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<b>3.5 stars

A carnival full of odd workers comes to Sunnydale, Buffy's friends are preoccupied dating a couple of these workers, and a pack of strange coyotes are running amok in the streets. Buffy suspects all of these events are related but has no proof. What's a slayer to do?</b>

Set in the summer between the first and second seasons of <b>Buffy the Vampire Slayer</b>, <b><u>Coyote Moon</u></b> is a short and concise story that conveys the spirit of the show without too many noticeable inaccuracies. The major anachronism was Buffy staying in Sunnydale for the summer, which didn't happen during this time. Since this was written before any of the major angst occurred in the series, this has a lighter feel that carries through to the end. The author manages to get the characters and dialogue right via few lines and passages. The only misstep I caught was Giles' wrong definition of a blue moon -- I don't believe that's something he wouldn't have known. Otherwise everyone (Buffy, Willow, Xander, and Giles) rings true to their early incarnations, though more as a basic outline of their characters than anything too substantial. At first the plot reminded me slightly of the episode "The Pack," though this had to do with coyotes instead of hyenas, but once I got into it the story was completely different. The pace was brisk, and though the Big Bad's defeat was over in the blink of an eye, it was a solid read. I can easily see this fitting right in on screen and it's a good companion piece to read in between re-watching episodes.
A Love to Behold
A Love to Behold
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Two years after the Civil War, Lydia Albright, 27, is an established teacher in Boston when she senses God’s call to leave the comfort and security of her job and go south. She accepts a position to teach in a school for former slaves in Charleston, South Carolina. A church there that’s affiliated with the American Missionary Association offers support, along with room and board at the parsonage. The Ku Klux men are hell-bent on seeing that the new school fails. Lydia’s life is threatened, and the parsonage, church, and school are vandalized. But they haven’t contended with a strong, determined woman like Lydia before. It also helps that she has a couple potential suitors on her side. A Love to Behold is a tale of people who grow strong in the face of adversity and a church that learns love, compassion, and acceptance, even in the face of just cruelty and hatred.

My Thoughts: This is more than just a charming romance novel. It is the story of a young woman determined to answer God's calling on her life and nothing will stop her from doing so.

This is also a novel teaching us to love one another no matter what our differences may be. This is a story about compassion, determination, acceptance and overcoming affliction hen it is presented to us. It's holding on through the storm.

I really truly enjoyed this novel. The characters were all amazing, both the main and the supporting characters all worked well together. The storyline was fast-paced; there are no slow spots in this book.

This book comes highly recommended.
This Is Not a Love Story (Love Story Universe)
This Is Not a Love Story (Love Story Universe)
Suki Fleet | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is Not a Love Story (Love Story Universe) by Suki Fleet
"This is Not a Love Story" is both the title of the book, and a description of what it is about. This isn't a light and fluffy romance. This is hard-hitting, dark, and gritty, that tells you in no uncertain terms just how hard it is to be on the streets... and even then you can imagine it's a whole lot harder than even your imagination can go.

Remee and Julian have been there for each other over the past couple of years. Remee was just thirteen when he came to the streets, for reasons you find out. You don't know how old Julian was, but these two have bonded, for good, or so you hope. However, life on the streets is tough, and things happen to loosen that bond, possibly even break it.

There is so much that goes on in this story, and yet it all flows together perfectly. Remee may seem fragile, but his spine is made of steel. There is an outstanding supporting cast of characters too, with Crash topping the bill. He is brilliant, and I really hope to hear more about him soon.

With no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed, this story was one to pull me in, and keep me turning the pages long after I was supposed to have put it down. I have no hesitation in recommending this story.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Gates of Evangeline
The Gates of Evangeline
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Charlotte Cates has started having dreams about young children now that her son has passed away. She is not sure what these dreams mean, but when they start to come to fruition, she sees that she may have a gift she may not really want. Sent to Louisiana to write a book about the abduction of young Gabriel Deveau, she believes she knows what has happened to him from one of her dreams. Will she be able to find out what happened to this boy? What other dreams will she have before she gets the answers she is looking for?

I started this book and at first I couldn't get into it. I put it down for a couple of weeks and then picked it back up. I'm so glad that I did. While some parts of this book were a little bit predictable, this was an overall good read. I was invested in the story and I was desperate to know what was going to happen to Charlotte, or Charlie as she likes to be called.

After the death of her own child, she was lost and unsure about how to continue her life. She wasn't really into her job and then came the opportunity arose for her to write about something, she thought she had first hand knowledge about. Leaving her home in Connecticut to live at Evangeline, the estate where Gabriel went missing, she uncovers a lot about the Deveau family that she never knew was possible.

At 75% I literally felt my heart begin to race. And it was difficult to put the book down from then on. Highly recommended.
Hello, Sunshine
Hello, Sunshine
Laura Dave | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sunshine McKenzie is a the top of her game. Her YouTube show, "A Little Sunshine" has milions of subscribers, The Food Network wants her to host a new show, and she's about to put out a series of cookbooks. But when her Twitter account is hacked an her entire world comes crashing down, she must evaluate what is truly important in her personal and professional life.

I read Eight Hundred Grapes a couple of years ago and I really enjoyed Laura Dave's writing. I've heard mixed reviews on this book, for me it was alright.

Sunshine Stephens grew up in Montauk, NY Even though the town was full of people with wealthy backgrounds, Sunshine was not a part of those people. She didn't come from a wealthy family, but she escaped the first chance she got. When she met Ryan, he promised her fame and fortune. All she had to do was tell a little lie about who she was and her abilities as a chef. But after a few years like this it's hard to separate fact from fiction. So some jerk has decided to knock Sunshine off of her pedestal and bring her back to reality. All of this was to remind her who she was and where she came from and the life she was currently living was not hers at all.

Overall, this book was pretty good. I liked Sunshine as a character. It sucks that her life had to come down to this life and career destroying conclusion. Will she be able to bounce back and continue to live her life?

Dianne Robbins (1738 KP) rated The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) in Movies

May 5, 2019 (Updated May 5, 2019)  
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
1975 | Comedy, Musical
Subversiveness (3 more)
Costumes and makeup
Tim Curry
Entertaining songs
Great in the theater. Lackluster at home.
This is not a movie so much as it is an experience. The movie itself is not great. But if you get the chance to see it in a theater with a live cast performing at the same time the movie is playing and when audience participation is encouraged, this is hella fun. I used to spend most weekend nights in high school and college at the midnight showing of Rocky Horror at the local arthouse theater dressed in a bustier, getting panties, garter belt, thigh-high stockings, and high heels with all the other weirdos enjoying the hell out of the movie, live cast, and audience. I highly recommend the help of alcohol and/or chemical indulgences to enhance the experience. But maybe not an entire bottle of Sambuca as I did one nonmemorable evening.

The songs in the movie are fun to sing. Dancing to the Time Warp, as well. If you're lucky, the theater will also play music videos from Tim Curry's Fearless album Paradise Garage and I Do the Rock and Meatloaf's Bat out of Hell and Paradise by the Dashboard Light before the movie.

This is one of Susan Sarandon's first films. She and Barry Bostwick play the innocent couple Brad and (Dammit) Janet. And Tim Curry is a God in this movie.

I have such great memories of my time at as Rocky Horror fan back in the day. I hope many generations continue to enjoy this movie in the theater. It's a blast!
Dying for Devil’s Food
Dying for Devil’s Food
Jenn McKinlay | 2019 | Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Somebody’s Dying for this Reunion
Mel Cooper is less than excited about her high school reunion because of all the bad memories she has from those years, yet she gets talked into going by her best friend, Angie, mainly because of the gig Angie gets them providing cupcakes for the event. Once there, Mel finds herself beginning to make peace with her past, that is until she finds the dead body of Cassidy in the bathroom. Cassidy was the worst bully in school, and just a couple hours with her has proved that things haven’t changed. With her classmates looking at her as the killer, Mel knows she has to clear her name. Can she do it?

Fortunately, most high school reunions aren’t nearly as bad as this one is. But all the horrible people from Mel’s past make for wonderful suspects as she attempts to figure out what really happened to Cassidy. What impressed me was that this book allowed for some growth in Mel and it showed us deeper suspects than I was expecting from the first few chapters. This allowed the plot to move along at a quick pace with plenty of twists to keep me engaged. Trust me, I didn’t want to put this book down until I reached the great climax. There is a dose of humor mixed in that kept me smiling and laughing as I read. Cupcake fans will be pleased with the three new cupcake recipes included at the back of the book. It’s hard to read just one book in this series, and I’m already hungry for my next visit with Mel, Angie, and the rest of the gang.
When a serial killer targets Daisy Dawson, he doesn't expect her to fight back. But she does, and she manages to grab the locket he wears around his neck during the struggle. This locket connects to a cult that Agent Gideon Reynolds of the FBI escaped when he was only 13 years old. He is driven to find that cult and expose them, saving the women and children from their psychotic leader's tyranny. This serial killer is Gideon's one tangible connection to the cult. He's assigned to Daisy to protect her from the killer and hopefully draw him out. Daisy and Gideon have undeniable chemistry, and Gideon quickly realizes that Daisy isn't as helpless as he thought she was...

Karen Rose is one of my favorite authors and I just loved this book like all her others!
I just enjoyed this book so much. The author once again has outdone herself on creating a new set of characters and bringing in a couple of old favorites.
Gideon and Daisy are great together and I just love the chemistry and humor that they have with each other.
The twist and turns are just perfect and the suspense had me on the edge of my seat! Once I started this I could not put it down at all. If you have never read a Karen Rose novel now is the perfect time to do so.
I truly can't wait for the continuation of this series!

Thank you to Netgalley, Headline and author Karen Rose for sending me the digital ARC of this book in return for my honest review.
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Visuals (1 more)
Plot holes galore! (0 more)
A true monster of a movie!
This sequel to the 2014 reboot of Godzilla is an enjoyable movie. It doesn't follow the common trend of "less is more", not wasting any time showing you the visually stunning monsters in all their glory.

The plot is simple enough: Godzilla has been absent since the last movie five years ago. More monsters (called Titans here) have been discovered around the world and the mysterious Monarch group are studying them. Needless to say, it doesn't take long for things to take a turn for the worst, and when a big, bad monster is revived and starts destroying things, our old pal Godzilla returns.

This is one of those movies where you leave your brain and the real world at the door, and just enjoy it for what it is. There's a lot of criticism aimed at modern movies for overusing CGI, but this film needs it and uses it very well. The monsters look incredible, and genuinely look massive. The battles and subsequent destruction look amazing, too. It's a real treat for the eyes, packed with many WOW! moments.

Is it perfect? No. As graphically stunning as it is, the plot leaves a lot to be desired. Riddled with tiny (and the odd large) plot holes, it's a pretty basic storyline. But then, it doesn't need to be overly complex in a movie like this one.

No one comes to a Godzilla movie expecting Oscar-worthy performances and Aaron Sorkin-esque screenplays. They come to be entertained. And you will be here. Well worth stepping away from life for a couple of hours. Don't forget your popcorn!
A Snowflake&#039;s Chance In  Hell
A Snowflake's Chance In Hell
Amy Romine | 2019
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’m reviewing A Snowflake’s Chance in Hell, by Amy Romine. My rating is 4.5 stars. Here are my thoughts:

^^ This is a romantic, Christmas themed story about one woman’s search for her long lost brother and the people who enter her life along the way.

^^ When Quinn Lawson finally gets a lead that could bring her closer to finding her brother, Peter, of whom she was separated from when their parents died, her search takes her to a military base where she first meets Gunnery Sergeant Kevin McCaluson.

^^ Both Quinn and Kevin have their owns issues to contend with, so their first meeting is a little strained; communications are misinterpreted, emotions run riot, and things simply don’t go as planned. In short, their first impressions of each other are not good. It’s not love at first sight, that’s for sure.

^^ Over time they begin to understand each other more and Kevin offers to help Quinn with her search for her brother, so they embark on a long road trip together, and soon their friendship develops a deeper bond and their feelings for each other strengthen. It’s an emotional ride, full of truths and heartfelt stories, enveloping the true spirit of Christmas in one short read.

Overall: This is a charming, fairly quick, cosy Christmas romance, spiced up by a couple of burning hot scenes. And no, I don’t mean because I’ve spent too long reading that I’ve burnt the dinner again! (Although, in truth that has happened many times!) A heartwarming romance that’s bound to warm the cockles of your heart on a cold, winter’s eve.