The Search for Planet X
Tabletop Game
At the edge of our solar system, a dark planet may lurk. In 2015, astronomers estimated a large...

The Sixth Man
Andre Iguodala is one of the most admired players in the NBA. And fresh off the Warriors' fifth...

The Evolution of Human Sexuality
Author Donald Symonds examines the differences between men and women in sexual behavior and...

Qualify (The Atlantis Grail, #1)
You have two options. You die, or you Qualify. The year is 2047. An extinction-level asteroid is...
Science Fiction Sci-fi YA Young Adult Atlantis

Viticulture Essential Edition
Tabletop Game Watch
In Viticulture, the players find themselves in the roles of people in rustic, pre-modern Tuscany who...

Murder in an English Glade
Set in a charming English village just after WWI, Jessica Ellicott’s winning series returns to the...

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2273 KP) rated Bake Offed in Books
Dec 1, 2022 (Updated Dec 1, 2022)
Since the fest is out of town, we don’t see much of the other series regulars, but the series usually focuses on Val and Granddad, so it’s not too big of a loss. This also gives us plenty of time to get to know the new characters, who rise to the occasion. And there is a return appearance by a character from early in the series that is fun. The plot is wonderful. It is intricately plotted, yet it holds together at the end. As someone who complains about the timelines in books when they don’t work, I have to praise this one for holding together perfectly. I got a kick out of the mystery fest setting. The recipes at the end are great fun as well, but I’ll leave that for you to explore on your own. Fans of the series will be happy with this book. If you are looking for a fun culinary cozy series, I definitely recommend you check this one out.

Flaming Bags of Crap and the Rarity of Clarity: Not Your Mother's Romantic Comedy
What’s worse? To want something desperately but never be able to have it or to have it but feel as...

Goddess in the Stacks (553 KP) rated The Crown's Fate in Books
Sep 7, 2017
The two books tell the story of two enchanters in Tsarist Russia competing to become Imperial Enchanter. The competition, unfortunately, must end in the death of one of them, so Russia’s magic can be solely controlled by the Imperial Enchanter, and therefore be stronger for defending the realm. It only complicates things that one of the competitors is the heir to the throne’s best friend. And what happens when the two competitors fall in love?
Along the way, we see creative enchantments, volcano nymphs, elegant masquerade balls, battles for succession, and a quick glimpse of Baba Yaga’s house. (Oh, how I want to learn more about that!)
These two books are really amazing, but make sure you have the second on hand before you finish the first! I read the first when it was published, last year, and had to wait a year before being able to read the second! I don’t know if Vika and Nikolai’s story will be continued past these two books, but there is room in the world Skye has created for more stories, even if it doesn’t focus on the two enchanters. Especially now that magic beyond the control of the Imperial Enchanter is stirring in the land once again…
You can find all of my reviews at http://goddessinthestacks.wordpress.com

Goddess in the Stacks (553 KP) rated Rebel of the Sands in Books
May 19, 2018 (Updated May 19, 2018)
The country is definitely middle-east inspired, but there's a lot of religion-bashing, and complaining about the culture oppressing women. It's the same problem I have with a lot of knight-and-castle era fantasy - just because historically in OUR world those time periods weren't kind to women, doesn't mean they have to be the same in fantasy. It's FANTASY! It can be anything you want! Break the tropes! It's a fine line to walk, taking the good parts of a culture without just cherry-picking and appropriating the culture, and who's judging what the good and bad parts are, anyway? So I understand it's difficult, but bashing the culture in a book inspired by their mythology is not quite cool, either. I feel like City of Brass, another fantasy book set in the middle east, hit a better middle ground of embracing the culture of the inspiration without bashing parts of it.
That gripe aside, I really enjoyed the world-building. I'm not quite sold on the characters yet - Amani is far too quick to abandon things she should fight for - but I'm interested enough to see how they progress in the next two books.
You can find all my reviews at http://goddessinthestacks.wordpress.com