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Running From Twenty Four
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

“Sometimes life isn’t all unicorns puking rainbows when you’re young, free and single in London town.” What Sam thinks is going to be a night of consoling her best friend Jason after the death of his father turns into a drunken night ending in tragedy. Whilst sitting in a pub until the early hours of the morning, Sam and her friends become acquainted with barmaid Toni who invites them to a house party. Too drunk to turn the offer down they all end up at a flat owned by the eccentric Ulysses, drinking cocktails full of who knows what, surrounded by dozens of dressed up people.

Tragic circumstances cause the five 20-somethings to pull together after making poor decisions in an attempt to deal with a certain result of the party. Lack of common sense makes their night worse before it can get better, but thankfully it all turns out all right in the end.

As well as the drunken storyline, the reader learns more about the character Sam, from her dull job to her learning to live with her sexuality. Although the beginning of the story portrays Sam as a girl without much care in the world, it turns out she is suffering with frequent anxiety attacks and depression.

<i>Running From Twenty Four</i> is about people in their twenties trying to find their way in life whilst also dealing with grief and heartbreak. It also comes with a message about appreciating what you have now and not worrying so much about everything else.

<i>Running From Twenty Four</i> by Shem Douglas is a short story that can be read within a couple of hours, however some readers may be uncomfortable with some of the themes, particularly suicidal ideation. Despite some of the morbid topics the story is entertaining and humorous, ideal for readers in their twenties who feel they have not quite found their path in life.
Thrawn (Star Wars: Thrawn #1)
Thrawn (Star Wars: Thrawn #1)
Timothy Zahn | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think therte may have been other Star Wars books prior to [a:Timothy Zahn|12479|Timothy Zahn|]'s 'Heir to the Empire' trilogy, but I believe all those were set during (or prior to) the events of the movies, with Zahn holding the position of being the first author to be licensed to extend the story beyond the end of 'Return of the Jedi', and thus to kickstart the whole Extended Universe (or EU) of the Star Wars stories prior to the abolition of the same when Disnay acquired Luasfilm.

The three novels in that series - [b:Heir to the Empire|216443|Heir to the Empire (Star Wars The Thrawn Trilogy #1)|Timothy Zahn||1133995], [b:Dark Force Rising|216442|Dark Force Rising|Timothy Zahn||463790] and [b:The Last Command|216422|The Last Command|Timothy Zahn||397139] - set a VERY high bar for the subsequent novels to reach, mainly due to who would become a fan favourite character: that of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Thrawn's past, however, was only ever hinted at in those stories.

When Disney acquired Lucasfilm (and did away with the old EU, renaming them Legends), they did state, however, that they would 'cherry-pick' the best parts for inclusion in the Disney Star Wars canon: a promise they kept when Thrawn appeared as one of the key villains in the third season of the animated TV show 'Star Wars: Rebels'. And, in this, Zahn once again returns to perhaps his most famous creation, filling in (some of) the blans about his early days in the Imperial Navy.

However, this does not concentrate solely on Thrawn himself, but on a couple of other ancillary characters to him (no Rukh or the Noghri, yet), including Ariahdne Pryce - another Imperial from that TV show (and the sections of the novel dealing wih her of which, I found, to be the least interesting).
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ernest Cline | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (161 Ratings)
Book Rating
Honestly, I’m not really sure where to start with this review. I guess I need to preface by saying that I wanted to like this book. I mean REALLY wanted to like it. I love video games, I love the 80’s and the idea of living almost exclusively in virtual reality sounds like an amazing combination for a story. Unfortunately, it didn’t work for me… at all. I totally respect that there is a HUGE following for this book, and I am sooooooooooooo glad that so many people loved this book. I think that’s great. I really wanted to like it.
The author’s writing style was the biggest problem for me. The book started off strong for the first couple of chapters, but then became a huge info-dump for about 6 chapters. Then it would get interesting again, and then another mega epic info-dump was upon us, until about the last 6-8 chapters. It was great that the author wanted to give detail to world build and help you become part of the book/game, but at times it was just too much for me.
I also found that the author did a poor job of explaining what life was like outside of the major cities, it was almost as if we were supposed to just know that it was a wasteland. The author also was not consistent with their acronyms (GSS, PVP, MMO, etc). He would use the acronym and provide no explanation, and then the next page he would spell it out with the acronym, and then the page after that it would be spelled out with no acronym… It was all over the place.
The other glaring issue for me was the fact that Wade was fighting the sixers and their huge corporation but then was trying to find the egg and in the end became the head of a super-mega-corporation. It didn’t jive for me at all.
Private Message (Private, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I absolutely devoured this book! I couldn't put the flippin thing down! This story is off the charts hot, the characters are so easy to love, and the twists in the story literally made me yell "shut the f@%k up!"

I was so excited to get an ARC of this book that I pretty much started reading it as soon as it showed its pretty little face on my Kindle screen! From word one I was hooked! I stayed up into the wee hours of the morning reading this proving that I again have an inadequate respect for my required 8 hours of sleep; but oh baby, was this book ever worth it!

Tess is a great character, and she reminds me of myself in a couple of different ways which made me love her even more, yeah? She is the punky rocker girl who is shy and timid and has walls up all around her heart. She is fun to be around but likes to stick to herself.

Ben is just hot, hot, hot!!! He swoops in and knocks Tess right off her feet! She doesn't know what to think about him, and he just zings her with surprise after surprise! I loved the dynamic of their relationship. Ben also shows a lot of character in the way you watch him grow up throughout the book.

This book left me wanting more! I am not sure if this is going to be part of a series or if the author intended it to be a stand alone book. The ending of the book for me could go either way. I am satisfied if she intended it to be a stand alone, but if she were to expand the story that would be amazing! Private Message is now going to be added to my stack of favorite books! I will be re-reading this again and again!
One to Keep (One to Hold, #2)
Tia Louise | 2014
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tia Louise has done it again! One To Keep is the perfect follow up of One To Hold, but it shows you things from another perspective; a man's. I loved this book, because although it did rehash some of the scenes from One To Hold it did show it from a different side.

The characters were very well developed in this book, and I felt like I really got a chance to know and understand Elaine and Patrick. They were great supporting characters, but Tia in her amazing storytelling abilities took Patrick and Elaine from supporting roles to main characters, and I instantly fell in love with them. We were also introduced to a couple new character, one I loved the other I loved to hate!

Kenny was a fabulous addition to this book, and I hope I get to see more of her. I loved her style and the way her personality played so well off of Patrick's. She's a very interesting character whom I wasn't expecting. She kind of just blindsided me with her awesomeness. Star/Toni was my love to hate character. I loved the way she came into the picture, but hated the torment she put Patrick through.

As per usual Tia Louise writing style, the characters and drama was hot, but the sex scenes were even hotter! I am so glad to have finally found an author that isn't afraid to get down to the nitty gritty and have a sex scene just be raw and call things what they really are.

Over all this book gets 4 stars and two thumbs up in my opinion! I can't wait to read more from Tia Louise! She is a great new writer that is really going to make a name for herself. I expect some great things in her future!

***This book was provided as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.***

Marylegs (44 KP) rated Torment in Books

Aug 14, 2019  
Lauren Kate | 2010 | Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
So a couple of months back I read Fallen and was decidedly unimpressed with the whole story in general. I still can’t explain why I decided to read to follow up book Torment. But I’m glad I did. Once again, it could have been better, I’m not saying it was as good as some of the books I have read lately, but it was much better than the first book.

This book sees Luce sent off to a posh school on the west coast (there happens to be special classes about angels and demons, which made me pull many faces when reading it). Daniel, the uber love interest of the first book, Luce’s ‘one true love’ send her here after the events at the end of fallen with the premise of keeping her safe. Rebellious teenage acts ensue, and as you can guess, Luce ends up not being very safe. I still have real issues with Daniel as the love interest. We know nothing about him, he hasn’t done a single thing to endear me to him, and I kind of route for Luce to screw him over a little bit and date someone who doesn’t control her every move without giving her even a glimpse of understanding as to why these things keep happening to her.

Other than that actually the general way the story is going was much more interesting to read, Luce had more backbone and the new characters that were introduced as her friends were well rounded and well written into the story. I can see where the story may head now, which is saying a lot as I didn’t get the first book at all. I can honestly say I will now read the rest, I just hope that the author carries on developing the story and possible try to include a few less cliché type scenarios.
Brightburn (2019)
Brightburn (2019)
2019 | Horror
Overall everything (0 more)
!!!!! WOW!!!!!
The last SONY production I saw was Venom... And while it was alright, it could've been so much better.
So lets just say I went into BRIGHT BURN with a little hesitation....
Was I ever wrong to hesitate...
Brandon Brier is a weird kid... Not well liked by his peers, the only friends he has are his parents and his aunt and uncle... And he just doesn't seem to understand what's going on within himself... Puberty can be a mother fucker...
While most normal kids grow hair in funny places and start thinking about girls, Brandon can shoot 5 million degree lasers from his eyes and stop lawnmower blades with his wrists... Did I mention he could fly??? Well... He can fly too...
Soon Brandon starts using his amazing gifts as weapon s to get back at the people who try and stop him from his ultimate goal... Take The World.
Oh... And I also forgot to mention he came to earth kind of like Superman... Landed on a farm in BrightBurn, Kansas... Was adopted by a struggling couple trying to have kids... And raised as their own... But Fucking KAL-El this little bastard is not...
He proceeds to off a shit ton of people in various manners... Even picking a pick up truck up with his mind and sending it crashingto the ground in one of the best practical effects I have seen in almost a decade...
We go through the motions like most super hero films, but these motions include glass to an eyeball, shattered fingers and wrists, a half decap hold the soy milk latte and so on and so forth.
BrightBurn is an impressive little film that kept me wanting more... You did it this time SONY... You kept me engaged and interested... And I can't wait to see what you come up with next.... (Psst... Psst... CARNAGE Sony... Fuck Venom....)
Not If I Save You First
Not If I Save You First
Ally Carter | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Maddie and Logan were best friends when they were kids. Granted, it was under slightly unusual circumstances: Logan's dad was President, and Maddie's dad was one of his Secret Service agents. So when something happens that causes Maddie's dad to move the two of them to an isolated cabin in the middle of Alaska, everything in Maddie's life changes. She has no contact with the outside world beyond letters--no Internet, no phone, no anything. Just a tiny cabin, a few library books, and her Dad. Maddie learns to become self-sufficient, and she learns to be alone. Then, suddenly, six years later, Logan turns up at her door. In Alaska. Before she knows it, someone attacks Maddie and Logan. Maddie has no choice but to put her wilderness skills to the test to save them both. Maddie's pretty angry that she hasn't heard from Logan in the past six years, but she's going to have to get over it for a bit, while the two cling for life in the cold.

"She was through with waiting for letters, for phone calls, for people and friends. Maddie was absolutely through with looking back."

So this is a totally crazy and wild book (just read that plot summary), but it's also really fun and an enjoyable read. I've never read anything by Ally Carter before, but this book inspired me to grab a couple others by her. It's exactly what it claims to be.

Even though they are tramping through the Alaskan wilderness, trying to save their own lives, Maddie and Logan's banter is pretty great. The story is dramatic at times, but also romantic and cute at others. It's complete and utter escapism, but that's what I wanted when I picked it up.

Overall, a really fun, quick read. I felt transported to Alaska, and I enjoyed the back-and-forth between Maddie and Logan. 3.5 stars.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Paranormal Activity (2007) in Movies

Oct 28, 2019 (Updated Jan 27, 2020)  
Paranormal Activity (2007)
Paranormal Activity (2007)
2007 | Horror
The Found-Footage Rebirth
After the huge sucess of the blair witch project, Paramount pitcures and blumhouse decided many years later to rebirth the found-footage movies. And this result was this and so many god damn sequels later.

Here's how confusing the timeline is and how many sequels this movie has...

The film is the first (chronologically, the third) entry in the Paranormal Activity film series. A parallel sequel and prequel, Paranormal Activity 2, was released in 2010. The success of the first two films would spawn additional films in the series: the prequel Paranormal Activity 3 in 2011, and Paranormal Activity 4 (the sequel to the second installment) in 2012. The fifth installment, The Marked Ones, was released in 2014, and the sixth installment, The Ghost Dimension, was released in 2015.

So really this is the third movie in the franchise, but it came out first, than a prequel/sequel with the 2nd one, than the prequel with the 3d one, than the sequel to the 2nd one which is actually the 4th movie. Makes any sense, no!!!!! Confusing fuck yes!!!!!

Anyways the plot: Soon after moving into a suburban tract home, Katie (Katie Featherston) and Micah (Micah Sloat) become increasingly disturbed by what appears to be a supernatural presence. Hoping to capture evidence of it on film, they set up video cameras in the house but are not prepared for the terrifying events that follow.

Its very slow, its not that scary, nothing really happens, just people watching footage on a computer, repeat that couple of times, make sure who ever is holding the camera make it shake and out of focus. Also Cameras!!!!! So Many Cameras.

This movie was so overhyped and in the end that was its downfall. That and not being actaully really scary. Makes this film, really not good.

Lastly shout out to @Sarah for getting the hints/clues for this movie correct.
A Perfect Getaway (2009)
A Perfect Getaway (2009)
2009 | Mystery, Thriller
If “Survivorman” hadn’t given me enough reason to never spend time on a remote beach, “A Perfect Getaway” has sealed my resolve. Cliff (Steve Zahn) and Cidney (Milla Jovovich) are newlyweds honeymooning on a remote Hawaiian Island when rumors of a murderous couple begin to circulate. Cliff and Cidney soon find themselves in a triangle of couples, any of which could be the killers.

The film is more akin to a blending of “The Rundown” and “Idle Hands”, than the non-stop creep fest I had expected. Avoiding the exhausted remote Hawaiian island murder movie clichés, “A Perfect Getaway” contains a funny attention-grabbing game of who-done it complete with movie terms worked directly into the plot.

This is a film all about well-crafted characters. All the leads are fun to watch and everyone is bound to have a favorite; from the self proclaimed ‘American Jedi’ Nick (Timothy Olyphant) to the bubbly newlywed Cindy. For me it was the standout performance of Kiele Sanchez as Gina that was the most dramatic and suspenseful.

While I was hesitant to see a film about another a remote island in Hawaii covered in killers, “A Perfect Getaway” blasts past my sense of been there-done-that. The general feel of a mystery novel scattered through the lead characters creates a funny film reminiscent of my R. L. Stine years.

The location is beautiful and haunting, as is to be expected, and the camera is used in a way that truly puts viewers in the film’s action. While “A Perfect Getaway” does drag a little in the beginning staying into the real meat of the film is worth the wait. Additionally viewers will wonder why the film’s characters continue to spend time on an island reported to house a set of murders, but if you can discard these obvious mistakes “A Perfect Getaway” is a refreshing trip.