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Dead Shore
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
58 of 235
Dead Shore
By Jack Rollins

They're coming for you and your child. How fast can you run?
When a group of teenagers mess around with a washed-up dolphin carcass, Karen and her toddler Charlie are caught in a wave of chaos and violence as one by one the residents of Ashmouth fall prey to a deadly virus, transforming them into relentless, violent zombies. Allying herself with Dean, one of the teenage boys, Karen must stay strong and alert as the world she knows crumbles around her and there appears to be no way out. Is the village doomed, and will this zombie outbreak remain contained?

A quick burst of zombie action well written but not much different to what we normally read, except these zombies seem to have a plan.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Before I Fall in Books

Jan 10, 2018  
Before I Fall
Before I Fall
Lauren Oliver | 2017 | Children
7.6 (60 Ratings)
Book Rating
Compelling main character (0 more)
I think I would have enjoyed this book even more if it wasn't coming on the heels of me reading several other tragic YA books about teenagers dying (including The In Between and If I Stay). I sort of felt bludgeoned by the senseless tragedy of it all - perhaps I need to get out more?!

Anyway, the book follows the main character Sam, who dies in a car crash one night after a party. However, she finds herself reliving that day over and over (think Groundhog Day) for some reason and has to figure out how to make it stop. It's a rather weird premise and the way she finally breaks out sort of bothers me, so I felt a little deflated at the end.

That being said, I really liked Sam. She's a compelling character. Also refreshing is the fact that Sam and her gaggle of friends are the popular kids, on top of the pyramid at school. It's a change of pace from the usual romantics and geeks that show up in YA novels. (It does, however, make me 110% terrified for my children to reach high school.) As Sam starts to realize her own mean girl status-- and that of her friends--Oliver sets up a good message about high school and friendship. Not sure it would be readily apparently to every teen reading the novel, but I appreciate the effort.
Conversations With A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes
Conversations With A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes
2019 | Crime, Documentary
After the huge hype about a new movie coming out called Ted Bundy featuring Zac Efron of course there was going to be a mass calling for more information on the serial killer. So when on Netflix they said they were doing a series on unseen and unheard clips of Ted Bundy then I, like many, were pulled in ready to be wowed.
I was left a little underwhelmed and a bit dissapointed to be honest. I think I was expecting more drama or something we hadn't ever heard about Ted Bundy, but if you had already done your research (or even Wikipedia'ed him) then this TV series didn't really give you much more.
The first few episodes I felt were very slow and didn't really hold my attention but through perseverance I kept with the show till the end.
It was interesting and hearing and seeing actual witnesses and people from Ted Bundy's life was certainly one plus to watching this series and an interesting input and out look on the serial killer.
What most fascinated me was the fact that police ended up going to Ted Bundy and asking him to help them solve other Serial Killer murders, that was possibly the most eye-opening through out this.

An interesting series if you haven't seen or heard about Ted Bundy and a clever outlook to the Serial Killer, but over all not a winner in my eyes.