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Ross (3282 KP) rated Skyward in Books

Nov 6, 2018  
Brandon Sanderson | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sanderson's easy flowing narrative (0 more)
Overly geeky at times (like cringingly so) (0 more)
YA female Top Gun ... in space
*** Disclosure - I received a free advance copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review ***
Sanderson's new series is a foray into proper sci-fi, but written for the Young Adult market (which should not be read as a bad thing, just something of a warning that for once any white middle-aged men might have to put some effort into thinking about how the main character might feel. Similar to his super-hero Steelheart series (also outwith his Cosmere univers), the story follows a young person who has had a hard life, has a dream to be something and has put every effort into learning the knowledge needed to achieve that, and just need a little luck to go their way. Sadly, Spensa is the daughter of renowned "coward" Chaser, a fighter pilot who fled the thick of battle against The Krell (a mysterious alien race who regularly attack the surface of the planet that has become the human race's last stand) and was shot down for his desertion. Spensa has to battle against all the odds to get a place on the flight training scheme and work hard to stay there.
The action sequences are decent and regularly spaced throughout the book, both in the simulator training scenes and the actual battle sequences.
The plot itself is fairly typical, and more or less the plot of the Hot Shots film, but in space. There was a tremendous amount of mystery surrounding aspects of the world the human race come to inhabit, and their alien attackers, which was rather clumsily all blurted out in a nonsense bit of exposition in the final 3 pages or so.
As with a lot of sci-fi, Sanderson gets quite bogged down in the made-up science and technology that might exist in the future and this, alongside some of the dialogue, was a little too geeky for my tastes (the use of Jerkface as an insult was cringeworthy the first time but is then used throughout the book).
All in all, a well told sci-fi tale that could easily be picked up by the YA audience but likewise should appeal to older sci-fi readers as well.

ClareR (5603 KP) Nov 6, 2018

I have this on my (frankly enormous) NetGalley shelf. I’m hoping to get round to it this month! I’m interested to see how it goes now! Thanks for the review/ preparation!!


Ross (3282 KP) Nov 6, 2018

It is a decent book, Sanderson's writing style just flows so nicely and the characters are pretty well defined. I hope you enjoy!