Reading Theories in Contemporary Fiction
Even after the upheavals wrought by Theory, literary criticism has generally ignored the act and...

The 1970s: A Decade of Contemporary British Fiction
John McLeod, Nick Hubble and Philip Tew
How did social, cultural and political events in Britain during the 1970s shape Contemporary British...

The 2000s: A Decade of Contemporary British Fiction
Nick Hubble, Leigh Wilson and Nick Bentley
How did social, cultural and political events in Britain during the 2000s shape contemporary British...

The 1990s: A Decade of Contemporary British Fiction
Nick Hubble, Philip Tew and Leigh Wilson
How did social, cultural and political events in Britain during the 1990s shape contemporary British...

The 1980s: A Decade of Contemporary British Fiction
Philip Tew, Emily Horton and Leigh Wilson
How did social, cultural and political events in Britain during the 1980s shape contemporary British...

Documenting Cityscapes: Urban Change in Contemporary Non-Fiction Film
While film studies has traditionally treated the presence of the city in film as an urban text...
Contemporary Central American Fiction: Gender, Subjectivity and Affect
This book is a series of original, critical meditations on short stories and novels from Central...

Affect and Belonging in Contemporary Spanish Fiction and Film: Crossroads Visions: 2017
This book brings together recent Spanish fictions and films that point to individualism as the root...