is it me or has Margaret Cho lost her "funny"? It seems to me that over the course of the last few years that she has become less funny and more mainstream.

Before during with her stand up it was more edgy and hard hitting and funny. Most of her comedy from pre 2003 was amazing and insightful. But now it feels like she just gets on stage and drones on for however long she has been booked.

There were parts of this stand up that were funny, but for the most part it was like sitting in a class waiting for the bell to ring.

Through out her career she has undergone many changes, from coming out to weight loss. And before her comedy reflected the funnier aspects of her life, but now is kind of a sad dribble of what she once was. Don't get me wrong, I will continue to watch her stand up routine in hopes of her making me laugh like she once did. But for right now I don't find her all that funny any more.
Secrets of Cavendon
Secrets of Cavendon
Barbara Taylor Bradford | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you enjoy History or Historical fiction. Secret of Cavendon may be one of the books to pick up. It is book #4 in the series, I think you read it as a standalone if you want to. The plot bring out quite a few romances. One may be dangerous.

We see who the woman of Cavendon are and work together. We seem to learn more about history of the Swanns and Ingram's life. Well as we know we have Alicia, Cecily and Miles and their children. Get action and adventures. We also meet Cecily friends and or business partners.

There change coming and will they be able to stick together though it all? There a murder, heartbreak, drama. Bradford does it all in one book. There seems to be several story lines going on though out he book. They all seem to be teeming from Cavendon. What are secrets of Cavendon that seem to be everyone is worried about. It seems that is in record books.

If you are into British history or want learn a little bit about Britain and London this book is set in that area. You got Earls and Countess in this book.
The Bone Queen (The Books of Pellinor #0.5)
The Bone Queen (The Books of Pellinor #0.5)
Alison Croggon | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I found out The Bone Queen was coming out it was a pleasant surprise. I read the original Pellinor series years ago and have always remembered it as one of my favorite fantasy series. I was originally a bit worried that all these years later this book wouldn't live up to the rest of the series, but I'm happy to report that my fears were unjustified.

The Bone Queen is beautifully written, and something about the writing or perhaps the general world building evokes a feeling very similar to that of The Lord of the Rings, with an emphasis on the ultimate powers of good over evil, even when evil manages to take a terrible toll on the world. Though there is certainly action and plenty of adventure to be had, this book focuses on very human themes of forgiveness and guilt. Cadvan struggles to forgive himself for the irreparable damage one foolish mistake caused, and those around him struggle to do the same.

For those looking for a thoughtful bit of epic fantasy that still manages to have some fun, this is a must read.

Lindsay (1717 KP) rated The Sky Throne in Books

Aug 30, 2018  
The Sky Throne
The Sky Throne
Chris Ledbetter | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Tour: The Sky Throne
Chris Ledbetter is a new author to me. His storytelling is nice and well written. I enjoyed his book “The Sky Throne” a fantasy and mythology book. It tells a story about a young Zeus and somewhat of how he comes to be a Geek God.
Will Zeus and his classmates find out what they are to do? The adventures they take are thrilling. Don is short for “Poseidon”. Is this book to tell the story of ancient Greek or is it more geared towards Modern? You will have to read the book to find out for yourself and decide. Though the story of young Zeus is about ancient Greek and becoming Greek God.
Hypson coming to Create after young Zeus pulls enough pranks to get himself and his best friend expelled from Crete Lower Prep. Will he learn his lesson or will he continue with the pranks? Once his best friend is killed and his mother injured he is sent to Mount Olympus Preparatory Academia. He sent to Mount Olympus Preparatory Academia he as one question “Who is his real Mother”?
Jason X (2001)
Jason X (2001)
2001 | Horror, Sci-Fi
5.4 (24 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Laughably bad
I will readily admit to not being a massive fan of the Friday the 13th sequels, especially not some of the more modern ones, and this is possibly one of the worst sequels there is. All manner of logic or plot continuity disappears out of the window for this one. It’s ridiculous from the very start and just gets more laughable as the film goes on. The cast go from the awful and annoying (most of the ‘students’ who’s names I couldn’t even bring myself to pay attention to), to the boringly average. Even the pairing of Lexa Doig and Lisa Ryder, an Andromeda “reunion” as such despite this coming during the time Andromeda was airing isn’t enough to keep this film being anything other than terrible. Lexa Doig especially is given so little to do in this which is a shame as the beginning makes out like she could be a proper kickass hero. And don’t get me started on Jason’s upgrade later on in the film...

This is one of those films that is so bad it’s vaguely entertaining, but not in a good way.

Versusyours (757 KP) Nov 9, 2019

This brings nothing new to the series or genre. It's truly irredeemable


JT (287 KP) rated Silent House (2011) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Silent House (2011)
Silent House (2011)
2011 | Horror, Mystery
5.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The tag line for The Silent House is “real fear in real time” the main premise being that the film is shot in one continuous take. You can believe it or not and debate how hard it would be to pull off?

Laura (Florencia Colucci) and her father Wilson (Gustavo Alonso) head to an old house with the intention of spending a few days clearing it out as the owner is looking to put it up for sale. Arriving late they settle in for the night, but it’s not long before all hell breaks loose.

With a noise coming from upstairs Wilson goes to investigate but when he comes back down a little worse for wear Laura has to embrace the darkness and avoid the terror within. It’s an exceptional piece of film making which will leave you breathless. There are a few little twists and turns and a great sequence involving a polaroid camera.

Of course Hollywood has capitalized on this success and churned out a pointless remake as they do with most other foreign films. But it’s not as good as this original horror gem.