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Jilo ( Witching Savannah #4)
J.D. Horn | 2023
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
9 of 235
Jilo ( Witching Savannah #4 )
By J.D. Horn

Aged Mother Jilo is wise in the ways of magic...but once upon a time, she was just a girl.

1950s Georgia: King Cotton has fallen. Savannah is known as the "beautiful woman with a dirty face," its stately elegance faded by neglect, its soul withering from racial injustice and political corruption.

Young Jilo - fiercely independent, intelligent, and ambitious, but thwarted by Savannah's maddeningly genteel version of bigotry - finds herself forced to embrace a dark power that has pursued her family for generations, an ancient magic that may prove her salvation...or her undoing.

This was just what we needed! I love Jilo and it was so good to get her story and the back story of the Taylor’s too. This book was just creepy as hell in some parts and I’m referring to Poppy if you’ve read it the hairs on the back of my neck stood up! I’m sad to see this all wrapped up as the series was so good. I think I may have to start over.