Subverting Consumerism: Reuse in an Accelerated World
Robert Crocker and Keri Chiveralls
The dominant understanding of reuse for sustainability is a technical one, which assumes reuse's...

Escape Everything: Escape from Work. Escape from Consumerism. Escape from Despair.
We are all trapped by modern life. Trapped! Trapped by work, consumerism, stress, debt, isolationism...
Sacramental Shopping: Louisa May Alcott, Edith Wharton, and the Spirit of Modern Consumerism
Written a generation apart and rarely treated together by scholars, Little Women (1868) and The...

Credit, Consumers and the Law: After the Global Storm
Paul O'Shea, Karen Fairweather and Ross Grantham
Consumer law, particularly consumer credit law, is characterised by increasingly complex regulation...

Producers, Consumers, and Partial Equilibrium
Producers, Consumers, and Partial Equilibrium provides a systematic and accessible presentation of...

Glamorama is set in and satirizes the 1990s, specifically celebrity culture and consumerism. Time...