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Worst. Person. Ever.
3.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Raymond Gunt is the Worst. Person. Ever! Raymond is a foul-mouthed man that speaks his mind without any regards to be peoples feelings. Ray who is behind on his rent decides to see his ex wife (Fiona) for a job as a B cameraman, luckily for him she gives him the opportunity to turn his life around and hires him, only the job is in Kiribati for a show called Survival(Pretty much I'm a celebrity get me out of here!)
A homeless guy, Neal, in which Ray started a fight with in the street is employed as his assistant and a friendship is born. Unfortunatley for Ray, life goes from worse to worse and Neal's just keeps getting better.
Things start going downhill from London airport where he gets caught up in all sorts of dramas such dropping an atomic bomb on the Pacific trash vortex!
I am really not sure about this book and how really to rate it, Coupland did a really good job in making me hate the vile-mouthed, sexist, homophobe that is Gunt. I also enjoyed how his life started going down hill but only because of what a horrible human being he is. The other characters in the book such as Fiona (Fi)is just the female version of Raymond and very unlikeable. My favourite character was Neal as he seemed the most genuine out of them all. I found the plot of this book, disasters and characters rather far-fetched.
Every couple of chapters there are subtexts with factual information with regards to the scenario's at the time.
This is Douglas Couplands fourteenth novel, and have to say that I am a bit apprehensive about reading any of his other works.
Hereditary (2018)
Hereditary (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
The trailer lies
Pay attention for this one folks. The prize is in the details.

I will try to avoid spoilers but I recommend going in having seen nothing except maybe the trailer.

This film is a mystery horror. It's not in your face, it's suggestive. Every shot is thought out and significant, I'm sure I missed a hundred things. The whole time I was nervously trying to understand all the little clues that seemed out of place. But still my theories were so wrong. It may be that no theory us fans come up with is wrong or right. Not knowing is better.

The mystery and horror is only half of Hereditary in my opinion. I felt empathy for Toni Collette's character more than I felt fear. If you don't think you could handle depictions of grief then you should skip this one. My stomach still feels tense. Toni deserves every award for her performance.

I imagine a few people might call out a couple of moments as goofy or amateurish, but I feel like I need those moments. At one point very near the end the whole cinema laughed and the tension in the whole room released, and we'd been scared for a long time by that point.

By far the most beautifully crafted element of this film was the sound editing. The perfectly timed score builds and releases, playing with your adrenal response.

I will watch this movie a hundred times and enjoy it each time. It will stay with me, and I'm going to spook my mother with it to pay her back for that time we watched the Blair witch when I was a teenager and she shrieked every time I went near a corner.
Furyborn: Empirium Trilogy Book 1
Furyborn: Empirium Trilogy Book 1
Claire Legrand | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'd seen several glowing reviews of this book, but I was always put off by descriptions of events that happened millennia apart from each other "intersecting" and affecting each other. Like, no. The past can affect the future, but the future can't change the past. That appears, however, to just be a problem in the synopsis of the book and not the book itself. At least in this, the opening volume of the trilogy, the future does not change the past. The book alternates between the two women, Rielle in the past and Eliana in the future. Each chapter flips back and forth. I was much more intrigued by Rielle's chapters, but that could be because there was a lot more magic in Rielle's time.

The magic system is really interesting! I love that through Rielle's trials we learn so much about the magic system, each school and guiding saint and prayers. It's really fleshed out and I enjoyed that.

The "shocking connections" aren't shocking, they're predictable. But the book was no less fantastic for it. I really think the synopsis is where the problems lie. The first couple chapters pretty much reveal all the surprises the description hints at, and the book details how we got to that point. (Mostly, anyway!) It was great, don't get me wrong, but the description of the book feels a little misleading.

The GLBT content in the book is only about two sentences, but it was a surprise and made me grin.

I really enjoyed this book. I'm looking forward to the rest of the trilogy to discover the rest of Rielle's story and what Eliana is going to do about it.

You can find all my reviews at
Claimed by her Cougar (Cougar Creek Mates #1)
Claimed by her Cougar (Cougar Creek Mates #1)
Felicity Heaton | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Claimed by her Cougar (Cougar Creek Mates #1) by Felicity Heaton
Claimed by her Cougar is the first book in the Cougar Creek Mates series, set in the same world as the Eternal Mates series. By that, I mean it is set in the contemporary world, but with the same 'bad guys' being mentioned - Archangel.

Rath has kept his clan safe from Archangel ever since their attack so many years previously. He takes care of any Hunters who show up on his land, and spends his time avoiding most people, preferring to spend his time alone. He looks after the cabins of various clan members who also live elsewhere. His solitude is broken when Ivy shows up on his land, wanting to photograph the black bears. Once she convinces him she is not a hunter, they spend a couple of days together, during which she gets under Rath's skin in more ways that he possibly imagined.

I found this story to be excellently written, as I would expect from Felicity Heaton. How she manages to tie in a previous organisation, within the contemporary world, whilst introducing a whole new set of characters, I think is superb! There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. The supporting cast of characters were all intriguing, leaving me wanting more in this series, just so I can get their stories. Luckily for me, Storm comes next, but I also want Ember's story! Yes, I know, I'm greedy!

A great start to the series, and definitely recommended by me. Looking forward to continuing this series.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Frequency  - Season 1
Frequency - Season 1
2016 | Drama
Likeable characters (3 more)
Good story
Good pacing
They were able to release an epilogue to tie up some loose ends
There were a few frustrating moments (1 more)
Missed out on finishing side stories thanks to cancellation
An interesting show that deserved 1 more season
I liked this series. I know it's based on a movie which I have seen but the movie itself was rather forgettable. I don't really remember much from it. This was far much better though. Maybe because we had more time to care about the characters.

It's not a perfect series. There were a lot of frustrating moments where things could have been made a lot more simple. People could have been told what was happening and there was proof if they were just allowed to talk into the radio themselves. But other than that the series was enjoyable and paced well. Time travel is a concept that is difficult to get right without sounding confusing but this was made simple.

It is a good series but it's not great. Sometimes the main lead got annoying at times but the series got cancelled too early so some of the side stories could not be looked at like the corruption in the police force.

***Spoilers*** stan is corrupt and I expected the dads death from a car accident to be the result of that and not actually an accident. I thought that would have made a good plot for the 2nd season ***end spoiler***

However this couldn't be told so they just ended up sizzling out. On the plus side they, they were able to send out a 3 minute epilogue to tie up a couple of loose ends to give the show a proper ending. More shows should be given this chance.

Still worth a watch and maybe 1 day we will see another shot at this.
A Discovery of Witches - Season 1
A Discovery of Witches - Season 1
2018 | Fantasy
Dull and cringeworthy
I knew after the first couple of episodes that this series wasn’t for me, but I persevered in the hope it might get better as it went along. Sadly it doesn’t.

The main problem is that witches, vampires etc have all been done before. And most have been done better than this. The vampires are all moody and gloomy looking dressed in black, and all of the different creatures show no potential whatsoever. The witches exhibit some powers but nothing particularly impressive, the vampires don’t do much either and the demons do absolutely nothing and don’t show any powers or supernatural abilities whatsoever. For the most part, this is just a romance with a supernatural backdrop thrown in. And even the romance aspect isn’t very good - this stinks of a slightly more adult version of Twilight. It’s cheesy, cringey and moves so quickly it beggars belief.

There are some talented actors in this, but sadly the script and the plot really lets them down. Matthew Goode’s attempts at making his vampire snarling, bloodthirsty and terrifying are laughable. The only person who really pulls off any menace is Trevor Eve but he’s sidelined in favour of more irritating characters. Even Teresa Palmer doesn’t come across well, playing so much like Bella from Twilight it’s disturbing.

The show itself is very scenic and beautifully shot, unsurprising considering some of the locations like Oxford and Venice. It’s just a shame that i found it very dull and laughable (not in a good way). I also found the cliffhanger ending disappointing, as the likelihood of me ever bothering to watch another series is slim. I only just made it through these 8 episodes.

Lee (2222 KP) Nov 12, 2018

Yay, so it wasn't just me ?


Lee (2222 KP) rated Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald (2018) in Movies

Nov 16, 2018 (Updated Nov 17, 2018)  
Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)
Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Mystery
I think it’s fair to say that if you’re a fan of the Harry Potter movies, and even the last Fantastic Beasts movie, then you’re going to love this one too. And you’re going to completely disagree with me when I say that this one is just unbelievably dull.

I really did want to enjoy The Crimes of Grindelwald though. I’ve never really been into the Harry Potter movies, and found the last Fantastic Beasts movie a bit disappointing. With the promise of even more movies in this series, and following what I actually thought was a very exciting and interesting trailer, I was really hoping to finally enjoy the wizarding world, along with so many millions of others. While I’ve always enjoyed many aspects of the Potter movies, the imagination behind it all and the vast, intricate world building, I’ve just never really enjoyed them as much as everyone else. This one though, I found to be the worst one yet.

Once again, we’re following the awkward Newt Scamander. On orders from a young Albus Dumbledore to track down a lost young man called Credence before evil wizard Grindelwald gets his hands on him. Lots of other characters are introduced, and subsequently lost in among all the plot changes, so we never really find out much about them or what motivates them. And Johnny Depp is incredibly bland as Grindelwald.

Harry Potter fans will rejoice in the fact that we get to revisit Hogwarts along with a young Dumbledore. And there are a couple of other cameos and nods to those movies to keep them excited. But overall this is just yet another case of all style and no substance. Slow paced, very little action and a script that is an absolute mess.
Condemned and Admired (The Earl’s Cunning Wife) is the first book I’ve read by Bree Wolf. It is an historical story involving both England and France. It is quite a long book if you are a slow reader, just as a reference. 4 stars from this reader.

Our heroine starts as Violet Winters, daughter of Viscount Silox on a night when her mother makes the ultimate sacrifice to save both her and her daughter from a life of hell.
Fast forward the story to Violette Duret and the mission she is on to save her family.

Oliver Cornell is the Earl of Cullingwood and he is tired of the rules and regulations he must follow to keep the titles in his family. He is young and just wants to have fun and enjoy himself, much to the chagrin of his father. When he wakes up on a ship headed to see he thinks he has found his ticket to freedom.

When Violette and her family pull their ship over to commandeer the vessel they don’t realize the precious commodity they now have on board. When the Earl reveals his identity she realizes he could help with her plan.

Violette and Oliver set off on an adventure that brings her right back into the family life her mother fought to remove her from. Will she make it out a second time?

A well written historical story with plenty of description of times in 1800’s England. I enjoyed the storyline of Violette and Oliver and look forward to reading her mother’s story in Trapped and Liberated. I received a copy without expectation for review, any and all opinions expressed are my own. I have a couple other books by Ms. Wolf on my TBR, can’t wait to dive in.

Chris Sawin (602 KP) rated Friday the 13th Part III (1982) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019 (Updated Jun 21, 2019)  
Friday the 13th Part III (1982)
Friday the 13th Part III (1982)
1982 | Horror
Chris and her friends just want to have a good time this weekend, so they're taking a trip to her family's nice, relaxing family cabin in Higgins Haven. Unfortunately for them, Jason survived his encounter with Ginny from the last film. He winds up at a store where he kills a married couple and gets a change of clothes. Higgins Haven just happens to be close by. Chris has more than one reason for going on this trip though. She was attacked a few years ago by a hideously disfigured man and is facing her fears in hopes of moving past it. Could this mysterious man and Jason have something in common?

This is the film that introduced us to the hockey mask and was originally in 3-D. It's a shame that's all it really offers though. Watching the 3-D version now will just leave you with a horrible headache. I actually prefer the film in 2-D. The nudity in the film is also rather light and before you jump on me for saying that, that's one of the main things you look forward to in a Friday the 13th film; Jason Voorhees, inventive kills, T&A, and maybe a few laughs. That's what makes the Friday the 13th films fun. Especially compared to the first two films, sideboob and a brief glimpse in the shower doesn't really cut it. I guess what really ruined it for me was the homages to the first film. By the way, what the hell is up with the ending? And why does Mrs. Voorhees suddenly have her head again? It wasn't a bad idea to do a few throwbacks to the original, but it felt like too much by the end of the film.
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
1989 | Horror
5.0 (23 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A group of students are taking a cruise to New York. A couple, who's part of the group, ventures off on their own in their own private boat. They wind up drifting through Camp Crystal Lake for a little quality time together. They set anchor and wind up resurrecting Jason in the process. Now as the cruise ship sets off, with Jason in tow, our students may have more than their biology projects to worry about.

Re-watching this was not a pleasant experience. I really had to force myself to watch it and once I finally did it was almost painful to make myself sit through the entire thing. Continuity is probably the film's biggest flaw. When we see young Jason drown, he looks like a normal little boy. Whenever Rennie sees him, however, he suddenly looks like he has down syndrome and like somebody beat him with a 2x4 made from every ugly branch they could get a hold of. On top of that, he pretty much has a different appearance every time Rennie sees him. Then there's the whole Crystal Lake leading into the ocean thing and the ending. Heavens, the ending is atrocious.

The script isn't so hot either. Julius is probably the best example. After Wayne asks him what weapon he's going to take after they realize Jason is on the ship, Julius replies, "Nothing," then pauses for a moment before following with, "...but this gun." The kills were also lacking. Jason takes a guitar to a girl's head and throws a guy onto an antenna. That's about as inventive as we get this time around. The one enjoyable factor of the film is Kane Hodder as Jason. The scene in Times Square is probably the highlight of the film. It's disappointing that the last film with "Friday the 13th" in the title is so bad.