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Entertainment Editor (1988 KP) created a video about Wonder Wheel (2017) in Movies

Nov 6, 2017  

Wonder Wheel – Official Trailer | Amazon Studios

WONDER WHEEL tells the story of four characters whose lives intertwine amid the hustle and bustle of the Coney Island amusement park in the 1950s.


Chris Hooker (419 KP) rated Dreamland in Books

Jan 12, 2018  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dreamland captures what it was like to be in the Guilded Age but not rich. He weaves the chracters within the setting of New York City and Coney Island just as a master would weave a tapestry. The combination of shirtwaist workers, gamblers, and gangsters makes this an enjoyable read. It can get a bit confusing but if you know anything about New York at this time life was always a bit confusing and harried.
Nancy Bilyeau | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
In 1911, the wealthy Battenberg family are off to stay the summer in Coney Island, which was at the time, the home to a set of amusement parks that had something for everyone, from swimming on its beaches to roller coaster rides. This historical fiction novel looks at this spot during its heyday, and witnesses its destruction. You can read my #bookreview of "Dreamland" by Nancy Bilyeau here.

ClareR (5589 KP) rated Dreamland in Books

Feb 5, 2020  
Nancy Bilyeau | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dreamland is set in 1911, the year of a heatwave in New York. Peggy Batternberg, a wealthy heiress, is forced to spend the summer at the exclusive Oriental Hotel on Coney Island. She would rather work at the Moonrise Bookstore and keep her distance from her controlling family. Even though she’s not allowed to go to the fairgrounds on Coney Island on her own, she does go there with her brother and male cousins. After an argument, they become separated, and Peggy is able to explore Dreamland (the fairground) alone. She meets a poor artist, Stefan, and falls in love with him and his art.

But when dead women start turning up and Stefan is under suspicion, Peggy realises that the culprit may be closer than she realises (and not Stefan!). She decides that she has to be the one to find out who has murdered these women. In doing so, she discovers the dark side of her family.

I really enjoyed this - the descriptions were so good, and really illustrated the vast difference between the exclusive, luxurious hotels and the fairgrounds, the wealth of Peggy’s family and the poverty of the fairground workers.
Henry Taul, Peggy’s sisters fiancé and her ex-boyfriend, really is an unpleasant piece of work, and his mother is awful - a great example of ‘new money’ and how they clearly don’t know how to conduct themselves (ok, I’m saying this with a little ‘tongue in cheek’). Unlike the more staid (on the surface) Batternbergs!

The descriptions of Coney Island so evocative, that I could have been there, and the photos that the author had taken and posted on The Pigeonhole really added to this.

I must have changed my mind about the identity of the murderer at least half a dozen times , and it really did take me until the end and the big reveal to be sure!

A thoroughly enjoyable serialisation by The Pigeonhole, made even better by the authors participation.
The Change 2: New York: The Queen of Coney Island
The Change 2: New York: The Queen of Coney Island
Guy Adams | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Very odd
The second book adds no real substance to what exactly happened in "The Change", I think I am just going to have to accept that "things changed".
In the first New York book, we meet Grace, who is trying to reunite with her brother, an inmate of Rikers before The Change. Trying to get safe passage up the Hudson river, she has to ask the Queen of Coney Island for a boat and permission. On the way to do so, she meets up with God (as you do), and enters the former Coney Island amusement park. It is populated with odd people and creatures, some of whom are real, some of whom are formerly real and brought back to life due to the change, others are physical embodiments of ideas and film characters.
Grace and God are given a seemingly simple task to achieve before being given safe passage, but it inevitably turns out to be a very difficult and dangerous one.
The book has a very different feel to the first, London-based one, with a very odd Alice in Wonderland feel to it, with crazy characters helping the one seemingly normal one to her goal.
The one thing that is consistent with the London book is the feeling of wanting more at the end. This time the character had a goal and (spoiler alert) she didn't achieve it by the end of the book.
Coney Island Baby by Lou Reed
Coney Island Baby by Lou Reed
1976 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Coney Island Baby by Lou Reed

(0 Ratings)


"This is from Lou Reed’s sixth solo record Coney Island Baby, which was released in 1975. Whenever this song comes on it has this incredible ability to transport me back to a specific car journey; I was nine years old and I was being driven to Heathrow in the back of my Dad's car. “My parents had recently separated, and I was living with my Mum in France. I had to fly back to the UK for hospital operations, which is why Dad was driving me to the airport, to fly home to France. Nine years old is quite young to fly on your own, and I remember it being a traumatic experience to say goodbye to one parent and then fly across what felt like an entire ocean, especially after surgery. “On this occasion my Dad had Lou Reed playing and “Coney Island Baby” came on. I was too young to understand the lyrics, but I felt them. I received the sentiment of the song even in my tiny child mind. It cut through everything in that moment - I can still smell the leather of the car seats, I can still taste the tears rolling down my cheek and still see the tears on my Dad’s face in the rear-view mirror. I actually usually skip this song when it comes on, because it’s almost too much to be transported back into that sort of pain. “As a lyricist, I really scrutinize lyrics and I always try and follow the story when I listen to music. When I fall in love with an artist, I’m always Googling the lyrics and trying to work out the various meanings and duality behind the words. With a song like this, which I discovered when I was so young, the lyrics are almost unimportant. It’s more about the feeling that they convey. “There probably is a narrative there, but when I listen to the song its lost on me. I’m absorbed by the feeling of being in that car."


Gordon Gano recommended track Crazy Feeling by Lou Reed in Coney Island Baby by Lou Reed in Music (curated)

Coney Island Baby by Lou Reed
Coney Island Baby by Lou Reed
1976 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Crazy Feeling by Lou Reed

(0 Ratings)


"I love that whole album, Coney Island Baby, I like the whole way that album was done. It’s got a cooler, very studio thing going on with all these ‘Oohs’ and ‘Ahh’s’ on the vocals all over the place. “With ‘Crazy Feeling’, I can’t be sure, but I think I heard it on the radio when it first came out. I think I was going to kindergarten somewhere; that was the ‘60s for me! I heard that ‘bum, bum, bum’, that sort of that chiming thing that goes on, and I really liked it and the sound of the guy’s voice singing. “At this point, it could’ve been a vivid dream that I’m remembering, but I think it actually was that song that I heard that on the radio and mixed in with everything else it caught my ear, at whatever age I was, whenever that song might’ve gotten a couple plays on a radio station. We would’ve been listening to a New York station at that time, living in Connecticut, or a Connecticut station"
