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Gareth von Kallenbach (980 KP) rated Bravetown (2015) in Movies
Aug 6, 2019
‘Bravetown’ stars Lucas Till as Josh Harvest. A rising star and one of the best club DJ’s in the New York music scene. Night after night his music draws friends, crowds, promoters, and record producers looking to sign him. By day he sleeps and watches ‘Platoon’ when he’s not skipping school. Just as suddenly as the music starts spinning it all comes crashing down though when Josh overdoses one night and is raced to the hospital. After a confrontation with his mother (Maria Bello) and faced with the alternative choice of arrest and imprisonment,
Josh agrees to be sentenced to court ordered rehab and is sent from the mad streets of New York City to a small town in North Dakota to live with his father.
After the culture shock of going from the ‘city that never sleeps’ to a small town only known for their kids joining the military upon graduation right out of high school and going off to war (many of whom never return) subsides, Josh succumbs to his situation and settles in to his court appointed rehab with Alex (Josh Duhamel) a veteran who’se obsessed with soccer and has a dark past of his own. Sooner or later, everyone’s past catches up to them though .One night after his arrival, Josh’s reputation from New York catches up to him while attending a school dance. Dissatisfied with the music being played, Josh spins one set while the school’s dance team is performing on stage and then abruptly leaves. Unbeknownst to him, a member of the dance team recognized his music, recorded his set which they then used to win a competition.
After reluctantly agreeing to help them, the school’s last place dance team proceeds to win competition after competition and Josh and the dance team’s captain Mary (Kherington Payne). It soon becomes all to clear to Josh though that Mary’s grief is connected to his therapist’s past and that only by confronting it will Mary and Alex be able to come to terms and heal.
There a very few movies that did what this movie his done which is to touch on a subject that very few want to talk about or even acknowledge today in America. The knowledge that most of the people in this country who are sent off to war are young people from small towns or people from low income communities who either have no money to attend college after high school or have no other options for the future except to n the military. Now please don’t misunderstand me. I have nothing but the utmost respect for the men and women who serve and defend our nation and I come from a military family. However, for young people though in the present day …. many really have no other future to look forward too because of the high cost of university or college education. As part of the backstory, this film shines a light on that subject and does so in a respectful way. They way the ‘life in the big city’ merges to that in ‘small town america’ in the movie was done so in such a way that it seems like the two are right next door. As you are watching the film for the first time, the ‘culture shock’ is not so much a ‘shock’ itself but more like a record slowly spinning after the music is over.
Personally, I’m not a fan of any of the dancing shows and movies that have apparently captured the attention of everyone else over the last few years whether it’s ‘Dancing With The Stars’, ‘So You Think You Can Dance?’, ‘Step Up’, ‘Bring It On’, etc. But I freely admit that the dancing in this film was pretty GORRAM awesome and it impressed the heck out of me. The collection of actors and actresses assembled for this film was equally as awesome. Lucas Till (The X-Men Movies), Laura Dern (Jurassic Park), Josh Duhamel (Transformers), and Kherington Payne (True Blood, CSI, Glee) all brought their own serious brand of acting to this film and they don’t disappoint. There no war flashbacks, no car chases, and only one violent scene in the movie. All the action in the movie centers around the music and the brilliantly choreographed dancing. All the drama centers around the characters coming to terms with grief and lose. It’s better than many of the movies you find in theaters right now. Try to find ‘Bravetown’ between all the blockbusters that start hitting theaters in May. Trust me, it’s worth the view and if you can’t find it in theaters, order it online. I’m going this one 4 out of 5 stars. It clocks in at 112 minutes, but it’s worth it.

Sophia (Bookwyrming Thoughts) (530 KP) rated Perfect Harmony in Books
Jan 23, 2020
<h2><em><strong>Perfect Harmony</strong></em><strong> speaks of two things: cuteness and music.</strong></h2>
In fact, it is probably the embodiment of a dream my mom once had for me when<strong> </strong>I used to play the violin when I was 10-years-old. Maybe I've mentioned this at one point in my blogging career, who knows. She wanted me to be famous <span style="font-size: 8pt;">(well, actually, she still does)</span> and as a result, I stopped playing after a year because of too much pressure to practice, practice, practice <span style="font-size: 8pt;">(and 10-year-old me probably didn't care about fame more than actually enjoying the instrument itself).</span>
<strong>But I do like the violin when I think about it!</strong> It's such a delicate and tiny instrument making pretty music. But I digress - <em>Perfect Harmony</em> reminded me a lot about my orchestra memories.
<h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>Soooo What Can We Expect From <em>Perfect Harmony?</em></strong></h2>
Because that's the most important question of them all.
<h3>Lots of music!</h3>
Pippa is super passionate about playing the cello - it's become a part of who she is as a person, and if someone takes it away from her, it's like they're taking away her soul. Music to Pippa allows her to express her emotions much like words allow writers to express their emotions. There is not a page that goes by without some reference to music in <em>Perfect Harmony</em>.
<h3>Cuteness (or rather, a cute and fictional boy)!</h3>
Pippa's life seems perfect until she meets her competition in the form of Declan during her senior year, who is just as good at the cello as she is and seems determined to keep her dreams as dreams. Declan is the cutest and sweetest boy ever - omg he did not deserve the harshness of his life. He's a precious cinnamon roll, and I'll keep him forever if Pippa ruins his soul.
<h3>Sometimes there were too many love crises.</h3>
It was hard to keep track who was attracted to who and who was pissing off who deeper into the story. I'm sorry I get confused so easily.
<h3>Friendship! Family! Siblings!</h3>
All of these play a huge role in addition to the musical competition and passion. Since a lot of the characters grew up together or watched each other grow, it was fun to see them get through all the obstacles life throws at them and find their path to each other, whatever it may be.
<h3>Writing that is meh?</h3>
The writing style is why I rated the book lower than I wanted to since I enjoyed the novel. A lot! But it was so hard to look past and see into the book itself because I just didn't like the writing for some reason - maybe it's just me. It is, however, easy and quick to read. It just didn't ring well with my reading preferences.
<a href="" target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>

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Ross (3284 KP) rated Awaken Online: Evolution in Books
Apr 1, 2019
A new adventure awaits as Jason, Riley and Frank travel to try and finish Jason's quest to further his skills of necromancy. This story hinges quite a lot on Retribution, the first side-quest so it is heartily recommended that novella is read first!
The plot in this book starts to centre around the in-game gods, and their competition to regain their powers through a chosen avatar (Jason being the dark one's representative).
The action set pieces of the book once again comes in the form of a dungeon task and really is quite compelling reading for large sections.
While this is a mammoth book, there are no points where the action seems to stall or that could have been cut.
I have marked this book down slightly due to a few annoying quirks of the narrative that have crept in (using the phrase "you all", which I read as "y'all", rather than "you" when spoken by what is supposed to be an authentic medieval character) and a few typos or wrong word choices.