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I have been looking forward to The Reluctant Duchess since the moment I finished book one, The Lost Heiress! As the mystery of the Fire Eyes continues, we will follow Lady Rowena on her journey of faith and love.

About the Book
By the year 1912, Lady Rowena has suffered much and is determined to flee the terrors of her life in the Highlands of Scotland. Yet she reluctant to submit to the schemes designed for her escape. In a rather unconventional way, Brice Myerston, the Duke of Nottingham, sweeps in and saves her from a daunting future. With the Duke, Lady Rowena has the chance of a new life, new love and a new hope that she never thought possible. (Please tell me I am not the only one who started humming the Star Wars theme song just now.) Yet she is plagued with nightmares of the past. Afraid that she will never be worthy, convinced that no one could care about her. Rowena also discovers that Brice is involved with a treasure that brings sorrow wherever it goes. Will Brice be able to help her see the true worth and the beauty that lies within her? Will she find her confidence, her voice and maybe fall in love along the way? Can they overcome the "curse" of the Fire Eyes, together?

"Be whoever you want to be, and be it with confidence."
- The Reluctant Duchess (page 156)
My Thoughts
While I have no personal understanding of the exact situation that Lady Rowena experiences, I know full well the horror of emotional trauma. I avoid talking about our experience in my reviews because, books are my escape. I didn't want the stress, the
trauma, to slip into my posts. But after reading this book, I felt that I needed to share just a little bit. We have been through a lot with our son (medically) since he was born two years ago. He underwent a lifesaving Bone Marrow Transplant (non cancerous diagnosis) at 9 weeks old and everything that goes along with that: being isolated because he is immune suppressed, constant doctor visits, being hospitalized with even the slightest hint of a fever and so much more. Thankfully we are now at the tail end of our journey. He made it through his first cold and was not hospitalized! (Although he had a quick visit to the E.R. per his protocol.) But the effects of the last two years remain. For me, the thought of having to spend the night in the hospital with my son has brought on severe anxiety. Going shopping alone is a real challenge for me as well. While this may seem trivial to some, it is very real for me. What Rowena undergoes, and what I have experienced ( although different triggers) can be explained as PTSD. Because of this, I feel it only fair to give a heads up that separate from Rowena's experience, there is a heart wrenching circumstance near the end of the book that involves a child. I was caught quite off guard with it and know that can be a sensitive subject. This book was a very hard read for me emotionally. It is not a comedy, however I did laugh out loud a couple of times. Love, faith, hope and joy can be found in The Reluctant Duchess as well. I love Brice's faith, that he is actively listening to God in every situation. He acts on the voice he hears, and even though he may misinterpret the words on occasion, he does not let the condensation of his peers sway his faith. Overall, I really enjoyed this second book in Ladies of the Manor. Because it helped me to see myself in a new light. Roseanna captured the essence of the story beautifully. I absolutely LOVE her use of accents throughout the dialogue. All through the story we are reminded of the truth: Where LIGHT is, darkness cannot abide. Do not let the fear of the past distort your view of the future. I understand first hand the effects that can linger after a traumatic experience. But please, do not suffer in silence. Reach out to those who love you. And find hope for the future.

Brice ducked his head a bit, caught her gaze.
"And if you really want to spite them, do you know what you should do?"
He leaned closer, pitched his voice low.
"Thrive. Be happy."
- The Reluctant Duchess (page 156)

I received a free print copy of The Reluctant Duchess from Bethany House Publishers, through Celebrate Lit, in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Dare to Surrender
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had no idea what I was expecting when I was picked up this book. I was fascinated by it from the very beginning. The description states that the plotline consists of Joy, an art curator who becomes sexually infatuated with erotic photographer Ash Hunter. From the beginning, the two have such sexual frustration between each other, that you can chew it. It’s so convenient that Joy needs Ash’s work for her gallery, which constantly throws the two together. The novel also follows Joy’s best friend Erica, who is a culinary student, and her evolving relationship with a fellow student named Blaine.

I loved everything to do with this novel. It was the first erotic novel that I ever felt connected to. There were so many parallels between it in my own life that I found myself more emtionally involved with it than I should have been. First, Joy is an art curator while I am an art student trying to earn a degree to be an art curator. Erica, Joy’s best friend, is an culinary student, and my best friend is months from graduating from culinary school. One of the main themes of the novel is Joy’s lack of confidence in her appearance. Joy is one of those woman who can’t stand her extra pounds. She sees herself as unattractive just because she is not as skinny as her grandmother tells her she should be. In fact, I wanted to strangle Joy’s obnoxious grandmother who downed Joy in every way possible.

Even if I hadn’t connected with this book, I still would have loved it. The erotic scenes were hot and tastefully done. I could have done without the dirty dialogue, however. Dirty talk and foul language always sound awkward when read. It may be attractive in the bedroom, but not in my literature. Other than that, they were phenomenal. Especially the ones between Erica and Blaine. Besides that, I felt the characters had real depth to them and were actually interesting.
The only disappointment I had with this book was the lack of Erica and Blaine. I wish there had been more scenes with them or that they had their own story. It would have definitely been worth it.
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Marvel Studios has once again launched a new franchise within their expansive Marvel Cinematic Universe with the arrival of “Captain Marvel”. The film tells the origin of the title character (Brie Larson), who struggles with gaps in her memory while serving as a Kree Protector under the supervision of Yon-Rogg (Jude Law).

When things do not go as planned during a mission; the good Captain finds herself on Earth forced to wait for her crew to retrieve her. The gaps in her memory combined with the arrival of the shape-shifting Skrulls are bad enough, but now there is also the arrival of S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) for her to contend with.

Being set in the 90s we get a Fury that has yet to be awakened to what is truly out there so he finds the claims of alien beings a bit hard to grasp until fate pairs him with the Captain who must stop the threat posed by the aliens and unlock the mystery of her missing memories.

While the film takes a while to get going; there is enough action scattered throughout to keep your interest and the finale is a rousing FX showcase that really helps establish the character and delivers what fans expect.

Naturally there is a good amount of humor along the way and the dynamic between Larson and Jackson is very good and I hope we get to see them paired on future Marvel adventures.

The supporting cast of Jude Law, Annette Bening, and Ben Mendelsohn is great and it was nice to see many other characters from past Marvel films appear as younger versions of themselves.

The film had to balance establishing the character and setting up further adventures with making sure audiences understood her importance and why her presence in “Avengers: Endgame” is connected and does so very well.

Larson was amazing in the title role as she portrays a strength and confidence without ever being arrogant but there is also a quick wit and at times; a vulnerability that makes her character more well-rounded than people would expect from a comic based film.

It is amazing to me how Marvel Studios can take some of their lesser known characters and turn them into Box Office gold and their winning formula continues with this entertaining new franchise.
Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015)
Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015)
2015 | Mystery
The filming style, the action scenes, the reality of poverty traps (0 more)
Not showing the mum changing when she moved in with Eggsy (0 more)
Stylish, slick spy caper
Contains spoilers, click to show
I watched this film when it was released in 2015 & thoroughly enjoyed it on tv a night or two ago. Perhaps it was seeing that age wasn’t a barrier for Colin Firth to be a sprightly James Bond style spy or the enjoyable action scenes but o found it every bit as entertaining as the first watch through.
We start with a seemingly perfectly executed interrogation which goes wrong when a young recruit gets blown up to save the rest of his team. A medal & instructions on how to call for help are left with young son, Eggsy, & his unhappy mother.
Fast forward some years and Eggsy is grown, living on a generalised Tough estate with his mum, her all round abusive husband and his new baby sister. A dramatic contrast to the smooth, sophisticated upper class gentlemen of the Kingsmen who are preparing to choose a new recruit after losing a member to a choppy new enemy.

Eggsy gets the opportunity to use the medal & is given the opportunity to take a new path following in his fathers footsteps. Here we discover that there is more to this character than his school reports, rap sheet & current unemployed status might make you think. Despite his upbringing, Eggsy maintains a strong moral code & will not betray a confidence leading to him becoming a Kingsman trainee.

The obvious juxtaposition of ‘posh vs common’ becomes even more intense as Eggsy must proved his worth against young people who have been training for this role, possibly for their whole lives and of course are very rich as per the original heritage of the Kingsmen. It turns out the girls do not care about money & between that and some sage words from people about chips & shoulders Eggsy makes it through to the final two but will he triumph at the last hurdle?

Meanwhile the enemy plan to reduce the world population by using people’s desire for free stuff and a dramatic twist follows which doesn’t follow the rules of a classic spy film.

Will the world be saved? Will Eggsy leap forward or step back? Will there be any more twists? You’ll have to watch & find out.
Abominable (2019)
Abominable (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
You darted Dave
Abominable movie was one of my most anticipated animated films of the year and while it didn't live up to my own hype me and my nephew had an absolute blast watching it. Being such a humongous Big Hero 6 fan when I first saw the Abominable trailer I couldnt help but get extremely excited as it looked like it was heavily inspired by the baymax adventure it in every way. However while Abominable does share similarities with Big Hero I feel it fails to capture its charm, humour and heart which is a huge shame. Dont get me wrong its tremendous fun, has some truly stunning set pieces and its story always felt interesting its just let down by a pace thats a little to fast, some shortcuts in animation and no down time to let us understand and truly connect with its main characters. Visually colour wise it really is great to look at and animation is good (especially Everest his character design is simply wonderful fluffy and cheeky) its just not quite up there with How to train your dragon standards meaning sometimes I did notice some terrible textures. Messages are also strong as our main character feels alone with no purpose in life struggling with loss and feeling held back by those around her. That is until she learns to gain the confidence to take charge of her life, face her demons, realise her worth, embrace the memories/motivations of her past and become a stronger more appreciative person with drive of her own. Its inspiring stuff especially for kids and it really feels like shes taken this journey changing as a character along the way. Villains here feel refreshing too with one having a sad surprising back story of his own that shows why his heart grew cold and his motives in life become confused and muddled. My nephew loved every minute of it but said he became tired when the villain was on screen because he didn't like him.He also said it was almost as good as Big Hero 6 but not quite as good. I did really enjoy this movie I just wish a bit more time had been put into the animation and to fleshing out the characters because with a bit more heart/soul those set pieces could of really made a much bigger impact emotionally.