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The Secret of Drulea Cottage (Betwixt the Sea and Shore #1)
The Secret of Drulea Cottage (Betwixt the Sea and Shore #1)
Claire Kohler | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE SECRET OF DRULEA COTTAGE is the first book in the Betwixt the Sea and the Shore series and we arrive in Everton, a small town in Orkney, also known as the Orkney Islands, which is an archipelago in the Northern Isles of Scotland.

Briony is the village midwife but that is the only time she is wanted. She is the illegitimate daughter of Bethany, who was also illegitimate. The villagers shun her and expect her to follow in her mother's footsteps. Briony is used to it and tries to keep out of their way, although she enjoys spending time with Adaira, her only friend. Her life changes when two men enter it.

The beginning of this story was a slow burn, gently leading you in with old terms and descriptions of Briony's life. It really gets going once Santiago and Niall turn up. Both men have a powerful effect on Briony, but with secrets galore, she has no idea just who or what they are.

This was a fascinating story of the Selkies, with some Portuguese political intrigue thrown in for good measure. The characters are well-described and fit neatly in their boxes. You immediately know who the good guys are, and who are the big bad, even if you don't know why.

A great start to the series that I thoroughly enjoyed and have no hesitation in recommending.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 20, 2021
A Novel Disguise
A Novel Disguise
Samantha Larsen | 2023 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
How Long Can Tiffany Disguise the Danger She’s In?
When her half-brother dies unexpectedly, Tiffany Woodall quietly buries him and then assumes his identity. There is nothing else for her to do in 1780’s England, especially if she wants to stay in the cottage the two of them lived in. But she quickly finds that being two people is much more challenging than she expected, especially when she starts falling in love with the local book seller and has to dodge the marriage proposal of the local rector. But it’s taking over her half-brother’s job of the local duke’s librarian that puts her in the most danger when one of the servants dies. Might it tie to her brother’s death?

Obviously, there is a lot going on here, and it does mean the mystery takes a little time to become an important part of the story. But I didn’t care. I was quickly caught up in Tiffany’s life and couldn’t wait to find out what would happen to her next. And make no mistake about it, the mystery here is strong. I loved how things were all pulled together for the climax. The characters are also wonderful, with plenty of them to love or love to hate. I always felt like I was transported back in time as I was reading. My only complaint was that we learned a little more than I felt necessary about the after effects of the poison, but that was a minor issue. I’m already looking forward to the sequel. If you are looking for a fun historical mystery, don’t miss this one.
French Kiss (Flying into Love #1) by C.F. White
French Kiss (Flying into Love #1) by C.F. White
C.F. White | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
FRENCH KISS is the first book in the Flying Into Love series and, as the title suggests, the first country we land in is France. We have a tale of opposites as our two main characters try to figure out how to move forward.

It really is an opposites attract book! You have city vs. country, England vs. France, city slicker vs. lumberjack, and even easy-to-like vs. hard-to-like. Valentin saved this book for me as Dale was a little too contrary for me. He held onto his secret past for reasons, although explained, that still doesn't make 100% sense to me. He was completely self-centred and quick to jump to conclusions. Valentin, however, was a hardworking drifter with a strong work and personal ethic who wanted nothing more than to put down some roots. He managed to do that for a while caring for Dale's dad but that is in question with Dale wanting to sell the place.

The pacing was smooth, the story was sweet, and the bedroom scenes were steamy! The best bit for me was the descriptions of the cottage, plus the storm. It does make me laugh though as everyone in the city wants to 'escape to the country' and those who live there, usually want out.

An enjoyable read and I look forward to more stories in this series. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 28, 2022
Jen Gilroy is a highly talented author! I really enjoyed getting to know her characters through this fun summer time read. It was captivating, moving, and the characters made a home in my heart for good!

This first book in Ms. Gilroy's Firefly Lake series is a wonderful one. This story is one of hope, longing, forgiveness and second chance at love. The emotions of Charlie and Sean can be felt as if they are the reader's own. I love when a book can do that! Each character brought something new to the story, each page turn, capturing me just a little more!

If you love a book filled with amazing characters and a plot that will sweep you away, then this is the book for you. However, I can't give this a full on 4 or 5 star review like I wish to. There is some language(not through the entire book but more than once or twice) and a few scenes that you don't find in a clean read, but the over all story itself, with the wonderfully portrayed characters and the messages of hope and forgiveness can pull the reader in despite the issues, leaving me with recommending this as a 3.5 star read.

Book 2, Summer On Firefly Lake, releases in July and I love the cover just as much!! Despite the lower rating that book 1 had, I may give book 2 a try to see where the next story goes. Overall, Ms. Gilroy is definitely a talented author. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Rewind in Books

Jul 20, 2019  
Catherine Ryan Howard | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Enjoyable thriller
This is a page turner of a thriller. It takes a little to get to grips with the time jumping but it helps that it uses rewind, pause and fast forward as chapters to give you some baring and once you get it it’s fine and kinda fun in a novel way. This book lends itself to being a great easy read with enough going on to keep you engaged but without being too taxing on the old noggin - perfect for holiday reading.

Natalie is a social media influencer and I did find the beginning of the book was throwing a bit too much jargon about this area at us; along with describing click bait journalist Audery’s world it felt like a real push to be “with it”. It is however a great area to explore as opening yourself up to the world like that gives a whole huge potential for weirdo exposure. When Natalie visits the remote Irish village of Shanamore she gets to meet even more odd characters in the form of holiday cottage manager Andrew with a real Norman Bates feel to him and other locals. There is definitely an air of creepy, in a skin crawling fashion, about them.

I didn’t find there to be much mystery in this book with it all being too evident who was responsible as soon as they began to appear. The multitude of POVs and the moving around in time did hamper any real development of feeling invested in the characters. All in all an enjoyable quick thriller read without too much thought required.

My thanks to the author, publisher Atlantic Books and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Cold Skin (2017)
Cold Skin (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
7.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Movie Monster Fun
421. Cold Skin. A pretty kick ass creature feature. Strange and bizarre, I loved it. Welcome to a tiny island located in the Antarctic Circle, and today arrives the new Weather Observer, I guess it's exactly as it sounds. He's supposed to be replacing the old Weather Observer, but he's nowhere to be found, so he heads on over to the light house to meet the islands only other inhabitant, Gruner, the light house keeper, he's like 'he went out one night, never saw him again'. No help there, so Friend heads to his new place, oh yea that's how Gruner refers to the Weather Observer. His sets up his cottage to his liking, and then night comes, and with it comes a scratching at the door, a banging at the window, someones on the roof, and a webbed hand reaching under the door! Friend dives into a cellar protecting himself for the night. Once daylight hits, Friend heads over to Gruner's and he fills him in, yea that happens most nights, and he seems to be ok with it, after all he is played by The Punisher, Ray Stevenson! The two come to work together in a very uneasy alliance, after all it turns out Gruner has a roommate, one of the local inhabitants, only this one is female, and they're close... Friend comes to the conclusion of, maybe the creatures are coming for her, Gruner is like, there's the door. So each night, creatures from the deep come and attack the lighthouse for... reasons? Probably not a movie for everyone, however, if you like them on the oddball side check it out!! Filmbufftim on FB.
Antics in the Forbidden Zone by Adam and the Ants / Adam Ant
Antics in the Forbidden Zone by Adam and the Ants / Adam Ant
1990 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Following on nicely from “Just What I Needed”, I went to see my Dad in Florida and he had the 12” of “Stand and Deliver” which had “Beat My Guest” on the B-side. “I was into rap at that time, Run DMC and that kind of stuff, so for a ten-year-old it was ‘What the fuck is this?’ I was blown away. I was floored by the riff and “Beat My Guest” has the ultimate guitar riff, it’s so badass. I was into the make-up as well because I was into KISS too, so I thought that was cool. I was mesmerised by the whole look. “My Dad was always one step ahead of me. I remember being with him in Michigan once, we had this cottage we’d go to with my grandparents and he joined us one year, which was really fun. He was looking in the paper to see who was playing in Detroit - which was two hours away - he found out The Dead Kennedys were playing in some tiny little club and he left to go and see them. “I remember thinking my Dad was the coolest, I was ‘What the hell does that mean? He’s into some weird shit.’ He taught me everything. He spoke to me about music, but he doesn’t play music. I acquired a lot of his records when my parents split up, he gave me that Adam Ant record and I was bawling on the plane. “The next time I went to visit my Dad I’d discovered more Adam and The Ants and I wanted to talk to him about all of these other songs I’d heard, but he was already onto the next thing, which was Devo."


Darren Fisher (2447 KP) rated Killer's Moon (1978) in Movies

Dec 11, 2020 (Updated Dec 11, 2020)  
Killer&#039;s Moon (1978)
Killer's Moon (1978)
1978 | Horror
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Classic low budget British horror
I love my bonkers films and this demented British horror from Alan Birkinshaw certainly is up there. Four lunatics escape from a cottage (yep, not even a mental institution) whilst dosed up on LSD provided by the psychiatrists (it's a experiment in which said nutters think they are only dreaming - so whatever they do whilst tripping holds no consequence). Meanwhile, in the middle of nowhere, a bus full of schoolgirls brakes down. With no other choice the bus driver goes lookin for help whilst the teachers and girls seek refuge in a desolate hotel. As the escaped lunatics make their murderous way across country they come across the hotel. Once inside they begin tormenting, raping and decimating the cast. It's grimy, sleazy and very non-politically correct. I certainly can't imagine it getting made in todays times. The infrequent gore scenes are more 'Carry On...' style than gruesome, the special effects are amateur, accompanied with goofy sound effects. What carries the film along is the dialogue. Co-written with the directors sister Fay Weldon, the script is jaw droppingly unbelievable, unintentionally hilarious and mind-bogglingly bizarre. The most infamous quote comes after one school girl has been raped by one of the lunatics and pretty much sets the tone of what you are watching...

"Look, you were only raped, as long as you don't tell anyone about it you'll be alright. You pretend it never happened, I pretend I never saw it and if we ever get out of this alive, well, maybe we'll both live to be wives and mothers"

Just one of many delicious quotes from the film I hasten to add. Guaranteed trash gold. Highly recommended.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated Nowhere To Run in Books

Oct 24, 2021 (Updated Oct 24, 2021)  
Nowhere To Run
Nowhere To Run
James Oswald | 2021 | Crime, Mystery, Paranormal, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the third instalment in the Constance Fairchild series and yet another that doesn't disappoint. You don't have to have read any of the other 2 books but I would suggest you do because it gives insight into Constance's story and you won't regret it. Nowhere to Run provides some of the back story and history but it can only touch upon it otherwise it would be a tome!

I think I can safely say that I'm a fan of James Oswald's work and I particularly like his character DC Constance Fairchild, otherwise known as Con. She is one tough cookie and this is shown in all its glory here.

It starts off pretty sedately with Con recuperating in an isolated cottage in Wales but, as is the case with Con, trouble seems to find her regardless of whether she is in the centre of London or in the middle of nowhere! Here she is getting embroiled in a smuggling operation on the Welsh coastline - you just know from the very beginning that things aren't going to go well for Con but little do we know just how bad.

Once again, Mr Oswald creates fantastic characters even ones of the four legged variety; I absolutely loved Gelert the deerhound who embodies the phrase "[wo]man's best friend" and I guarantee you will want a Gelert in your life albeit without the flatulence!

With action from the start, numerous scenes of peril and suspense all wrapped up perfectly in a plot which mixes contemporary themes with Welsh folklore and a touch of the unexplained, this is a book that I have no hesitation in recommending.

Thank you Headline and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
A Piece Of The World
A Piece Of The World
Christina Baker Kline | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

Until reading Christina Baker Kline’s note at the end of the book, it is impossible to guess that it is based on real people, although, admittedly, it is a little strange to name the main character after oneself. In fact, A Piece of the World is written around a single painting in the Museum of Modern Art, New York: Christina’s World (1948) by Andrew Wyeth, a man who appears and paints this work in the story.

Baker Cline researched thoroughly into the background story of the painting. Christina Olson, the main character of this book, was a real person who posed for Wyeth as he painted this striking picture. Although the overall story is a work of fiction, the dates and key characters are biographically accurate. Beginning in 1939, the narrative weaves too and fro, from Christina’s present day to her childhood and back again. Christina is an ageing woman who can barely walk and lives in a dilapidated cottage with her brother on a hill in the village of Cushing, Maine. Having lived in this state for so long, it is a welcome surprise to be visited by the young Andrew Wyeth who falls in love with the cottage and regularly comes to work on his canvases in their upper rooms. Through their peaceful relationship and flashbacks to her past, Christina’s character development is investigated and knitted together to explain why she has become this recluse on a hill.

Christina had problems from a very young age. After almost dying from a fever, she developed an undiagnosed degenerative disease that slowly ate away at the nerves in her arms and legs. Today, neurologists believe this to be Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease but there were no doctors able to provide this diagnosis at the time. Christina suffered aches and pains growing up and could barely walk in a straight line. Her determination to keep going is admirable and makes her a strong female protagonist.

One day in her early twenties, Christina meets a boy who pays her the kind of attention that she has never received before. Believing his promises that they will be together forever, she dares to dream of having a normal life. The reader, however, knows that the future Christina is alone with only her brother for company, making it heartbreaking to read of their developing romance knowing that it is not going to last.

There is no “happy-ever-after” to this story, nor is there a sad ending. It is an account of a woman who had been dealt a raw deal in life but continued getting on despite it. The end result, the painting Christina’s World, shows Christina as she sees herself. She may not be able to walk but she is still a woman; she made the most of her childhood, she never complained. This painting is her “letter to the World that never wrote to [Her].”

A Piece of the World is a powerful novel about purpose and determination. Christina may not have had a typical, successful life or become famous but she had her daily achievements: crawling through a field for an hour to visit a friend, cooking dinners despite not being able to stand up, carrying on after the end of a romantic relationship …

Written as gracefully as the brushstrokes of a painting with elements of Emily Dickinson thrown in here and there, A Piece of the World is a beautiful piece of work. It is something that can be enjoyed as you are mentally drawn into the storyline, leaving you wondering what happens to Christina and her brother after the completion of the painting. It is a novel the author can be proud of.