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  • Becca Seymour

    Becca Seymour


    Becca Seymour lives and breathes all things book related. Usually with at least three books being...
  • E.M. Bannock

    E.M. Bannock


    E.M. Bannock grew up in the Detroit suburbs. She is the second child of seven and eldest daughter of...
  • K.M. Neuhold

    K.M. Neuhold


    K.M. Neuhold is a complete romance junkie, a total sap in every way. She started her journey as an...
  • Louisa Masters

    Louisa Masters


    Louisa Masters started reading romance much earlier than her mother thought she should. While other...
  • Vicky Skinner

    Vicky Skinner


    Born and raised in Texas, I don’t act like much of a Texan. I like cold weather and hate country...
  • Elise Faber

    Elise Faber


    Aside from writing bestselling romances, Elise's passions are chocolate, Star Wars, and hockey (the...
  • Becky Flade

    Becky Flade


    A city girl, born and bred, I tend to place my stories in and around southeast Pennsylvania, or at...
  • Nancy  Fraser

    Nancy Fraser


    NANCY FRASER—Jumping Across Romance Genres with Gleeful Abandon—is an Amazon Top 100 and...
  • Thom Collins

    Thom Collins


    Thom Collins is the author of the novel Closer by Morning, with Pride Publishing. His love of page...