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One to Hold (One to Hold, #1)
Tia Louise | 2013
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
When I downloaded this I thought it was going to be a new adult book but it isn't, it's a contemporary erotic romance with characters in their thirties.

Nevertheless I enjoyed the book, how the first half or so is based at the spa retreat and the next 40% (it finishes around the 90& mark) is based back wherever she comes from. The difference between her life at home and the tranquillity of the spa is so different and I have to admit I felt sorry for her, though I don't want to spoilt it for those who haven't read it as to why.

I liked Derek from the first moment he's mentioned, maybe it's the way he looks at her from across the bar and seduces her within a handful of pages

It's hard to write a good review of this book when if I talk about the last half of it, I'll spoil it...

Merissa (11805 KP) rated The Playmaker (Big Play, #1) in Books

Jan 17, 2019 (Updated May 31, 2023)  
The Playmaker (Big Play, #1)
The Playmaker (Big Play, #1)
Jordan Ford | 2016 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Playmaker (Big Play #1) by Jordan Ford
This is an awesome début for Jordan Ford - it has everything here that a Young Adult Contemporary Romance should have. Tori and Colt are both fantastic characters, with enough quirks to make them interesting and 'real'. Of course, the miscommunication and confusion lead to some amazing scenes, that will make you laugh and wince at the same time.

Well-written, with no editing or grammatical errors that I could see, this book was a delight to read from the first page to the last. I loved the different characters and situations that were brought into it. I honestly can't wait for more! Absolutely and definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 22, 2016
Everything, Everything
Everything, Everything
Nicola Yoon | 2015 | Children
8.3 (49 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm part of a reading challenge on this app called Habitica where I have to read a book turning into a movie this year, so <em>Everything, Everything</em> kind of got picked because of that. (I know it's problematic. The reading challenges are the only reasons why I chose to read the book.)

Anelise and I were also throwing out random books from our library for hours and this was the first that we both had a copy of or could borrow from the library, so here we are.
</b> <b>I was hoping to learn more from <i>Everything, Everything</i> than I actually did.</b> Madeline Whittier, aka Maddy, is someone who has SCID - an immune disorder where those affected basically have to be isolated from everything. <b>I learned virtually nothing but the bare bones definition of SCID</b> for the duration of the book:
  <li>You have to be isolated from the world</li>
  <li>Anything, ANYTHING can trigger a reaction</li>
  <li>It is basically a very miserable life</li>
<div>Let's be honest: it's the dictionary definition.</div>
And <b>everything is so WHIT</b>E. White walls, white rooms, white bookshelves - I like the occasional white but ALL white is associated with hospitals. <b>I suppose hospital is the atmosphere Yoon is going for? </b>Still, though. Hospitals do have a splash of color somewhere? At least I'm pretty sure they do, but I'm that one kid who rarely went to the hospital.

So if you want the really quick version:<b> the romance is the plot</b>. I'm usually not a fan of contemporary romance, but I've been on a contemporary streak lately after reading some amazing books lately in the genre. <b>The romance between Mandy and Olly is adorable</b> - seeing their limited interactions, IMs, emails, etc. and even when they saw each other outside of those. <b>If you don't mind a cute romance or have a curiosity to know more about SCID, then <i>Everything, Everything</i> might be up your alley.</b> But I like learning things. This is why I'm still Ravenclaw and not Gryffindor, so Pottermore is wrong, I tell you. WRONG.

I thought<b> the layout was interesting and different, making the book seem quicker</b>. I also loved the illustrations - they complemented the story really well and felt like a nice addition.

Despite the cute romance, interesting layout, and amazing illustrations, <b>I am still disappointed with the ending.</b> It's one of those endings that might depend on the reader’s preferences, but I thought <b>it was a screwed up ending where some of the characters have HUGE issues</b>. I know I have my own issues of life, but this one is a really messy issue and I'm surprised no one got even a tiny bit suspicious for what? 16, 17 years?

I know there are some out there who will turn around and say that <i>Everything, Everything</i> is a fantastic novel. It is! But <b>the ending ruined everything, and I cannot add this to my collection of shove worthy books.</b>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
The Sheikh&#039;s Christmas Family
The Sheikh's Christmas Family
Leslie North | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An Adorable, Racy, Little Romance!
Leslie North has written another adorable, racy, little romance!

Leslie, the critically-acclaimed author, has written more than two hundred books across forty-six series’ in the Romance, Contemporary Fiction and Women's Fiction genres. Alluring from the very beginning, THE SHEIKH’S CHRISTMAS FAMILY is Book Two in the ‘Christmas with the Yared Sheikhs’ series. Book One is entitled ‘The Sheikh’s Christmas Fling’ and the title of the third book is ‘The Sheikh’s Christmas Lover.’

Its Christmas-time in Maatkare and Maia must make sure the Sheikh’s palace is decorated for all the holiday festivities. The decorating is the easy part. Yonas Yared, the youngest son of the family, is a bit more of a challenge. Maia knows she’s in trouble when she sees how wonderful Yonas is with her young son. Protecting her heart from the one man who makes her think naughty thoughts she shouldn’t is proving more difficult than she ever imagined.

Yonas will go crazy if he has to spend the entire holiday season with his family. He’d much rather be partying the nights away than stuck in the palace helping their new irresistible decorator. As events transpire to keep him in the palace, he’s surprised to realise he’s glad to be home and equally surprised to find that getting his serious little decorator into his bed is becoming more and more important. The problem is, once she’s there, he doesn’t want her to leave. And nothing in his life has ever scared him more.

Leslie North is very good at developing her characters where opposites attract and this novel is no exception. The meeting of carefree, party animal Yonas and Maia, who is sensible, focused and responsible, was explosive.

The storyline is easy to follow, with plenty of emotion, angst and tension. The chemistry between Maia and Yonas was electric and what was also great was the laughter and fun enjoyed within the family.

The SHEIKH’S CHRISTMAS FAMILY is an enjoyable and well-written romance with which to curl up on the sofa on a dark winter’s night or any time, really, with a mug of hot chocolate and it makes a fantastic holiday read.

{Thank you to #NetGalley, Relay Publishing and Leslie North for the free copy of this book and for giving me the opportunity to provide an honest review.}
The Jack&#039;s Heart
The Jack's Heart
Demi Vice | 2018
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So we meet Jack not long before he gets released from prison after doing a stint of seven years for a crime he didn't commit. He's asked by his cell-mate of the last three years to deliver a letter to his sister who it turns out lives near where he grew up as a kid. Upon sight, they have an instant attraction and things get very heated.

I'll be honest, I wasn't sure about Jack at the start. He seemed very cocky, almost intimidating in those first few chapters. But he did grow on me, quite a lot in fact. He had lines he wouldn't cross like having sex with Ahri while she was drunk. I liked that. I liked how protective he was of her. One quote summed him up pretty well:
Jack had the whole, "don't judge a book by its cover," down to an art form. There were layers to him no one ever expected, and they were addicting.

Ahrianna was a fighter. She'd had a tough childhood but was striving to do better, be better. She worked two jobs, barely getting any sleep, and was doing an online course so she could get her dream job in management--where the money was.

The sex scenes were a little too dirty for me. We had anal play and very filthy dirty talk (which I'm not the biggest fan of. I don't mind the odd bit but this was very in-your-face-description dirty talk) and I skipped a few paragraphs.

As for the romance in this, it was nice. Two really damaged people coming together and the attraction being so sudden that the romance just evolved naturally. They were...I don't know how to describe it. So alike in so many ways but complimented each other in others. They were a really great couple.

With those first few scenes and the hot sex I expected this to be more erotica than romance but it wasn't like that at all. Definitely more of a romance.

I've just finished it and seen that Ceifador, a character from Jack's past is the next book and with that last scene in the prison I'm wondering if that guy might be him? I may have to read it and find out.

If you like steamy contemporary romances with good-hearted bad boys and feisty female characters then you should give this a try.
No Weddings
No Weddings
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I first saw this book as a giveaway on Goodreads and entered to win it. Unfortunately I wasn’t a lucky winner and after re-reading the synopsis I decided I wanted to read it anyway, which isn’t always the case with the books I enter to win on Goodreads. So off I went to Amazon to search it out and I was surprised by the price (77p) so I pre-ordered it and two days later it was delivered.

Let me say this now; I'm not a big contemporary romance reader any more. I tend to stick to paranormal/urban fantasy/suspense books with romance in them for an added element.

But I have to say that I really liked this!

It was told from Cade's POV, a proper ladies man, who sets up a party planning company with his three older sisters and decides they won't do any weddings as Cade seems to always end up sleeping with a guest (or two). But then he meets Hannah, an amazing baker/cook who they want to hire to make the cakes for whatever events they're organizing for, and as he gets to know her he begins to really like her.

Let me tell you this book is full of sexual tension; they flirt, they was really kinda cute watching how he softened and changed."; target="_blank

Another thing I liked was the banter between almost everyone. The siblings reminded me a bit of me and my brother; Cade and Hannah; Cade and his room mates.

Let me say that there is no sex in this book—plenty of romance!—and their relationship is going to continue into the next one, One Funeral, which I believe is going to be from Hannah's POV. And let me tell you I will most definitely be continuing this series.
Until There Was You
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love Kirstan Higgins so much. She's a good writer, she's funny, she's clever, her characters are awesome, and there's always a cute dog or cat.

Also she rocks at writing kissing scenes. WOW!.

The number-one thing I love about her novels is this: She writes these awesome contemporary romance novels, but she doesn't litter them with explicit sex, which I DON'T like to read (I mean really, I feel like I'm sneaking into a XXX movie when I read stuff like that. It's private, man! The characters don't want you to know what's going on under the sheets!).

Anyway, Until There Was You didn't disappoint. Liam was amazing, Posey was sweet, Nicole (the daughter) was adorable, and the family was family: a-typical in every way and funny and weird and full of life. I love it. I wish I could keep this book forever instead of bringing it back to the library. I tore through this thing in like five hours... I stayed up until 4am reading.

But hey, other people have to read it too, right?


Awix (3310 KP) rated Entry Island in Books

Mar 27, 2019  
Entry Island
Entry Island
Peter May | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not my usual sort of thing, but recommended to (more like thrust upon) me by someone whose taste in books is usually interesting. Not necessarily in this case, though: a competent mash-up of a contemporary police procedural thriller with a windblown historical romance set during the Highland clearances (younger readers, ask your dad): a Canadian cop starts having flashbacks (kind of) to his ancestor's life while investigating a murder on a remote island; he feels certain he knows the prime suspect, although she and he have never met before...

The structure of the book certainly works in its favour: whenever you get bored of the whodunnit, the switch to goings-on in the 19th century Hebrides is welcome, and vice versa. And, fair's fair, the story does pick up pace and interest in the final third after a slightly stodgy opening. However, neither the plotting nor the writing are what I'd call inspired; workmanlike is the word that springs to mind. Passes the time inoffensively but unlikely to linger in the memory.
I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

Honestly, I really wanted to love this book. The description was fun, the cover was cute, and I had just finished yet another contemporary romance that featured a prince, AKA everything pointed to the fact that I would love this book. Boy was I wrong.

The idea of this book is intriguing but I hated how opinionated this book was. The book was filled with the authors unending opinions with very little to back them up. She tears down other opinions and yet assumes that we all should agree with her. FYI, if you look at Beauty and the Beast he is emotionally abusive and holds her hostage by stating that if she doesn't stay her father's life is forfeit. Wow... great guy. This is also coming from someone who LOVES the movie. It is actually my favorite Disney movie. It's okay to see that the stories have issues.

This book frustrated me. Ultimately, I loved the concept but I was unimpressed with the final product.
Date with a Devil (Dallas Devils #1)
Date with a Devil (Dallas Devils #1)
June Winters | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
First Read of the Year
258 Pages
Kindle Edition

This light and at times steamy kicked off the start of 2021 with a bang (of bodies hitting the boards, and the clashing of hockey sticks as pucks hit the ice)!

Austen hosts a popular online section for the Dallas Devils, going on "dates" with the players and introducing them to the fans... All went well until it was the turn of jock Dane, an athlete with a reputation for disliking the media and being a fan of the puck bunnies!

What follows for the duo with a great deal of chemistry, is a bumpy road which threatens to impact both of their careers and their relationship!

The first in the Dallas Devils series, and Winters does not disappoint with this contemporary sports romance. It was an easy read with a great deal of depth, well paced and oozing chemistry.

The story progression worked well with Winters' writing style, with added drama from a historical back story which is explained in further books, and a great antagonist.

Hoping book 2 is just as interesting!