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I'm Lost I'm Lost
I'm Lost I'm Lost
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’m Lost I’m Lost by Ruth Passmore is a little bit on the misleading side. The cover of this book depicts animals and a train. Potential readers should be aware that although the front cover depicts a train the book has absolutely nothing to do with them (a big disappointment to my two-year-old who loves trains). I know you should never judge a book by its cover by a children’s book may not be the best idea to practice that idea. At the same time, this is a counting book and aside from the numbers on the train cars, the front cover does not hint at this at all, although the back of the book dose.

Baby animals are lost and trying to find their way home in this short counting book. Readers start with a classical animal issue, a cat stuck in a tree. With the aid of very simple illustrations, readers are introduced to nine other animal species, ending with ten baby kangaroos.

What I liked best it that the idea behind this book is great. Counting is a fundamental skill that all children must learn and this book does so in a fun way. Children frequently have a fascination with animals and this book mixes animals with learning in a way children would not notice. The repetitive pattern is also nice for children. What I did not like is that some of the choices in animal types are questionable as they could be difficult for young children to read such as tortoises, hedgehogs, and kangaroos. Also on six out of ten pages, a specific number of animals is given but technically it is wrong. For example page, one says there is one cat stuck and a friend (witch according to the picture is also a cat) helps it, the same issue arises on multiple pages (page three has four fish on it not just the three that are lost). This is very confusing to young children.

Toddlers and their parents are the target readers for this book. Parents will enjoy reading this counting book to their young children. Young readers will enjoy the repetitive pattern of the story. The names of some animals may prove difficult to some young readers and they may need help if reading it on their own. I give this book a 1 out of 2 rating. Although a cute book, I would not necessarily recommend it as an educational book. While there is nothing wrong with the text, the illustrations could be confusing when it comes to counting.
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    Baby Game - Pop Balloons

    Games and Entertainment

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    Great fun for toddlers! There’s hardly a child under the age of 3 who doesn’t love popping...

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    Xander Afrikaans 123

    Education and Games

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A Winter Walk in The City
A Winter Walk in The City
Cathy Goldberg Fisherman | 2020 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you having a hard time finding a good book for your young child? One that will help teach him or her and also with you. I got a book for you. A Winter Walk in the City is worth your time to read to your child or children. It can be read to him or her from when he or she is born to the age of five.

It is a book that will help your child or children learn to count to ten. It also shows you want holidays differently. It got a counting pattern as you read. It also teaches about the different cultural holidays during the winter season.

The pictures are done beautifully. It was one I enjoyed with the bright colors and looking at the illustrations. I even learned a new word in this book. Never heard of it either. You and your child or children and learn together and read together with this book.

A parent or child can reread these books over the year. Read it during the season to learn about the different cultures and what makes living in a city so special. Children may learn about different holidays and their cultures. They will also learn to count to ten or at least try.
    The Math Tree

    The Math Tree

    Education and Games

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    Come learn arithmetic with The Math Tree! Add and subtract bluebirds, doves, plums, peaches and more...