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An American Marriage
An American Marriage
Tayari Jones | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm not even sure where to start with this book. The entire time I was reading, I had to keep going back and re-reading sentences because the words were so beautiful. I wanted to savor Tayari Jones' writing and not forget one word. I found myself reading out loud so I could hear her words.

If this book was found in the poetry section of my local bookstore, I would believe it.

“Marriage is like grafting a limb onto a tree trunk,” Celestial reflects. “You have the limb, freshly sliced, dripping sap, and smelling of springtime, and then you have the mother tree stripped of her protective bark, gouged and ready to receive this new addition. ... In my marriage, I never determined which of us was rootstock and which the grafted branch.”

And the story is just the cherry on top of the words. Celestial and Roy, barely out of the newlywed phase when Roy is sent to prison. It's a heartbreaking story, of separation, as well as togetherness, between this married couple, but in a grander scheme a critique on America and unequal treatment of its citizens. I didn't particularly like any of the characters, but I felt for them, probably more than I've ever felt for any character in a novel. I felt for them in my soul.

It's not a activism story. It's a love story. About the American dream and how just like a spouse, your country can fail you - no matter how hard you work for your dreams.

It's poignant, and thoughtful, and written like a painting. I am so glad I read this book. For several different reasons. And I'm excited to read what Tayari Jones paints next.
Murder She Wrote: Manuscript for Murder
Murder She Wrote: Manuscript for Murder
Jessica Fletcher, Jon Land | 2018 | Mystery
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Is Jessica Reading a Motive for Murder?
When Thomas Rudd approaches Jessica Fletcher after one of her signings and accuses Lane Barfield, their mutual publisher, of skimming money from their royalties, Jessica can hardly believe it. Within a couple of days, both of the men are dead. However, Jessica begins to suspect that the political thriller Lane asked her to read was to blame. Is she correct? If so, is she the next target?

I had a mixed reaction to this book. On the one hand, I got very caught up in the plot, and always had a hard time putting it down. There are twists and turns and plenty of danger, and I loved it. It would have worked better, however, if it weren’t a Murder, She Wrote book. It certainly doesn’t fit with the rest of the franchise in tone, with several events being several shades grayer than we got, at least on the TV show. (I’ve only read one other book, the previous one.) We see several of the regular side characters, but they and their relationship with Jessica was off. What I suspect was supposed to be funny came across as rather mean. These characters wouldn’t interact this way. There’s also the fact that one of the plots in the book gets dropped in favor of the other. Honestly, I think there are two good storylines here, and they should have gotten their own books. This is the second book that Jon Land has written in the franchise, and I’m wondering if his efforts to turn things darker are going to be a permanent thing or if he will adjust better to the light tone of this franchise.
Overbite (Insatiable, #2)
Meg Cabot | 2011
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
As a sequel to Insatiable, there were certain things I expected from this book - one of which was Lucien's dark appeal, which seemed to be missing for a large chunk of the book. He brooded and moped and generally felt sorry for himself for his lack of "evilness" while mooning over losing Meena to the Palatine Guard. I also thought that Meena's joining of the Palatine Guard to be an awkward fit, but I understand her motivation - who wouldn't want to get at the secret archives of the Vatican?
Alaric's character grew on me gradually, even though I did not care for him much in the first book. His attraction to Meena is obvious to all but himself, and poor Meena is just confused as she battles with her own feelings between two very different men. I actually found it kind of satisfying that Alaric and Lucien are forced to work together towards the end of the novel.
The significance of the book pictured on the cover is what interested me the most, and I was often frustrated that I could not simply read that little book myself and solve the grand mystery of its power. Always a dramatist, Lucien's reaction to the final revelation is believable, though I found what happened to him to be bit of a cop-out so that Meena would not have to make any difficult decisions.
Some of the most humorous parts were Alaric's interactions with the couple, Mary Lou and Emil, as their very human behavior made it rather difficult for him to treat them as the species he made a living from despising. I also would have liked more development in the romance between Jon and Yelena. Overall, I still enjoyed the book, even though it seemed a bit short, and I hope there is another book to follow.
So Cold the River
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book has taken me a long time to read and I never totally got into the story past the first part, which was intriguing. It's not that it was poorly written or the plot itself wasn't an interesting idea, but my attention strayed a lot, most likely due the length (about 500 pages) and how slowly the story moved. And while I believe that some slowness was necessary to build the tension, it just crawled through it towards the finish line, and I was bored more times than not. I can't say Eric or most of the characters were interesting, so I didn't care too much what happened to them. Although I did like Kellen and Anne and it's too bad they weren't in the book a bit more. Possibly some things could have been pared down for a better flow to the story, such as Eric's separation from his wife, which was overdone with more background information than was needed. Also, there could have been a little less time spent with Josiah, who was a loathsome character. Even if he was supposed to be a nasty individual, and essential to the plot, not everything from his point of view added to the book. The ending was okay, but didn't really fit where the book had been going beforehand. That's not to say there isn't something good here, for instance the atmosphere was well done and the bit of history thrown in about Pluto Water, the springs, West Baden, French Lick, and the hotels added to that. Maybe a couple more rewrites and this could have been a scary or thrilling horror story. As it stands, it just wasn't for me, so I'll stick with The Shining, which I couldn't help thinking about while reading So Cold the River.

Dean (6925 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Friday the 13th : The Game in Video Games

Feb 16, 2019 (Updated Feb 16, 2019)  
Friday the 13th : The Game
Friday the 13th : The Game
2017 | Action
Good graphics (2 more)
Shows the love for the films
Easy to play
Some minor flaws (0 more)
So young, so pretty.... Kill them all Jason!
A very good game based on the film franchise that came about via the kickstarter website. You can tell this was created by fans of the franchise, one of the biggest backers is a playable character in the game. The attention to detail is great. I've watched the first 4 films again recently and the layouts for the maps are the same as the films. Little details like the look of the cabins and interiors are true to the films as well.
I've read that Kane Hodder did some motion capture for the Jason character and SFX expert Tom Savini had an input on some of the kills.
The game is simple survive and try to escape as a counsellor or kill them all as Jason. The graphics are good with the moonlight and thunderstorms at night looking realistic. As with the film the music adds great tension, even better on surround sound during the storm!
There are a few offline challenges, closely taken from the film scenarios. Also a virtual cabin which acts as a museum of sorts with details about the films.
There are a couple of flaws, wait times for a lobby can be annoying, quitters, time it takes to level up and unlock some items. Also sometimes getting stuck on scenery when shifting. All these are quite minor though.
Overall you can sense the love and detail that has gone into this game, a great achievement for a crowd funded venture. Time to go camping... Think I'll take this old hockey mask with me.

p3anut (62 KP) Feb 20, 2019

Good review. I.myself was very disappointed with how the game ended, all because of that stupid lawsuit. I was really looking forward to more characters and a single player story mode. I was an early adopter of this game so playing it through all the glitches and bugs and server issues (more than there are now) Was well worth the wait for where it is now. But I'm still left wanting more.


Dean (6925 KP) Feb 20, 2019

Yes it's a shame, there was a recent update to fix some bugs. Hopefully fixed wait times for games. Still good fun to play.

Drawn and Buttered
Drawn and Buttered
Shari Randall | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Allie is Drawn into Another Murder
It’s a couple of days before Halloween, and things have slowed down some at the Lazy Mermaid Lobster Shack. The summer tourist families are long gone, but some tourists are still in the area looking at the fall colors. However, there’s still plenty of excite going on, like the discovery of a giant lobster. Quickly dubbed Lobzilla by the community, he’s almost big enough to beat the world record. However, the morning after he’s found, he’s vanished.

If that were all Allie Larkin had on her mind, it would be one thing, but other odd things are happening in town, including a local witch who is doing everything possible to get Aunt Gully to join her coven. Then, on Halloween night, Lobzilla shows up again, only he’s next to a dead body. Can Allie figure out what is going on?

While the body doesn’t show up right away, we still have plenty of plot happening, including some sub-plots and time spent setting up suspects and motives. Everything continues to be blended together well after the murder takes place. The climax is creative and everything is explained by the time we turn the final page. I thought the sub-plot involving the witch might make the book darker than I would enjoy, but I thought it was handled perfectly. It gave the book a touch more Halloween atmosphere, but the characters treated it much like I would like to think I would. The characters have gotten sharper as the series has progressed, and that was true here again. The suspects are well drawn, Allie is a great lead, but my favorite continues to be Aunt Gully. Everything came together for a book I couldn’t put down and the strongest in the series to date.
Bitten By Fate (Regent's Park Pack #6)
Bitten By Fate (Regent's Park Pack #6)
Annabelle Jacobs | 2019 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bitten By Fate (Regent's Park Pack #6) by Annabelle Jacobs
Bitten by Fate is the sixth and final book in the Regent's Park Pack series, and we see how Cam is still trying to bring together both sides of his new pack. Calling in the big guns, he sends two units, plus two betas to 'oversee', off to a couple of weeks "bonding session", held by the Alpha Council. Daryl and Jason are the two betas there as support. Their time together has some unexpected side-affects for both of them.

I am so sad to see this series come to an end, but I am supremely happy with how it was done. Daryl and Jason are complete opposites in nearly every way, but this is what makes them so perfect for each other. Their characters are written so well that even when one of them acts like a d*ck, you can understand the whys of it! With laughs at the bonding activities and tension (both sexual and otherwise), there is something here for everyone.

Exceedingly well written, with no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed, I am sad to leave this Regent's Park Pack. Their world is clear and concise, with strong characters, both main and supporting. I would love to hear more about how they are getting on further down the line, but I will just have to read this author's other books in the meantime. ? It's a hard job, but someone's got to do it!

Absolutely recommended by me. This is one of my favourites of the series, although Cam and Gareth still hold the highest honour.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Effective Leaders and Leadership by Mildred Stallworth
Effective Leaders and Leadership by Mildred Stallworth
Mildred Stallworth | Business & Finance, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Reference
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Simple easy ready that allows you to reinforce the other information you have already been taught. (0 more)
A lot of the same information that a lot of others have already covered in the ground. (0 more)
“The best leaders are the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants to do, and the self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.”

Mildred Stallworth takes us on the journey of what a leader actually is. She breaks it down to being defined as the head or principle person and authority figure with the most significant position in the business, organization household, body or group of people. She points out all leaders needs to be prepared and ready for the task; how each should open to the thoughts of others and be able to put others before themselves. Mrs. Stallworth take on leadership is not a new concept, in fact, many have spoken on the same points. What makes her thoughts and process different are that she goes beyond the thoughts of others and speaks of spiritual leadership also. She takes the knowledge from other leaders and even the bible to give direction on what a leader actually is beyond quotes.
This is a good book that is you give yourself a couple of hours you can easily start and complete but if you are wise you will have a highlighter close by and keep it close because you can use it as a great reference later on and continue to come back to for a future refresher. I would advise spending the little bit of the cost for this book and read it for yourself. It will be a wonderful asset to anyone in a leadership position, whether a parent, supervisor or pastor.
How Do You Like Me Now?
How Do You Like Me Now?
Holly Bourne | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so I think I’m the only person left who hasn’t read anything by Holly Bourne before this point. I didn’t even realise she was a YA author before checking out her twitter, and I’m definitely going to get some of her YA novels now.

Tori is an author of a self-help novel about how to survive your twenties. Now in her thirties, she’s lost, unhappy, and worried about where her life is going. On top of that, she has got another inspirational book about how brilliant and perfect her life is waiting to be written.

Only her life isn’t perfect. She’s falling out of love with ‘The One’, constantly worried about looking too old and not seeming perfect enough on social media for her fans, and she feels unsuccessful.

It was really nice to read an honest book for once that shows that someone’s persona on social media is not who they really are. Tori is constantly posting on social media about how perfect her relationship is and how successful she is, when really, her life is the exact opposite.

The novel focused on Tori trying to find her happiness again without hurting people around her, and trying to write her next novel that thousands of people are desparate for.

The whole book was a nice surprise, as it was brutally honest and still an entertaining read. I devoured it in a couple of days, never wanting to put it down.

I did feel that the plot was lacking a bit. It did just seem like the whole thing was a bit of a sub-plot, but that did make it a nice, easy, and quick read.

I will definitely be checking out more of Holly Bourne’s books now.
Chat Love
Chat Love
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let me start by saying that this was a cute little love story, that I read quickly. I give it such a low rating mainly because it was pretty predictable and I figured out what was going to happen 1/3 of the way into the book.

Lucia is from an Italian family. Being 28 and single means she is practically an old maid. She has a couple of serious boyfriends, but she has never found THE ONE. One of her co-workers has recently found the man of her dreams on an online dating site called Chat Love. When her married younger sister announces that she is pregnant, the pressure is really on then. After pressure from her friends, Lucia decides to join Chat Love and try something new. Her dates are very interesting, to say the least. But you never know where you will find love.

As I stated before, this was a quick and fun read. The story is cute, but very predictable. The dates that she goes on are always dinner dates, there is no variety to them. The main character Lucia is an Italian bombshell from the way she is described by her dates and her peers. She is loved by all, but can't seem to find love. She goes on several dates in the book that range from good to just plain weird. She even had a stalker for a brief moment. In the end, she ends up with the guy she would have least expected, but the reader knew from the start. There is a part in the book, where I wanted to jump through the pages and smack Lucia for not knowing she was talking to the man she wanted online the whole time.

I will try another title by Justine Faeth.