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Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Nov 14, 2020  
Today on my blog, I have an interview with author Rob Witherspoon. Check out his satirical humor fiction novel THE SQUARE ROOT OF TEXAS: THE FIRST CALAMITY OF QED MORNINGWOOD, and enter the GIVEAWAY to win a signed copy of this book as well as the second book in the series - three winners total.

QED Morningwood is a liar, braggart and teller of tall tales. When he shows up at the domino parlor with a mysterious Russian crate in the back of his pick-up truck, he confides to the players he is a ‘Shadow’ member of the NRA, not on their official membership roll, and has a load of rocket propelled grenades – all lies. The news spreads to the real Shadow NRA, the FBI and Homeland Security. Meanwhile, the Russian Ministry of Cultural Preservation sends an agent to retrieve the crate, the actual contents known only to the Russians.

The Russian agent, an FBI team, a DHS undercover agent and a Shadow NRA hit team arrive in Heelstring, Texas looking for QED and his crate. Their convergence is followed by interrogations, seduction, lies, arrests, jailbreak, kidnapping and rescue – along with car chases and explosions. If not for Cotton Widdershins, an ancient black man with secrets of his own, who acts as QED’s mentor and savior, the Morningwood line would be doomed to end, or at best spend life in a federal penitentiary.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BZRK is a unique, action-packed story about the war taking place "down in the meat", the war that could determine the fate of the human race.

Sadie McLure, daughter of billionaire Grey McLure, is horrified when she witnesses the death of her father and brother. This was no mere accident, and Sadie is determined to discover the truth behind their deaths.

And Noah Cotton is desperate to find out the cause of his brother's madness. He was an army recruit, Alex. But then something happened, something that drove him so insane that he was sent to live out his days in an asylum, screaming about Bug Man and repeating the word "nano". It has to mean something, doesn't it?

These two teens are joined in extraordinary circumstances, and thrown into the deep end of a major battle. A battle that is too small to be seen by the human eye. A battle between biots and nanobots. A battle that leads to multiple deaths, and could alter humanity entirely.

I loved the concept of this book. I've never read anything like it, about tiny bug-like robotic creatures and people who are linked to that are linked to their biots in such a way that they risk their sanity with every mission. But personally, I found it all somewhat... overwhelming. I wanted to enjoy it but I just got lost and, frankly, kind of bored. It improved again further on but I'm only going to give BZRK 3 stars.