Cultural Science: A Natural History of Stories, Demes, Knowledge and Innovation
Cultural Science introduces a new way of thinking about culture. Adopting an evolutionary and...

Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination
Mary E. Kite and Bernard E. Whitley
The Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination provides a comprehensive and compelling overview of...

Clinical Medicine of the Dog and Cat
Michael Schaer and Frederic P. Gaschen
Prior to publication of the first edition of Clinical Medicine of the Dog and Cat, no other...

A User's Guide to Copyright
Tom Rivers, Clive Thorne, Jonathan Cornthwaite and Michael Flint
A User's Guide to Copyright, 7th edition is long established as one of the key texts in the field....

iKentoo Point of Sale
The iPad® Point of Sale System for Hospitality Entrepreneurs. iKentoo is the most advanced...

Project Gantt - Plan to do & Project Management
Lifestyle and Games
Project Expert is designed to help you visualize, maintain, and simplify your projects. — EASY...

Dicionário Michaelis Português
Reference and Education
▶▶▶ COMPLETELY REVIEWED, UPDATED AND EXPANDED! ◀◀◀ The "Michaelis Moderno Dicionário...

GPS Tracker | GPS tracking by trackOmeter
Social Networking and Utilities
GPS Tracker makes GPS Tracking fun and easy for the whole family. - Install on as many devices as...

Beacon Technologies: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Beacosystem: 2016
Stephen Statler, Anke Audenaert, John Coombs and Theresa Mary Gordon
Learn the key standards-iBeacon, Eddystone, Bluetooth 4.0, and AltBeacon-and how they work with...

Unix: The Textbook
Syed Mansoor Sarwar and Robert M. Koretsky
UNIX: The Textbook, Third Edition provides a comprehensive introduction to the modern,...