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Love...Under Different Skies
Love...Under Different Skies
Nick Spalding | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another fun instalment
As ive said before, Nick Spalding will never win any literary prizes for this series of books, he really does well to sum up real life situations and emotions. The writing is good but what really makes this story entertaining is the characters. Laura and Jamie are a very relatable couple and their diary/blog entries are so down to earth and realistic. I doubt anyone could read this book (or any others in the series) and not find a handful of comments, thoughts or situations that they’ve experienced in their own life. This story is also pretty funny and I found myself laughing out loud on many occasions.

It may not be the most thought provoking or insightful of reads, but this is a great fun and lighthearted story that is refreshingly short. There are parts in this book that are a little far fetched and scepticism does sink in at times, but I that’s really what you expect from a work of fiction. This kept me highly entertained when I had to get public transport into work this week, although I did have to restrain my laughter at times!
Aced (Driven, #4)
Aced (Driven, #4)
K. Bromberg | 2016 | Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
How do I even begin to write a review for one of Kristy's books that truly shows just how incredible it/she is!? She is the Queen... the Master... period. And more Rylee & Colton.. what more could you ask for? This book TORE ME APART!? I was full on, crest wracked crying for chapter after chapter. Covers some very personal and difficult topics but you'll still get that incredibly heartwarming feeling you get reading Kristy's books. I have loved Rylee & Colton since starting the Driven series over a year ago... they are that perfect book couple that everyone knows and loves. Colton amazes me once again with his strength and determination... that and his clearly endless love and support for Rylee. While she was so broken and hurting throughout this book it was like a watching a dear friend suffer, understanding and not be able to help <3 Haddie & Becks, Zander, Shane and the rest of the boys, even the Twatwaffle made an appearance!? It's like coming back to old friends again... If you have somehow made it this far without reading the Driven Series, GET ON IT!? ABSOLUTE. MUST. READ!!! You have no idea what you are missing!
Kings of the Wyld
Kings of the Wyld
Nicholas Eames | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I can't emphasize enough how much I love this book! From the minute I read the synopsis a couple months ago I absolutely could not wait to read it. Having just finished it, I can't come up with any sort of criticism for the purpose of this review lol it was truly a superb fantasy adventure. The author went above and beyond creating a world so richly detailed and immersive that I half expected to see some of the creatures running around outside any time I was forced to put the book down. The characters were all well developed and relatable. The writing style was great, it had me hooked from the start and was detailed without being bogged down with unnecessary information and had me laughing out loud numerous times. The story develops at a nice pace, everything falls into place without feeling rushed or drawn out and the action never lets up. Kings of the Wyld is definitely one of my all time favorite fantasy adventure stories! I would love to see it as a tv series. Super excited to read the next book in the series!

*Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC!*
The Daughter&#039;s Secret
The Daughter's Secret
Eva Holland | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
__ <b>2 Snail Paced Stars</b>

After reading some really positive reviews I must admit that I'm disappointed that I didn't enjoy this book more. The blurb sounded interesting and different to what I would usually go for but I'm very open minded when it comes to books.
What got to me the most about this book was that it was so very slow, my eyes would start to glaze over after every couple of pages, it would repeat itself and the jumping forwards and backwards in time got a bit confusing. The main characters were unique but others got swept under the rug and many questions were left unanswered. I would of liked to know more about Stephie's dad and why he was...well...the way he was.
If the mother wasn't so anxious and didn't question everything in life then I feel that we may not have had much of a story.
The prejudice towards tattooed people and the gothic subculture left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth...because they're just as bad as paedophiles right? <I>*Grumble*</I>

I didn't hate it but I didn't love it.
Secret by Alli Fitz
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Alli Fitz is a talented singer-songwriter, YouTuber, and comedian. Not too long ago, she released a lovely urban-pop tune, entitled, “Secret”.

“Last night you called me to get it off your mind. ‘Cause we both know that her love ain’t quite like mine. Sooner or later you’ll be back for more and I’ll be waiting just like every time before.” – lyrics

‘Secret’ tells an interesting tale of a young woman who desires to be with a guy who is in a romantic relationship with another woman.

Apparently, he’s confused, therefore, his lover, the woman, reveals to him that she’s a better fit for him than his current girlfriend.

Later, she urges him to let go of his girlfriend so they can be together as a couple. But in the meantime, she promises to keep what they got going on a secret.

‘Secret’ contains a relatable storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and lush instrumentation flavored with an urban-pop aroma.

“This song describes the mood and feelings you get when you’re trying to convince that special someone that you’re better than the person they’re currently with. We’ve all been there.” – Alli Fitz

Awix (3310 KP) rated Brightburn (2019) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019 (Updated Jun 20, 2019)  
Brightburn (2019)
Brightburn (2019)
2019 | Horror
The concept for this fun horror subversion soars higher than a tall building, even if the plot hardly moves faster than a speeding bullet and the performances are not quite as powerful as a locomotive. Childless Kansas farming couple are startled when a falling meteorite proves to be something quite different, and adopt the infant boy they find on the scene. Aha, but it's not that story - such is the twist. What would really happen if you coupled the power of a demigod to the psyche of a messed-up boy in his early teens? (Hint: there will be blood.)

The film doesn't try anything too clever and sticks to its core idea with admirable focus and restraint; good performances from Elizabeth Banks and David Denman in particular as the not-Kents. The set piece sequences are perhaps a tiny bit repetitive, but the film has energy and isn't afraid to go into some dark places. Whether the sheer audacity of the film's raid on the story of you-know-who is commendable or shocking is probably a question of personal taste, but in an admittedly perverse way the film honours that story better than some authorised adaptations.

Andy K (10821 KP) rated Roma (2018) in Movies

Jan 8, 2019  
Roma (2018)
Roma (2018)
2018 | Drama
Beautiful but pointless
I guess I expect a little more from Alfonso Cuarón, director of Gravity and Children of Men, than a slightly boring film about a year in the life of a Mexican family in the 1970s. The film focuses on the lives of an upper middle class couple, their kids and their maid as they go through the events of their daily lives and have a few unexpected things happen to them.

I guess it's kind of interesting as events unfold; however, I was kind of waiting for some meaning or point of which there was none. I would say normally I am not a huge fan of the "slice of life" sort of movie as they usually are devoid of point and this one was no exception.

The beautiful black and white cinematography and long takes make the film a technical marvel, but I wish there was more substance here.

Not sure why it is getting all the hype and attention other than because of its famous director. In a year, no one will remember this film.

Stephan&#039;s Monster (Vampires of Vadin #2)
Stephan's Monster (Vampires of Vadin #2)
Shelby Rhodes | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stephan's Monster (Vampires of Vadin #2) by Shelby Rhodes
Stephen's Monster is the second book in the Vampires of Vadin, and it goes off in a different direction than I thought it would! I was hoping for Asher and Kaiden's story, but no. Instead I get Jayden and Stephen, an opposite's attract couple, with deep and dark similarities. They are drawn to each other, and Stephen tries to help Jayden overcome his 'monster'.

Whilst these two have backgrounds as heartbreaking as you could imagine, this is not a heartbreaking story. Instead, it is one of acceptance, of love, and even of hope. Stephen's obsession with pink made me laugh, as Jayden's monster made me cry. So many highs and lows in this book, and I loved every word.

Nice to reunite with Adrian and Xavier from book one, plus other characters. If you enjoy dark romances with tortured heroes, then I can absolutely and utterly recommend this book!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
How It Ends (2018)
How It Ends (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Acting (0 more)
Felt like the writers gave up (0 more)
How it ends. I don't know, you don't tell me!
Contains spoilers, click to show
How it ends.
I watched this after having it in my netflix list for a couple of weeks. The trailer looked good and who doesn't like a good disaster movie right? But this was not a good disaster movie.
They put emphasis on seemingly important plot points only never to come back to them or explain them. What actually caused this "end of the world" scenario? Who are the people in the burning town? What derailed the military train? Why would you only take two cans of gas from a butt load of supplies? Who are the people guarding the bridge? What happened to the girl who was travelling with them? And finally, how does it bloody end?
I was left so frustrated and just thinking 'was that it". It genuinely felt like the writers had either given up or run out of time and just gone, yeah kill the creepy guy, take your girl and drive away from the giant smoke cloud.
Not a satisfying watch, just dont bother.
Loony Quest
Loony Quest
2015 | Action, Fantasy, Real-time
Looney Quest is an odd game. You, and the other players, look at a game level, hen have a timed period to scribble a possible route onto a piece of acetate hitting trying to hit good things and miss traps/bombs/enemies. After he timed period you put your acetate over the level map and tot up your score.

Now the ideal market for this is younger kids, who want to participate and like scribbling on acetate, but the sheer quantity of token types and variety of effects is staggering and the kid young enough to like the scribbling is less keen on understanding what all these status effects mean.

Those of us old enough to click with all the token types, aree also going to find trying to draw what you remember to be a safe route achieving your targets dull.

Meanwhile the components are...ok, the tokens are nice thick card, but the acetate is a pain and (like most acetate screens) doesn't clean as easily as would be ideal, but the level maps are quite flimsy. If you try and replay it more than a couple of times they're going to get worn out fast.