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Nosferatu (Eine Symphonie Des Grauens) (1922)
Nosferatu (Eine Symphonie Des Grauens) (1922)
1922 | Horror, International

"I’ll just start with the Werner Herzog’s Nosferatu. That’s one of my top fives, primarily because I love the Dracula story, of course. And I’m a huge fan of the 1922 [F.W.] Murnau film and I love that Herzog took the time to go to the actual locations where the original was shot. It’s just so simple and it is such a slow, deliberate mood throughout the film that borders on taking too much time — to the point where it’s almost a meditative state as a viewer that you get into. And that’s not even counting Klaus Kinski‘s portrayal of the vampire which, to me, rivals the [Max] Schreck 1922 portrayal. But I’m such a Kinski fan, and knowing — having insight as to how out of his mind he was in real life — portraying the vampire really lends a lot of layers to viewing it. It’s one of those few cases in which knowing the actor that portrays the role actually creates more depth in the role itself. Where normally you would want to avoid that kind of influence, in this case it really works. Because Klaus Kinski’s so unpredictable as a human being. I would imagine, based on what I’ve heard, much like Max Schreck was in 1922, it’s really a lot of interesting parallel there. For a color adaptation, it’s almost camp, in a way, but… it hasn’t crossed that line — but it almost is. I think the portrayal of Jonathan, and frankly, the girl in it [Isabelle Adjani as Lucy Harker] is probably one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen in my life. If you haven’t seen it in a while, revisit it… she’s just insane."

A Celebration of Spring (Mariana Books Rhyming #8)
A Celebration of Spring (Mariana Books Rhyming #8)
Roger Carlson | 2020 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you looking for a book that explains the seasons? Well, this one describes what Spring is about in a fun and enjoyable way. Children can learn to rhyme with this book. It is a rhyming book. However, I came to the end of the book. I have also seen other potential fun things to do with children, not only what you could do or your children could do outdoors.

The book utilized young children learning to read and older children by asking what fun activities they could develop during Spring. What could the children come up with some outdoor fun with after reading this book?

Parents could use this book to enough their children to want to play outdoors or come up with a family outing and take this book along to read later on their trip. Children will learn rhyming and some excellent outdoor activities and maybe come up with their own by being inspired by A Celebration of Spring or pictures in the book. Parents might find some activities ideas to do with their child or children after reading this book. One activity I thought of was going outdoors, counting the birds that I see in my backyard. Watching the birds fly around my area or walking to get my mail. Though they are just some ideas, another might be a coloring activity or drawing activity.

I have no idea if this is what the author had in mind when he wrote the book. The activities do some to come up and think about after reading this book. This book can bring that out with just reading the book and giving children some ideas to come up with independently. Parents could ask their children what kind of outdoor activities they can do outdoors.
A Throne of Swans
A Throne of Swans
Katharine Corr, Elizabeth Corr | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this book is Aderyn, and the book is told from her perspective. I liked her naivety and inexperience in the politics of the court. It was quite cute to watch her struggle to make decisions, that could change not only her life but the life of her whole dominion as well. I really liked the romantic tension in this novel as well, it was interesting to see, which of the boys Aderyn will choose. I liked all the characters the authors picked for this book, they are all diverse and intriguing. That is why I would’ve liked more perspectives, especially Lucien’s, he is such a mysterious guy, and I would’ve loved to read all his secret endeavours.

The plot was pretty slow, at least for half of the book. I liked the twists and plots the authors brought to this book, but I don’t think it was enough. Until the end Aderyn was quite weak and helpless, only at the end, she has done some surprising changes, that I loved. I think for this book, the chapters were too long. The plot was not very eventful, and I was quite bored sometimes, counting the pages to the next chapter.

The writing style was easy to read, and I can see where the authors are steering the plot, I have very high expectations for the second part. The setting of this book doesn’t change much, but I liked the detailed descriptions of the places, I think they looked stunning. The ending was a true gem, I really loved Aderyn’s choices and the intrigue created. So, to conclude, it was quite a long introduction to the upcoming book. I liked the characters and the world it was set in, but I am expecting more perspectives, more action and deceit, as well as shorter chapters in the upcoming part.
Chasing Mavericks (2012)
Chasing Mavericks (2012)
2012 | Drama
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Can surfing teach you about life and how to live it? Can it drag you out of yourself enough to figure out just what it’s all about? That all depends on the surfer: Chasing Mavericks is based on the true story of Jay Moriarty (played by Jonny Weston), an accomplished surfer, and amazingly positive kid from Northern California. The story begins with a young Moriarty counting the time between wave breaks. He is with Kim, a staple in his life, and future wife. While saving her dog, he gets knocked into the water by a wave and is pushed down. He is saved by a surfer (Gerard Butler as Frosty) who just happened to be in the right place at the right time, and tells Jay that he has used up his allotment of dumb luck for life. Jay is bit, and finds an old surf board in his garage.

Skip ahead seven years and Jay is an accomplished surfer outperforming everybody on the water. He watches Frosty, who still lives across the street, and follows him early one morning. This is Jay’s introduction to Mavericks; a set of big waves that roll into the Northern Californian coast each winter. Waves can reach as high as 50 feet and surfers can reach speeds exceeding 50 miles per hour. Jay is instantly attracted to the challenge, and in his excitement gets caught by Frosty.

Somehow Jay convinces Frosty to train him how to ride Mavericks, and his tutelage in both surfing and life begin.

This was a great movie; it was beautifully shot, and shows how determination, skill, and a willingness to go beyond oneself can help achieve any goal. There aren’t any amazing surprises, but the story doesn’t need them; Jay is a great character and his struggle to become a part of something so much bigger than himself is worth watching. The soundtrack is also amazing! For anyone familiar with the music of the time; it will be love at first listen. This is one movie not to miss.
96 of 230
Wolf’s Magic ( Westervelt Wolves book 4)
By Rebecca Royce

Wolf's Magic is the story of Azriel Kane, fifth brother in the royal Westervelt wolf pack. Always different from his siblings, Azriel prefers to spend his time underground in a lab than out fighting battles to save the pack from destruction. In his own way, he feels he is contributing to the pack's success. However, when fate plants his destined mate in a cage where he can't ignore her, Az will be forced to face up the demons that have plagued him since childhood and be the shifter she needs him to be.

Leah St. James has no idea who she is or how she came to be trapped in a cage in Azriel's lab. The only thing she is certain about is that she is not a wolf and that she wants out of her false wolf body as soon as possible. Counting on Az to save her from the same doomed fate as the other wolves Az is given to study, from the distance of her cage she can see Az for who he really is and not the false front he presents to the world.

But Kendrick Kane is not done with Westervelt and when he steps up his game to eliminate the Kanes from Westervelt, Az and Leah will need each other to discover the truth behind his evil plans, that is if Azriel can finally reveal the secret he has been keeping since he was a child.

With Leah's help, can Azriel finally take his place in the pack hierarchy or will they fail and lose Westervelt forever?

I love Rebecca Royce and I really like this series this was good and we get to see Azs find his mate. It was a good read and I recommend the series.
End of Watch
End of Watch
Stephen King | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
Whew, I finally finished End of Watch and man... It's been more than twenty-four hours and I'm still messed up about it. King definitely has a way of drawing the reader in, even if said reader is as nihilistic as me when it comes to developing character attachments. Unlike Finders Keepers, book two of the trilogy, King dives right into continuing the story with our main characters, Bill, Holly, and Jerome rather than beginning from the left field as he had with the Saubers family and the Rothstein manuscripts.

The Mercedes Killer himself, Brady Hartsfield, is back thanks to the help of Dr. Babineau. Desiring to truly earn his name as the Suicide Prince, he continues on his rampage of convincing people to kill themselves. His bitterness towards Hodges is stronger than ever and our trio of heroes soon find themselves within the scope of Harsfeild's thirst for blood.

This time around, we aren't really introduced to a whole ton of new characters. In fact, the majority of characters in End of Watch we've already met. Because of that, King is able to jump right into the action and wastes no time in doing what King does best: keeping the reader on the edge of their seat. (Not counting From a Buick 8, of course, but let's not get into that. I'd review it, but I don't even want to pick it up again, let alone buy it.)

Other than that I really don't have a whole lot to say about the final installment in this series that I haven't already said on the books before it. I loved the fact that we were able to immediately return to the story that was left open ended at the conclusion of Mr. Mercedes, rather than being dragged through the filler episode that was Finders Keepers. (I couldn't think of a much better way to word that because before I turned to reviewing books, I spent quite a bit of time reviewing anime and if you've ever watched the mainstream, popular series you know exactly what I mean.) I would have felt alright for the most part if I had skipped Finders Keepers, as it plays a very small role outside of the company being created.
Two Can Keep a Secret
Two Can Keep a Secret
Karen M. McManus | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
8.6 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was partially right in my assumption as to who had done it, but I don't see that as a bad thing. I was a bit taken a back as to what happened and who was behind it, but I'm not counting that as a negative thing.

I talked about McManus' debut novel, but I never reviewed it. Those were back in my days before discovering reviewing books. I did read that book in a bookclub and it was fun, but I had mixed feelings about that book. I'll have to re-read the book to really get into it, so I won't do that right now.

I felt horrible for Malcolm to have to overcome the crap that he did with his older brother, Declan. I honestly do not like how much of a pushover and weak character Malcolm and Declan's mother is. I almot feel like she was put there to say that the boys did indeed have a mother. I understood WHY she was like that and the reasoning behind it, but I felt like she didn't have much of a true purpose in the story.

The twist was unexpected, but it was a twist that was not too terribly bad. The story kept me guessing and it ended well, even gave you a bit of a 'oh wow' kind of feeling.

Like I said, I liked the story better than McManus' first novel. They aren't connected, so this isn't a series that you have to start from the beginning.

As much as I found Ellery a bit of an annoyance with her questions and constant suspicions, it was hard not to like her. She paid attention and even if she is a bit obsessed with her true crime novels, they made her aware when nobody else was, or willing to be.

I did enjoy the mystery and the turn of events in this book. Each character had a role, no matter how minor or cliche, to play in the story. Nobody was tossed aside or mentioned but never seen again. It had me guessing and definitely had me not wanting to put it down even after finishing a chapter.

BookblogbyCari (345 KP) rated Vox in Books

Nov 4, 2018  
Christina Dalcher | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.8 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book review by Cari Mayhew. Rating 7/10.
A country where women can only speak 100 words a day – a novel concept for a dystopian thriller! The protagonist’s bitterness was palpable, and there were huge stakes at play, making for an intense read.
This book is set in the USA in the near future. A religious party is in power which sees women as only caregivers. Every woman and girl wears a counter on their wrist, counting the number of words spoken from midnight to midnight each day, delivering a powerful electric shock if they are one syllable over their 100-word limit. Ironically, the central character, Jean, is a linguist.
The action of the main storyline starts when the president’s brother, develops Wernicke’s aphasia as a result of brain damage following a skiing accident. This condition renders the victim unable to convey meaning in their speech, allowing them to only speak gibberish. With her knowledge of neuro-linguistics, Jean is uniquely placed to be persuaded to return to the lab to develop a remedy. Only, when she does, she discovers there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes – and she’s one of a small few with the power to save the day!
As you’d imagine, the female central character is extremely bitter, bitter with society and bitter with herself. She frequently looks back at how things became this way and wishes she had done more. The author does an excellent job of showing how insidiously the propaganda behind the movement swallowed up the nation. Jean sees it in her sons and daughter.
I’d very much like to believe that nothing like this would ever happen in western society, but sadly there are still some cultures in the world where women are faced with oppression.
I have mixed feelings about this book. In some ways, there was too much going on, such as Jean’s mother’s aphasia, and Jean’s extra-marital affair with her Italian crush. On the other hand, Dalcher could have done more to convey how oppressive the rule was for society at large, rather than concentrating on one woman’s experience – particularly since it was a woman for whom the rule was lifted for.

Book review from Book Blog by Cari.
Mortal Engines (The Hungry City Chronicles, #1)
Mortal Engines (The Hungry City Chronicles, #1)
Philip Reeve | 2004 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.9 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Through this entire book, I kept thinking "this feels like Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets." It's a completely different setting, and a different plot, but it had the same atmosphere. Rollicking action, fantastical premise, crazy setting, huge machines with entire worlds within them. I loved Valerian - it may not have been a critically great movie, and I don't think the leads had much chemistry, but the movie was just FUN. And that's how Mortal Engines is, too.

It's a crazy world, where cities have become mobile - think Howl's Moving Castle - and they chase each other across a barren world, devouring each other for resources in a social order they call Municipal Darwinism. Some cities, like London, are huge, with six main levels, not really counting the Gut, or the center of the machinery. Other towns are small, one or two levels crawling along trying to avoid the notice of the larger, faster cities. The peoples of the Traction Cities think people who live in statics (stationary cities, or, horror of horrors, right on the ground!) or people who are part of the Anti-Traction League, are crazy barbarians. And then there are the airship captains and crews, based out of the one floating city.

It is a crazy steampunk world, and Tom Natsworthy stumbles into a conspiracy plot by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But as he travels with Hester across the wasteland, trying to survive their pursuers and avert catastrophe, he learns more about her, and more about how the world actually works.

I absolutely adore the last two sentences of the book, and I'm going to post those here because they aren't terribly spoilery. And they're fantastic.

"You aren't a hero, and I'm not beautiful, and we probably won't live happily ever after," she said. "But we're alive, and together, and we're going to be all right."

This book is the first of a quartet, and Reeve also wrote a prequel trilogy, so there's actually three books before AND after this book. I'll probably check my library for them, because I REALLY enjoyed this book.

You can find all my reviews at
Craved by an Alpha (Eternal Mates #5)
Craved by an Alpha (Eternal Mates #5)
Felicity Heaton | 2015 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
We briefly met Cavanaugh in Kyter and Iolanthe's story and I was immediately intrigued by him - I guess I like the tortured hero! We find out in his story that because of Pride rules and traditions, he can't be with the woman/cat that he wants to be with. When he is challenged as Alpha, he is injured and makes decisions that maybe aren't as smart as he thinks they are at the time.

This leads him eventually to 'Underworld' where he spends his time quite happily counting down the days until he can claim his woman. Of course, the path to true love is never smooth... especially when it involves shifters who are stuck in century's old tradition and a stand-in Alpha who wants things his way only.

Eloise has had it tough. She was basically persecuted by the stand-in Alpha due to her association with Cavanaugh. She stays because her family are there and leaving is a scary option. However, when it becomes that staying is the scarier choice, she decides to leave and find the one person that she thinks left her without a backward glance and put things right.

Things definitely don't go smoothly for our couple but it does help them find each other again. Theirs is a more gentle love story than some that we've had. Cavanaugh is afraid to push Eloise too much due to the past trauma that he feels responsible for. Eloise feels, partly due to the stand-in Alpha and partly due to how she sees Cavanaugh's responsibilities as Alpha, that she is unable to go toe-to-toe with him as other main females do. It is nice to see flashes of her though as she "forgets her place" and lets rip with what she really feels and thinks.

I can definitely recommend this story both by itself and also as a wonderful addition to the fantastic Eternal Mates series.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
July 26, 2016