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In a New York Minute
In a New York Minute
Felice Stevens | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
IN A NEW YORK MINUTE is a standalone with a couple of cameos but nothing that would confuse you. It is a sweet and tender story of grown-up problems and mature responses. I simply adored this story from start to finish.

Both Garrett and Remi have their own baggage but they don't just jump off the deep end when something happens they didn't expect. They pass the time until they are able to speak privately and then work it out. I'm not saying it's all easy but communication does make things easier.

Bubbe and Grandpa Sol are both outstanding characters and I would love to see more of them. Pringle was an excellent example of prejudice that is still around today, even if the bloody Pringles catchphrase leapt into my head every time I saw his name. For him, it was certainly a case of "once you pop, you just can't stop." I really hope he got his comeuppance. Jeffrey stole my heart and I honestly NEED for them to get their story. All of the other characters are fantastic though, whether you like them or not.

A fantastic addition to Felice Steven's repertoire that I have no hesitation in recommending. Absolutely brilliant!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 22, 2023
Thirteen Reasons Why
Thirteen Reasons Why
Jay Asher | 2009 | Children
8.4 (49 Ratings)
Book Rating
Listening to this as a audio book makes you feel like you are a part of the list as well which makes it that much more emotional.

I held off on reading this book for the longest time. From what I had surmised from people talking to me about it, I thought it was almost promoting suicide. And while it talks about suicide, there is no promoting at all.

This book is focusing on human connection and how much just being there can help change a person's plans. It fosters communication and will (since the Netflix adaptation) be able to be used more in high school settings to get people to understand the repercussions of bullying.

I can say with certainty that I very much enjoyed this book. Yes, it was hard to read, mainly because I knew how it was going to end, but I think it was necessary for me to read as well. The raw emotion that Asher is able to bring into the story was very powerful and beautiful.

The characters were all very complex. Hannah, while calling people out on their actions, still tried to give multiple sides to the story. Clay is able to stand in for the readers when he talks to Hannah through the recording. We get to see his side of Hannah, things that she cannot admit to or see herself.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and I highly recommend it if you have not read it yourself.
Networking Thoughtfully: The 30 Minute Read That Could Change Your Life
Networking Thoughtfully: The 30 Minute Read That Could Change Your Life
M. Wheadon | 2017 | Business & Finance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you the kind of person that struggles with networking? Do you have to strain to come up with satisfactory conversation starters? Is making business deals with other people something you find challenging? Then Networking Thoughtfully is exactly what you need. This short book by Martin Wheadon is a guide for people who need to build relationships but do not know where to start. With simple points, Wheadon takes readers through a step-by-step process to help achieve positive results.

With over thirty thoughts, the reader is taken through clever ideas to boost their confidence and communication skills. The advice is written clearly, accompanied with examples to help get the most of the author's guidance. The tone of the writing is almost conversational, resulting in the sense that the author understands your anxieties and is talking from personal experience.

Although written with business gain at the forefront, Networking Thoughtfully can also be used to aid personal development. Learning how to start conversations and come up with ways to introduce yourself is beneficial when meeting new people regardless of the circumstances.

The book itself is set out neatly making it easy to follow. It is also easy to dip in and out, reading only the parts relevant to yourself, though if you wish to read it cover to cover it will only take half an hour.

Whether you are new to networking or want to improve your skills, Networking Thoughtfully is an excellent book to read. You are guaranteed to learn something new and develop techniques that benefit both your business and yourself.

Sarah (7799 KP) rated R.I.P.D. (2013) in Movies

Oct 24, 2018  
R.I.P.D. (2013)
R.I.P.D. (2013)
2013 | Action, Comedy
So bad it’s actually vaguely enjoyable
I remember watching this when it first came out at the cinema and I wasn’t particularly impressed, however on watching it again recently I can admit that this is definitely one of those films that’s so bad it’s actually quite entertaining. Mostly due to Jeff Bridges.

Let’s start with this obvious: I know this is based on a comic, but this is such a blatant rip off of Men in Black, it’s just a shame it comes off as a much poorer relation. Everything about this from the plot progression to the deados just echoes MIB, and that’s high expectations to live up to.
The main humour from this film comes from how the characters look normally versus how they appear in the real world, which admittedly is pretty hilarious but this is the only decent attempt at humour. The plot is completely dull and the Kevin Bacon as the villain is uninteresting too. The special effects are surprisingly good in parts, but then ruined by the downright terrible effects used on the deados. The true saviours of this film are Jeff Bridges and Ryan Reynolds. The relationship and communication between their characters is the most entertaining thing about this film and Jeff Bridges is in fine form hamming it up to the max as Roy. He may be going a little over the top, but it’s damn funny to watch. Just a shame they couldn’t have put more effort into the rest of the story.

LeftSideCut (3776 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Dead by Daylight in Video Games

Jun 20, 2019  
Dead by Daylight
Dead by Daylight
2016 | Action
A hugely enjoyable, and often frustrating, horror multiplayer
I'll admit first off, that I've put a truly unhealthy amount of hours into Dead By Daylight - I imagine at this point, it's probably around the 700-800 hour mark - certainly enough to have a pretty solid idea of how the game works, and I'll say this - this game is as fun as you make it, and the most important part of that statement is friends.

Communication in DBD is key, and unfortunately, the game is subject to very douchebag-ways of playing (on both the killer and the survivor side).
Playing as one of four survivors can be incredibly frustrating, so jumping in with three friends is an easy fix - and when you're having fun, DBD is an absolute blast, a nice blend of scares, tension, action and teamwork.

Playing as a killer can also be heaps of fun, especially since a number of horror icons have been added as DLC (Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, Leatherface, The Pig from Saw, Ghostface), and they sit nicely alongside a humble roster of original killer characters, all with unique powers and perks, that make playing as them, and surviving against them, into an exciting mix of tactics and gameplay.

DBD does seem to have issues with bugs and glitches fairly regularly, but on the flip side, there are also regular patches and updates, from a Dev team that listen to their player base more often than not.

If you love horror games, the I implore you to get involved.

Dean (6927 KP) Jun 21, 2019

I actually have this downloaded but not got round to playing it yet. Friday the 13th the game is very good, also with some downsides but good fun.


LeftSideCut (3776 KP) Jun 21, 2019

I was obsessed with Friday the 13th for good 6-7 months after it released but to be honest, as soon as so started playing DBD, I played Friday less and less. When the Devs stopped adding content, it was pretty much game over for me. I still hop on every now and again. But again, a game best played with friends!

Alien: River of Pain
Alien: River of Pain
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second (or is it third? Audible has it 2nd, but I've also seen it called #3? Maybe 3rd produced, but 2nd set?) of - currently - 3 canon Alien novels, this takes part largely alongside the early parts of the movie Aliens, cutting back and forth between Ripley and the inhabitants of the colony of Hadley's Hope.

Remember I said alongside the start of Aliens? To put that into context, this is - largely - filling in the gaps in the movie, between the point at which Ripley's escape pod is picked up, and the arrival of the Marines (and Ripley, and Burke) to that colony, after all communication with it is lost. As such, there are several scenes in here which are lifted straight from that movie, with some - slightly - expanded upon.

It also gives a reason why Newt is the only survivor found hiding in the air-ducts ("They mostly come at night. Mostly"), why there's Alien Face-huggers in jars in the colony, why the marines are so hyped up when we first meet them in the film (they're just back from R&R), and even why Newt's family went out prospecting in the first place.

Worth a read/listen? Yes, although I have to say that there are elements of this that reminded me quite a bit of the 90s comic/novel "Aliens: Nightmare Asylum" - especially in some of the characters - and that it just seems weird, now, that the presence of Marines on the planetoid, pre Ripley and co, are never mentioned at all!
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