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Outland (1981)

Outland (1981)

User: 8
Avg: 7.0 (12 Ratings)
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Movie Watch

A police officer discovers illegal mining on a futuristic space station and tries to outwit the...

Zardoz (1974)

Zardoz (1974)

User: 8
Avg: 6.0 (5 Ratings)
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One man finds the secret his savage future society has kept for centuries and he has to out what to...

The Man Who Would Be King (1975)

The Man Who Would Be King (1975)

User: 7
Avg: 8.3 (4 Ratings)
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Movie Watch

Author Rudyard Kipling (Christopher Plummer) tells this tale of two men in search of fame and...

The Great Train Robbery (1978)

The Great Train Robbery (1978)

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Avg: 6.6 (13 Ratings)
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Movie Watch

Edward Pierce (Sean Connery) is a master thief of the Victorian Era who's never found a heist he...

The Untouchables (1987)

The Untouchables (1987)

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Avg: 8.6 (17 Ratings)
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After building an empire with bootleg alcohol, legendary crime boss Al Capone (Robert De Niro) rules...

and 5 other items

Entertainment Editor (1988 KP) created a video about Pixure in Apps

Nov 3, 2017  

Magic Mouse connected to an iPad running Pixure


Entertainment Editor (1988 KP) created a video about Concrete Genie in Video Games

Nov 2, 2017  

Concrete Genie - Announce Trailer | PS4

Concrete Genie is a game about a bullied teenager named Ash, who escapes his troubles by painting spectacular living landscapes and mischievous creatures throughout his abandoned hometown of Denska.


Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) created a video about Concrete Genie in Video Games

Sep 7, 2019 (Updated Sep 7, 2019)  

Concrete Genie: PS4 Gameplay At PAX West 2019

Silver Girl
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Meredith DeLin has just found out that her husband has stolen billions from their friends and his business associates. Now she and her son are being investigated by the Federal Government as well, although Meredith has told them, she didn't know anything. With no where else to turn, she calls her friend Connie and asks to stay with her. Connie is on her way from Maryland to Nantucket for the summer and feels even though her relationship with Meredith hasn't been the best in the past few years, she could use the company. A series of strange events directed at Meredith, draws the two closer together as the deal with the past and make plans for their futures.

I listened to this book, so if names are spelled wrong that is why. I really enjoyed this story and could feel for the characters. I know how it feels to be friends with someone your whole life and then as adults, with marriage and kids and life, that friendship drifts apart. The fact that Connie was there for Meredith, despite their distance, physically & emotionally, speaks volumes to her character. And Meredith was there for Connie as well. Even though Connie may not have been going through a scandal like Meredith was, she still had her own demons she was facing and despite her reservations about getting involved with Meredith, she was grateful to have to her by her side for this difficult summer.

Both women learned a lot about themselves and each other during the summer they spent together. Elin Hilderbrand writes a wonderful novel about female relationships and I can't wait to read or listen to more of her books.
Too Close: A new kind of thriller that will leave you breathless
Too Close: A new kind of thriller that will leave you breathless
Natalie Daniels | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
How close is too close?
Connie and Ness met in the park while their children played. As they talked, they realised they were neighbours. Perhaps it was only natural that they and their families would become entirely inseparable.
But when NessÂ’s marriage ends in a bitter divorce, she is suddenly at ConnieÂ’s house all the time. Connie doesnÂ’t have a moment to herself, no time alone with her husband, not a second to chat to her kids.
ItÂ’s all too much. Something has to give.
Connie has woken up in a psychiatric hospital. They say she committed a terrible crime but she says she canÂ’t remember a thing.

This novel is gripping and absorbing that you won't be able to put this down. I found the pace just right and the dark story well told .
I found myself crying with some of the parts and in others laughing out loud at some of the things said. There are so many emotions covered in this story including mental illness.
I loved the characters development, the plot of the story and oh my that surprising ending you don't see coming.
I don't want to say anymore as I don't want to spoil it for anyone!

I received this debut novel via NetGalley in return for an honest review but I still turned around an purchased this as I truly am astounded with this novel.

Christy Lewis (2 KP) rated 9-1-1 in TV

Feb 28, 2018  
2018 | Drama
Great Show!
Entertaining, exciting, lots of potential! So far, I'm hooked on 911! Fueled with a great cast and great plots and storyline, it is quickly becoming one of my favorite shows to watch. Connie Britton & Angela Bassett are fabulous, and the adrenaline junkie in me hates that it is only 60 minute episodes once a week.
Blackout (All Clear, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh, Ms. Willis! I cannot believe you did this to me! A cliffhanger? After 512 many pages? And I hung in there SO long in the beginning, when the book was so slow to get going!

Seriously--during all that nattering about over changed schedules and finding drop sites I nearly screamed to just <b>get on with it already</b>! So it is absolutely ridiculous to find that after more than 500 pages, I am not a nice resolution to any of the various plot lines, but rather am referred to the next boook, [b:All Clear|7519231|All Clear (All Clear, #2)|Connie Willis||9735628]!

It's a bloody good thing that I 1) really, really like Ms. Willis' work; and 2) already have <i>All Clear</i> on hand and ready to go, or I would have been sorely tempted, <b>sorely</b>, I say, to throw the book across the room. That isn't nearly so satisfying with ebooks, and tends to do absolutely nothing but damage one's hardware, so I imagine I would have refrained.

But I absolutely would not suggest this work to a first-time Willis reader. [b:To Say Nothing of the Dog|77773|To Say Nothing of the Dog|Connie Willis||696], certainly. [b:Bellwether|24985|Bellwether|Connie Willis||1194887], even more so. But not this one, and not [b:Doomsday Book|24983|Doomsday Book|Connie Willis||2439628] or [b:Lincoln's Dreams|24980|Lincoln's Dreams|Connie Willis||25743] or, honestly, even [b:Fire Watch|10301442|Fire Watch|Connie Willis||2324159] (the story on which the <i>All Clear</i> duology is based).

Willis doesn't write simplistic stories, or I probably wouldn't enjoy her work so much, but she has a way of making the complex clear that's beautiful. It's just that these require a bit more desire to get there on the part of the reader, to my way of thinking, than the other two. And once one is seduced by those, it is clear that the effort is wholly worthwhile.

In any case, there's no doubt but that I'm going right on ahead to read [b:All Clear|7519231|All Clear (All Clear, #2)|Connie Willis||9735628]. I'm just a bit put out with the author at the moment--and very, very glad, considering the heft of these tomes, that I've switched to ebooks!

I still think that readers deserve some small reward for the sheer aggravation meted out thus far. Surely resolving some small plot issues would not have caused trouble? For instance, authors who are accustomed to working with multi-book series regularly wrap up some issues in each book, while leaving other, larger plot threads to carry over into future volumes to provide continuity.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated The War Pianist in Books

Feb 19, 2023  
The War Pianist
The War Pianist
Mandy Robotham | 2023 | History & Politics
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Who knew radio operators during WWII were known as pianists? I certainly didn't.

The story is told from the perspectives of the two pianists ... Marnie in London and Connie in Amsterdam. Marnie and Connie are exceptionally strong characters and the author transported me into their worlds amongst the bombs of the blitz and the invasion of the Nazi's where trust can be a dangerous thing.

With oodles of tension, the fear palpable and the bravery and courage of those working against the Nazi war machine excellently portrayed, the War Pianist is a gripping story and whilst this is a work of fiction, it felt authentic and was totally riveting.

Many thanks to Avon Books UK and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of The War Pianist.
The Modern Woman&#039;s Guide to Finding a Knight
The Modern Woman's Guide to Finding a Knight
Anna Klein | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
<a href=""; target="_blank"><img src=""; border="0" alt=" photo download_zpst8hof79o.png"/></a>
<a href=""; target="_blank"><img src=""; border="0" alt=" photo images_zpsrd7m8hak.jpg"/></a>
&#x1f31f;&#x1f31f;&#x1f31f;&#x1f31f; STARS
"The Modern Woman's Guide to Finding a Knight" by Anna Klein
Well Well Well!!! What a little gem this was.
And It's not very often I read a completely clean, no hanky-panky romance and actually enjoy it.
But this one just really appealed to me so I thought I would give it a chance.
And I'm so not joking folks, this is clean with a capital "C" there was one little kiss at the end of the book and it wasn't even a passion filled snog, just a sweet couple second smooch and you know what, it made my girly romantic heart go pitter-patter.
So "The Modern Woman's Guide to Finding a Knight" is a clean contemporary romance that features heavily around the Renaissance Faire.
Connie is a dressmaker in the week but come the weekend she is lady Constance,
Dominic is a software programmer in his day to day job, and in his leisure, he is Lord Justin competing in jousts and making his own armour.
After Dom saves Connie from a runaway vehicle he tracks her down to ask her out but lacking self-confidence he manages to get himself in a right muddle pretending to be his own best friend.
What follows is a very amusing tale full of twists, turns and even intrigue and it was such a delight to settle in and read.
Connie and Dominic are both such likeable characters.
Dom is so obviously completely smitten over Connie and Connie herself is so confused by her feelings for what she thinks is two men.
Also just have to mention Lucas the best friend, he was a hoot probably my favourite person in this story, he had all the best lines.
So "The Modern Woman's Guide to Finding a Knight" is a romance of old, it has a lovely old world feel to it, it shows a proper courtship between two imperfect people, both with a bucket load of insecurities to boot.
I was charmed all the way as Connie and dom found there own sweet HEA.
I would like to thank NetGalley, the publisher and the Author for providing me with an arc of this book, this is my own honest opinion.
<a href=""; target="_blank"><img src=""; border="0" alt=" photo images 1_zpsizg6zdjz.jpg"/></a>
Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm