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Try (Temptation, #1)
Try (Temptation, #1)
Ella Frank | 2013
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars

I've read a fair few mm romances and this was different to the rest and that was a good thing. This is a fairly good introduction to the genre for those who haven't read mm before and want to try it.

I'm still unsure about the beginning of the book, the first couple of chapters anyway when Logan was having sex with women. I know he swings both ways at the beginning but that doesn't mean I want to read about it when I bought it for the mm aspect.

That aside, I have to admit that I did like it when Logan put all of his focus on Tate. His persistence and seduction of the other man was kinda hot and I liked how we saw it from both sides. How Logan, who's a cocky bugger, changed his ways because of one barman...nawwww! And how one straight man could be seduced by said cocky bugger to change his entire life to be with him.

The romance aspect, once it started, was right up my street and i think i will continue the series when the books are released.
Pushing the Limits (Pushing the Limits, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, I'll start with, why haven't I read this sooner? I purchased this for 20p back in November 12 and it's now January 14?!?! Okay, so I guess I wasn't as into NA back then but since?

Anyway. This was good.

Both Echo and Noah have issues that they need to deal with. I liked them both from the first meeting in the counsellors office. So they didn't exactly get along to start with. So what?

Being able to read both POV was enlightening. Sometimes I prefer only seeing one but with this, seeing how Echo was dealing with her issues and how Noah was doing with his was great. I liked how they helped each other deal and how the counsellor worked with them both.

I liked them as a couple, better than Luke and Echo together anyway. In fact, most of Echo's friends were horrible. Noah's might have been stoner's but Isaiah was really nice. Not so sure about Beth though :/

Anyway. I have books 1.5, 2 and 3 in the series to be getting on with but unfortunately they will have to wait.
The Best Man (Wilde's, #1)
The Best Man (Wilde's, #1)
L.A. Witt | 2010
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
For that bit near the end I have to say: GO LIAM, GO LIAM, GO LIAM!

As for the rest of the story, I loved the connection between Liam and Jon. It was instantaneous and I knew that something good was going to happen between them. We didn't even have to wait that long for it to happen, within the first 10% or so. I had goose-bumps!

I think that Jon was a little blind to Liam's behaviour. From before the half way point I could tell that something was happening in his life and it didn't take too much thinking about to figure it out.

That showdown at the end was really good though, hence my little cheer at the top. I'm so proud of Liam!

One thing that made me mark it down a little was the amount of sex in the book. Don't get me wrong, I love them together as a couple and some of the sweeter moments between them happened in bed but I can only read so many sex scenes before I get a little bored...

Other than that I really liked it!

ClareR (5686 KP) rated The House in Books

Nov 21, 2020  
The House
The House
Tom Watson, Imogen Robertson | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The House is a taut political thriller, packed full of intrigue, secrets, corruption and betrayal. The setting is Westminster - somewhere that Tom Watson has an intimate knowledge of. And you can tell. There are nooks, crannies and offices described in here that I’ve never even heard of - and sneaky back doors too!

The story itself seemed multi-layered and quite complex to begin with, and I have to admit to struggling with the amount of names I needed to remember (this is typical of me though, to be honest!), but once I had them all straight in my head after a couple of staves, I was able to enjoy it much more.

The story tied together really nicely towards the end - the seemingly different stories coming together and resolving - but it was left on a bit of a cliffhanger. And do you know? I think I would probably read another book set in this world of the UK Parliament. I liked the characters, and particularly the unlikeable characters intrigued me (I’m nothing if not predictable!). It’ll be interesting to see where another book takes us!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this, I really enjoyed it.

Adam Lambert recommended track Zombie by The Cranberries in Something Else by The Cranberries in Music (curated)

Something Else by The Cranberries
Something Else by The Cranberries
2017 | Alternative
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It's such a cool song and it so represents that sound, the grunge of the 90s. I’ve just turned 37, so for me with the 90s’ I remember all the music that was out, I remember turning on MTV and seeing all the music videos and hearing all these songs. Rock videos were at their height at that point - at least in America - I know in the UK you had a little more pop than we did earlier on, but rock music was just everywhere. “This song reminds me of me coming out of adolescence and smoking cigarettes for the first time, trying rebellious teenage things like sneaking out of the house and going with my friends to the beach without our parents knowing; things that were kind of wrong. Now I look back, they were pretty harmless, but it was me kind of being a rebel for the first time as a teenager. “’Zombie’ reminds me of a couple of close friends. Actually, the girl that played it for me passed away about eight years later. It reminds me of her and that time."

Irréversible (2002)
Irréversible (2002)
2002 | Drama, International

"I always defend this movie. Some people hate it. I love it, although I am not in a rush to watch the first half again… There is a scene near the end of the film where it is just Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel lounging around their apartment. One of those lazy days you have with a partner. They were a real life couple and that chemistry shoots through to the film. You can tell they are madly in love. I always break into tears at this moment. It puts everything you’ve seen prior into heartbreaking context. The film is a tragedy told in reverse. I think it’s brilliant because by the design of its structure, it makes you think about the tragedy more than if you were just experiencing it in chronological order. Instead of getting to the end of the film and rooting for our protagonist to bash this guys head in, we get to the end of the film and think about how pointless all that pain and violence was and how heartbreaking it is that the violence destroyed this pure love."


Tom Chaplin recommended Melody A.M. by Royksopp in Music (curated)

Melody A.M. by Royksopp
Melody A.M. by Royksopp
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It was great times, I was living in London. Actually, I should probably temper that. It was shit times, but there were one or two great times, it would have been like 2001, living London, having no money. I was working in shitty, office temping jobs, typing numbers in to computers, it was soul destroying and, in the evenings, we’d rehearse but I lived for the weekend. I remember that album came out and there hadn’t been any albums that had come out that had grabbed me that had the combination of being real songs that you could dance to, almost like house music dancing. Around that time, I was taking so much ecstasy and every weekend I’d take a couple of pills and go dancing. That album was a perfect companion for those times. I remember going to see them on my birthday at the Astoria or somewhere like that, and just having such a wicked time. These days I just don’t have the energy to go out dancing, but I loved it, it was truly brilliant. For me it’s still the greatest dance record that I know of."


Andy Gill recommended Good Times by Chic in Music (curated)

Good Times by Chic
Good Times by Chic
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I love the production, how they orchestrated those grooves. And Bernard Edwards was a genius bass player, how he came up with that riff that's so often copied. Again, it was just their interpretation of black American funk music. Those guys were supposed to produce the fourth [Gang Of Four] album. And I'd met with him, Bernard Edwards; by the time we'd got to the fourth album, he had died at that point. But I'd met with Nile Rodgers a couple of times, talking about doing a Gang Of Four record. And while that process was going on, Bowie's Let's Dance came out. So not unreasonably they asked for an extra per cent or something, you know, because their stock had just gone up a lot, which I thought was to be expected. But my manager said, ""Oh, we can't do that"", and I feel fairly confident that he was taking a backhander from the people who did do it in the end. I think Hard could have been great. As it was, there were some great songs on that album, but the production doesn't quite get it right."


Gordon Gano recommended track Blitzkrieg Bop by Ramones in Leave Home by Ramones in Music (curated)

Leave Home by Ramones
Leave Home by Ramones
1977 | Rock
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Blitzkrieg Bop by Ramones

(0 Ratings)


"I would’ve been fourteen or fifteen years old and in Wisconsin when I heard this. I was in high school and there was somebody who had some shared interests and liked certain kinds of music. I'd never heard the Ramones before and he said I had to hear them, so he let me borrow his Ramones album. This would’ve been around ‘78 or ‘79 maybe. “That’s the strongest memory I have of putting a needle on an album and hearing something I’d never heard before. It was instant and immediate - 'this sounds so good'. I feel like there’s ‘before I heard the Ramones’ and then ‘after I heard the Ramones’ as a point in time for me, because it was the strongest feeling I ever had of hearing something on an album and within a couple of seconds going ‘'Yes, this is amazing.' “I thought, ‘I’m so late to find out about them’ because they had already been around for three or four years, and ‘Wow, what a shame that I found out about them this late, after they’d been around so long.’ Now, looking back at it, I think I caught them pretty early, so that’s good!"


Nick McCabe recommended The Pearl by Harold Budd in Music (curated)

The Pearl by Harold Budd
The Pearl by Harold Budd
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I think I'd been looking for something like this for ages; something sculpted, but that manages to encompass the violent and everything in between. What I want out of music is everything really, and The Pearl is that. It's quite a dark record in places. It's easy to dismiss it as New Age. I think we're quite lucky at this point in time that people are less concerned about genres than they used to be. Even prog rock is getting a proper analysis now. I finally got around to listening to early Genesis recently and found it wasn't as disgusting as I expected it to be. A lot of music gets dismissed because of how it's tagged. But The Pearl has escaped that really, because of Eno. I was lucky living in St Helens, because it can seem like a bit of a cultural desert, but there were a couple of good resources. There used to be a really good record shop in the market that sold mostly prog rock stuff, but lots of psychedelic stuff, some of Tim Buckley's early stuff and I picked up The Pearl from there. It's amazing."
