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Richard D. James Album by Aphex Twin
Richard D. James Album by Aphex Twin
1996 | Electronic, Pop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Well, what can I say? This is a hugely exciting record. Aphex Twin has got a huge reputation, obviously. When I was 16 it was one of the things which I had on MiniDisc, which we all had back in those days! I would just listen to it continuously. It was just around the time I was starting to make electronic music on my own, and I remember thinking, how can you make this? The technology I had and the software I had was absolutely shit, and I remember fiddling with it and thinking that I couldn't figure out how to make these drum beats so complex, and so delicately put together. Every five seconds or couple of bars something new happens. There's none of this copy and paste which all dance music at the time was doing, thinking in particular of that kind of Ibiza dirge that was shit and was on the radio 24/7. You just get 15 bars of the same thing, then one change, whereas Aphex Twin was the exact opposite of that. He would just keep your interest piqued the whole time, and that's one thing which I have always strived to do with the band, just to stop things being boring. Perhaps we push it too far, but I think all the 'inciness' and the whole thing about not letting it rest and be copied and pasted, I think is in my music as well. The other thing about that record is that it's not really a dance record at all, it's just music. I mean you can dance to it if you want, but there's lots of classical stuff on there really. There are lots of quiet moments, and lots of awkward stuff that is not really dance music."

Daughters of Night
Daughters of Night
Laura Shepherd-Robinson | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Daughters of Night is set in Georgian London, not a period that I’ve read that much about. I love a good historical novel, and this is definitely one of the good ones! There’s loads of really interesting, accurate (it seems to me!)historical detail, and the characters are well developed people that I wanted to find out more about.
It was surprising that Caro Corsham could investigate a death and a disappearance herself, but I suppose with money and status comes a little freedom - and her husband isn’t in the country for the vast majority of the book. Caro’s thief taker, Peregrine Child, is a great character. A complex man, he wants to do what’s right, despite the fact that he’s paid to do so. He comes with his own set of problems: drinking, gambling, he owes money to the wrong people (if there are ‘right’ ones, I don’t know!), but I really had the impression throughout that he had empathy for the prostitute he was looking for. He realises that these women don’t always choose to do the job, and when they do, it’s because there’s little other choice.
This is a big book, and I listened to it on Audible, so it was a lot of hours - but it didn’t seem that way. The narrator, Lucy Scott, was really engaging, and her different voices were discernible from one another. I’ve done this a couple of times recently with my NetGalley books: I realise that there are some books that just really lend themselves well to being read aloud - and it’s a far more entertaining way to get ready for work or to cook dinner!
I loved this book, and I’d highly recommend it - either in book or audible form!
The Wedding Party (The Wedding Date #3)
The Wedding Party (The Wedding Date #3)
Jasmine Guillory | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A hate to love romance that's heavy on the hate
Maddie and Theo are both close with Alexa. Maddie's her best friend and Theo is her best work bud. But they hate each other, ever since a terrible interaction that left them both offended. But when the two meet again at Theo's birthday party, they somehow wind up kissing and feel an undeniable spark. And with Alexa getting married--and Maddie and Theo the two main members of her bridal party--they are stuck together for awhile. So they agree to hook up (and hook up only) for the duration of the wedding preparations. No falling in love allowed. Right?

So this was a cute and fun entry in the series, per usual, but I did not care for Maddie and Theo as much as some of the other couples. There was not as strong as a supporting cast, either, though Alexa had some good moments. I think I cared for Maddie and Theo as individuals, ironically, but together, they just didn't get me as romantically invested. For one thing, Maddie and Theo were mean to each other! Really mean. This was haters to lovers with a lot of hate, like cringe-worthy hate, at times, and I didn't find that funny or sexy. So between the copious amounts of mean, plus secret romance hidden from your *best friend*--I was a little tense. I needed more happy go lucky romance!

Overall, this was a light and fluffy romance, but I had a hard time always rooting for the couple, and sometimes Maddie and Theo just didn't seem right for each other. I was mostly smiling by the end, but I didn't always enjoy the ride. 3 stars.

Suggs recommended The Specials by Specials in Music (curated)

The Specials by Specials
The Specials by Specials
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"In 1979, they’d finished recording their album, and ironically we ended up going into the same studio, TW in Fulham, just after them. And Elvis Costello had produced their album, and he’d left behind a few bits of tapes, out-takes. And we were trying to get the machine to play these fucking ten-second little strips of tape! All you’d hear was a snare sound or a bit of guitar, but we were trying to check out their sound! John Bradbury [Specials drummer] used to get these amazing rimshot sounds, and I remember asking him how, and he said “It’s the way I fucking play it, it wasn’t the way it was fucking recorded!” So, of course we were checking each other out. We played together a couple of times at the Nashville and somewhere else, and we were obviously in competition, very friendly competition. It was truly thrilling and exciting to know there was another band doing what we were doing. When they came to play at the Hope & Anchor, the pub we used to hang out in, it blew our minds to see these people who looked a bit like us and sounded a bit like us. They went off like a packet of crackers. I remember Neville Staple was blowing holes in the ceiling with a starter pistol! Then they stormed into ‘Gangsters’. I remember I wasn’t sure whether to feel jealous or fucking vindicated, that we were onto something after all. But they’d gone that bit further. It was turbo-charged ska, and we were still doing a bit of R&B, but The Specials gave us this revelation that the uptempo stuff was really fucking exciting. But that’s a great album, great songs, and the production is really clear. Not naïve, but not overly sophisticated."


"Ziggy was like the entry level for me. I wasn't aware when I bought it that I was buying a concept album about a constructed creature called Ziggy Stardust. I just thought David Bowie WAS Ziggy Stardust. I must have been 12 or 13. I had a friend at school called Peter May who I sat next to, and we were both totally into the same things, like David and Marc. We both bought acoustic guitars and we'd have jamming sessions on Sunday nights at his parent's house, and I would learn the songs of both of them. It really sparked my imagination, and for a whole generation of people, Angie and David were the It couple for us. Forget about Mick [Jagger] and Bianca - that held no interest for me whatsoever, compared to Angie & David's glittering bisexual glamour. That was all a big part of it too, and that - for me - was when sexuality entered into it and I heard the word 'bisexual'. I'd heard the word 'queer' - but I'd never heard the word 'bisexual' or even an artist claiming they were. That was a huge moment for me. From Ziggy onwards, there was no looking back after that. I played truant from school to queue up to get tickets for that final tour of the Spiders, and Aladdin Sane was out by then, and I went to see him at the Liverpool Empire and it was mindblowing. And you know, Ian McCulloch, Marc Almond, Pete Burns - a whole generation of people who were to be the next wave were all there. It was an incredible world of glamour. I know they call it glam rock, but to me that was Sweet. David and Bryan [Ferry] - they were artists."

Fast & Furious (2009)
Fast & Furious (2009)
2009 | Action, Mystery
Fast and Furious, the fourth film in the 'The Fast and the Furious' franchise takes us back to the basics, the original cast are reunited, if only for a short time in some cases and the plot is closer to '2 Fast, 2 Furious'.
Fast and Furious is more of a sequel to the second film and is set before the third film but does acknowledge it with a scene at the start where, to avoid being caught with Dom, Han goes off to Tokyo.
Fast and Furious feels more like it belongs in the franchise than it's predecessor, the cars are there, as are the gratuitous scantily clad women although not at the same level and Dom and Paul are back trying to stop a crime lord, although both for different reasons.
As with all the previous films, 'Fast and Furious' builds on the theme of family but this time it also tackles revenge and, to a smaller extent betrayal.
If you watch this franchise for the cars and racing then you may be a bit disappointed, there is some racing but not as much as as the previous films and the 'car talk' is kept to a couple of scenes.
As an action film with car chases Fast and Furious isn't bad; There is a bit of a plot, the story telling isn't to bad, it moves at a decent pace, it doesn't rely on sex and keeps the violence to a minimum and still manages to keep the franchise's gimmick, the cars and racing. It's also nice that it still acknowledges 'Tokyo Drift' even though the film seems not to be very well liked amongst the fans of the franchise.
The Godfather: Part II  (1974)
The Godfather: Part II (1974)
1974 | Crime, Drama

"This is hard — to choose five — because there are a few in this genre that I really like, so I don’t know which one to pick. This is sort of going to be [from] an underworld, mobster kind of [genre]. So it’s either The Godfather II, even though I like all The Godfathers — I even like Godfather III; it’s just a different type of movie. But it’s between Godfather II and then also, there’s a movie that I did, and it’s not just because I’m in it — I love it — but it’s a movie called Paid in Full which happened to be a true story about these three drug dealers in the eighties who really made it big, and all this downfall happens. So I would have to put a couple of those in the fifth category. I would say Paid in Full, Godfather II — when Michael [Al Pacino] really grabbed the reins — and Goodfellas. And Casino — I was going to pick two of them, but I’m not. I would say Casino to me — I hated how Sam Rothstein got manipulated by Sharon Stone’s character in Casino. I mean, I just hate how he gets manipulated; that just gets ridiculous to me. I know it’s historic, but I hated that. So those are the three that I would put in as my fifth, in the genre of the underworld. The top of that list, I gotta go with Francis Coppola, Godfather II. Just for the epicness of it. And usually sometimes movies are long for no reason, but it was long for the right reasons, which is very rare. Usually, you’re like, “You could cut out twenty minutes of that,” but for me it was all story. To me, if I had to choose, I’d go with the classic Godfather II."


Tyondai Braxton recommended Records by Christian Marclay in Music (curated)

Records by Christian Marclay
Records by Christian Marclay
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Records is a big one for me. When I first moved to New York in 2000, I tried to see him play any time he was playing. Some of my favorite shows I've ever seen were a couple of Marclays performances, solo or with DJ Trio. This record embodies the spirit of those live performances He's another absolute hero of mine – if you haven't seen him perform you should. He played on a Late Night show as this kind of novelty. And this was in 1980. As DJing is, it's just re-contextualising sound, music. But he does it with such a keen ear and there's a point to why he mixes certain things. He destroys the records by putting tape over them. As interesting and as funny as that is but musically, the results he gets from this are really, really exciting. His shows were some of the most exciting shows. I saw him play at a club in New York called Tonic, that closed down years ago, where a lot of new music was played. I saw him play in 2002, when it was him in what was known as DJ Trio which is 3 DJs, playing in the collage-y nature of what he was doing. And it was so mind-blowing. So I was obsessed with him. He was a guy that I had no shame fanboying out with. I'd see him out on the street and I'd go "Hi Christian!" He's a major artist – he did this piece called The Clock, which is toured all over the world. What's that big gallery in London right now? White Cube. He now has installations all over the world for his video art."

The Wife Who Got A Life
The Wife Who Got A Life
Tracy Bloom | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this book. I’ll be honest and say that I thought I’d made a mistake when I first started reading it, but the further I read, the more I laughed (and cried), and the more I loved it!

Cathy the main character, is a 48 year old version of Adrian Mole. I’m sorry, but I had to go there! There are a lot of similarities: the humour, the long-suffering diary writer, the clueless and self-absorbed family. But this is most definitely written by a 48 year old woman.

Cathy is very relatable in an exaggerated way - but hey! This is fiction, not a memoir! She’s dealing with older teenagers, a husband that works away from home in the week and is utterly clueless as to what’s going on in his family’s lives, ageing parents, one sister who thinks she’s hard done by and should have everyone running around after her, and another who is detached from her parents and siblings and doesn’t understand what’s going on with them! Communication is a key skill in any family, and sadly lacking in this one.

When Cathy decides to put herself first for a change, I practically cheered out loud, and her cooking solution was genius!

I think I laughed through most of this book, had a good cry a couple of times, and by the end I was sure that Cathy Collins should have another book. I’m not sure though - I like where this ended. But I’d still read it (I’m beginning to sound like Cathy). It was a perfect balance of humour, sadness and the ridiculous - how can anyone not want more of that?!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for helping me out with my NetGalley reading (again!), Tracy Bloom for reading along, and Harper Collins for my e-arc through NetGalley.
A Quiet Place: Part II (2021)
A Quiet Place: Part II (2021)
2021 | Horror, Thriller
Contains spoilers, click to show
In A Quiet Place: Part II we get to see how it all started, the film begins on 'Day one' when the creatures first arrive (this is also most of the footage used in the trailer). At first glance this seems like an odd move as the film is advertised as sequel, however, this introduction serves as a reminder to the set up of the first film, a reminder as to who some of the characters are and does actually set up a couple of things for later on in the film.
The film soon jumps ahead and picks up almost directly where the first one left off, Evelyn Abbott (Emily Blunt) and family look for other survivors and try to find a way to use what they found out at the end of Part 1.
Like the first film Part 2 uses sound, or the lack of, to help build the suspense and switches between tense, atmospheric scenes, some action and jump scares. It can be slow in parts but this is all in scene setting and tension building.
One of the good thing about 'A Quiet Place: Part 2' is that it doesn't fall into the typical post apocalyptic trap that all survivor groups are sinister (Walking dead, I'm looking at you). In fact the film does make you think that that is the way it's going to go.
A Quiet Place: Part 2 is a sequel in the truest sense, as I said, after the first few scenes it picks up directly after the first film in a way that, if you haven't seen part one (or haven't seen it for a while) then you will be missing some quite important information so a re watch of part 1 may be a good idea.