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Fractured (2019)
Fractured (2019)
2019 | Action, Mystery, Thriller
A family are driving home after visiting the wives parents, the couple are arguing and are nearly ran off the road as a result of not paying attention. A little while later they pull to a rest stop so their daughter peri can use the toilet, however, upon returning to the car Ray spills his coffee in peris car seat whilst looking for her toy. Whilst he's cleaning up, peri wanders off and falls from a ledge after being scared by a dog. Thankfully she's fine but has severely hurt her arm so Ray drives her to the emergency room as fast as he can. It took a long time and many strange questions to get Peri seen, but after finally being examined the Dr insists on Peri having a CT scan. Ray's wife goes with Peri for her scan whilst Ray stays in the waiting room and that's the last time they are seen.
When Ray wakes up from a nap in the waiting room he asks at the desk how long the scan will be, only to be told that there is no record of Peri ever been at the hospital and not only that, but staff are adamant Ray came in alone. Things get stranger from there as Ray frantically looks for his family.
The movie is quite dark from the hospital scenes onwards and can be quite difficult to see what's happening at times, but it gives atmosphere to the scenes and works well. For a movie full of actors I'd never heard of, the acting was very good too apart from one scene where Peri is falling,you hear her scream but her face is expressionless, that could be an editing error maybe? Who knows?
The movie had lots of moments where I gasped and wondered what was real and what wasn't. At first the ending seemed a little too easy but there is a very shocking twist which left me feeling a little uneasy.
Batman: Detective Comics, Volume 6: Fall of the Batmen
Batman: Detective Comics, Volume 6: Fall of the Batmen
James Tynion IV | 2018 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Crime, Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>OMG!</b> Seriously?!? <i>* one more time *</i> <b>OMG!</b> That volume's ending was off the ever-lovin' Feels scale! I knew it was coming (Yaay! Browsin' on the interwebs!), but still, the death of [Spoiler] packed a lot of emotion as well as distaste towards [Spoiler - Part Deux] for not following B-Man's direction or that of the team as a whole!

And, I would like to correct my statement in the other two reviews, that this was the final book of Tynion's 'TEC run. There is, in fact, one last volume, VOL. 8: BATMAN ETERNAL, which I bought digitally the night before, and I will be tackling that one tonight in what has been a great ride, full of fun and excitement, helping to remind that Batman is still cool (despite all of Tom King's efforts)!

In my reviews, I always try to acknowledge the artist(s), whether good or not so good. In this case, there were two Joe Bennett (did the first couple of the arc), followed by Miguel Mendonça, winding down with Jesus Merina (he was on the finale issue of "Fall of the Batmen"), and finishing up with Philippe Briones (handled the epilogue issue, "Knights Fall"). Oh, and Eddy Barrows worked on the last book in this volume, DETECTIVE ANNUAL #2, which I skimmed over, as it was a retread of Clayface's origin/beginnings. But, yeah, those artists were on fire! Such grand attention to detail, facial expressions, and brilliant use of shadows! They are all names I will be keeping an eye out for going forward!

All in all, this was a truly memorable, and emotional, story arc. It was another winner for James Tynion IV, but come on, they were all winning arcs, as far as I'm concerned! And that, my loyal readers (are there really that many who genuinely follow my reviews? I dunno, but I am still going to go that phrasing), is that! Peace!
Okay, upfront confession.. I am someone who spent 9 years of his life learning/experiencing the joy that is owning (or, maybe in my case, it would be <i>owned by</i> a Mini Schnauzer! They were some of the best years of my life, and it helped me realize how awesome the breed is! So, that said, when I saw this book offered for my Kindle, I had to get it!

The author lets you know upfront that it is a book for young adults, but that it could be enjoyed by parents, or even those who opted not to be parents. Either way, I was kinda prepared when I went into it. What I was <u>not</u> prepared for was how much I enjoyed the book!

Forner is clearly a fellow Schnauzer enthusiast, as well as being a parent to one. It shows in the way that he writes for the character of Monty, coming off as someone who has had experience with one, as well as paying good attention to their behaviors.

I sometimes like to read before going to sleep, but unfortunately, it tends to leave me waking up the next morning having to re-read what I read the night before, as it was just too much to remember after I fell asleep. With ...THE CASE OF THE STEALTHY CAT BURGLAR, I was provided with a suitable way to a) have an enjoyable read before bed and b) have a book that I could read a couple chapters before bed and still be able to remember them in the one. Bravo, good sir!

Look, this is a great little read! Only folks who probably wouldn't enjoy are cat lovers and people without a soul! Now, that's enough from me, go get this book and be prepared to enjoy the heck out of it!

Now, where is Monty's next adventure, hmm? ;)
Aquaslash (2019)
Aquaslash (2019)
2019 | Horror
The premise of Aquaslash is painfully simple, but immediately appeals to anyone that has even a passing interest in slasher flicks - A mystery assailant inserts giant blades into a water slide tunnel, at a busy water park. That's it. That's the film.
Well, unfortunately that's not all of it...
The film opens with a standard but interest-peaking POV scene from the killer, chopping up a couple of horny teenagers at the aformentioned water park, before we get a title card. And then (the unfortunate part) we get a whole hour of goofy teen drama - remember the tsunami of sex comedies that released in the wake of American Pie? Imagine one of the shittier ones, but with no funny bits, and that's the kind of stuff we're getting here.
The script is occasionally humourous, but mostly flat and the acting from everyone involved is a little wonky (except the token jaded old dude, that guy is great)
It's not the most boring thing I've ever sat through, but it's damn close, as countless red herrings are thrown at the audience. The eventual killer reveal by the way, manages to be predictable, and somehow make no sense whatsoever. It's weird.

Thank the lord then for the last 15 minutes, that is just ridiculous and gory enough to make it all worth the slog. When everything eventually kicks off, it's actually pretty entertaining. The gore is all practically done, looks half decent, and the execution is pretty fresh. It's just a shame that the set up is such a drag - If there was more of this then Aquaslash would be miles better.

Honestly, it might be worth just fast forwarding to the good bit with this one, but if you do insist on watching the whole thing, it's not the absolute worst thing ever, and it mercifully clocks in at 75 minutes, which makes the whole ordeal that little more bearable.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated The Chalet in Books

Oct 10, 2020  
The Chalet
The Chalet
Catherine Cooper | 2020 | Crime, Mystery
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
For a debut novel, I think this worked pretty well and it was a nice, quick read.

The plot is set in two time frames - 1998 follows the story of the death of a young man whilst on a skiing holiday with his brother and their girlfriends. Fast forward to 2020 and we find ourselves in the same ski resort, with a group of people who are somehow connected to that death. It's told from multiple points of view so you do have to keep your wits about you but it does work well for the story. In amongst this, we have a mystery narrator - that of a child and her difficult childhood spent in and out of foster care which I found heart breaking - how does she fit into the story?

I am not going to give away any of the plot or provide any spoilers as to do so would ruin it for others but what I will say is that I did see the twist coming from a mile away which took a bit of the suspense and head-scratching away somewhat. Having said that, it is a very clever plot which did make me second-guess myself a couple of times but in the end, I was right.

The characters are thoroughly awful; I think if I was stuck with them, I'd do away with the lot of them! I'm not sure whether it was the author's intention to make them so unlikeable but I felt it actually worked really well in the context of the story and I admit to secretly hoping something bad would befall them all!

Overall, this is a creditable debut and I will be looking out for more from this author in the future and I should thank HarperCollins UK / HarperFiction via NetGalley who invited me to read The Chalet in return for an unbiased review.
Wrath of the Gods (The Titan&#039;s Saga, #2)
Wrath of the Gods (The Titan's Saga, #2)
Jaymin Eve, Leia Stone | 2020 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've borrowed this from the KU Library.

This starts a few months after the events of the last book. Maisey is trying to get on with life after being left by Cronus but it's hard to forget him when she fell hard for him in the time they were together and she's still wearing the necklace that holds some of the sins. When Hyperion comes back to get her so they can capture another sin, she's thrown straight back into the chaotic life of the Titans - and into Cronus' arms.

I did enjoy this one but not as much as the first. The relationship between Maisey and Cronus quickly went back to full throttle and I'll admit that I did get a little attached to them as a couple - so much so that I did have a few tears at the end. We meet more Titans - a race of Gods I don't know much about, really, apart from the fact that they were the parents of the Greek ones - and see their powers in action as they try to bring the last five/six sins back under control and into the necklace that Maisey wears. I think Cronus and Hyperion are my favourite Gods in this series.

The #hashtags were once again used annoyingly a little too often throughout the book and I started ignoring them after a while. They weren't adding anything to the story for me.

I can't decide whether to read book 3 or not. It's the last book in the series and I'm hoping that Maisey and Cronus will have some sort of HEA but I also can't say I'm that interested in how this particular series is going to end... I don't know. I did struggle at times with this one, preferring to do other things than finish this, but like I've already mentioned I am a little invested in Maisey and Cronus. Gah! Undecided...

Hazel (2934 KP) rated Gathering Dark in Books

Dec 29, 2020  
Gathering Dark
Gathering Dark
Candice Fox | 2020 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a book I have had on my "to-be-read" pile since August 2020 and given I had a few days off work over the festive season, I decided to try and catch up a bit ... one down and loads more to go!

I have read and enjoyed a couple of Candice Fox's books before so was looking forward to reading this new story set in America and although I wasn't blown away, I did enjoy the ride.

Set in Los Angeles, the story centres around two main characters and from whose perspective the book is written - Blair and Jessica. Blair, as the blurb says, is restarting her life after being released from prison for murdering her neighbour. Jessica is a Police Officer who put her there and who has just inherited a very expensive and exclusive property.

The blurb makes the plot sound simple however, it is far from it. Throw in Blair's ex cell-mate's daughter going missing, a gang leader, very disgruntled colleagues of Jessica, the legend of missing millions and then a gopher and what you have is a very complex story which is a bit OTT and unbelievable in parts with one too many coincidences but it keeps you hooked as you just need to find out how all these threads fit together and they do very satisfyingly and at a good pace. I did find there were one or two chapters that just seemed to be thrown in for the sake of it rather than them adding to the story and it was a bit wordy in parts but overall, it kept my interest.

The ending leaves the door open for other stories to follow and I for one would like to see where Blair and Jessica go in both their personal lives and their potential partnership.

Thank you to Random House UK / Cornerstone and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
Night School (2018)
Night School (2018)
2018 | Comedy
I find Hart and Haddish to be two peas in a pod when it comes to their comedy style. The only difference is that I can watch a whole Kevin Hart film without getting bored of it. So having them both in a film together was a little worrying. But I really didn't need to worry. They work really well together.

What I will say is that I wasn't convinced until around the mid-way point when they change up the learning side of things. The first bit was a little short on the really entertaining comedy and I was getting restless, but the rest had everyone laughing out loud. I will say that there's one bit that really made me feel awful... I honestly was seconds away from throwing up... you'll see it coming and you will probably be hollering "nooo" like most of us in the screen did.

The support cast is great and everyone plays a brilliant little piece in the film. Mary Lynn Rajskub made me chuckle a lot, it's a very different character to what most of us would be used to seeing her doing.

There are some movie occurences that you can see happening and you can take comfort in that you know they're coming. This film teases one right under your nose for most of it's run and the rips it away from you. It is both nice and infuriating that they don't take that turn.

It's definitely a fun film, but it's a fairly average one. If it hadn't been for the awkward comedy in the first section of the film then I think this could have been one that went on my go to cheer up film list.

What should you do?

It's worth streaming and seeing at least once. It won't tax your brain and it'll be a good diversion for a couple of hours.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I think I'd really need to have some of that holy chicken.
Terrifier (2017)
Terrifier (2017)
2017 | Horror
When two women see a creepy clown in a pizza place they soon find themselves fighting for their livers in an abandoned building.
Terrifier could easily be mistaken for an 80’s or 90’s slasher movie as Art the Clown (never actually named in the film) cut’s, stabs, shoots and strangles his way through the rest of the cast using a variety of different weapons. Art the Clown seems to stand out in a genre that could almost be called over saturated, he speaks less than either Mike Myers or Jason Voorhees but carries out his kills with a comedic joy that almost matches Freddy Kruger, acting out his pleasure through mime which seems to intensify the silence he exudes.
The film seems to have a homemade feel about it, that’s not saying that it seems cheap but that the cast seem to get along well and that it could almost be something that was shot for fun by a group of friends in the same way the ‘Evil Dead’ or the original ‘Night of the Living Dead’ was. This is helped by a small cast and limited locations.
Being a slasher there is, of course; blood, violence, screaming and a bit of nudity but no sex, in fact the reason one character gets involved it to avoid being in the room with a couple who are getting amorous. Art dispatched his victims in a number of ways, most of which have been done before, after all there are only so many ways to stab or shoot someone, however, Art brings a joyfulness to his actions and, although I have already compared him to Freddy Kruger, Art seems to really see a funny side to what he is doing unlike Freddy who just enjoys the kill.
I have seen that there is a sequel slated for 2020 and given the being/end of Terrifier I think that is could be very interesting.
A Legacy of Murder
A Legacy of Murder
Connie Berry | 2019 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kate Finds a Christmastime Murder
Kate Hamilton has traveled to the small village of Long Barston in England. Her daughter, Christine, is spending her semester break working at Finchley Hall as one of several college aged interns who work on the premises, and Kate can visit Christine and her new friend Tom Mallory, a policeman she met in Scotland and is falling for, before heading back home to Ohio to spend Christmas with her mother. On her first day, Kate is taking a tour of Finchley Hall. The guide is talking about the murders that have taken place on the estate when a scream interrupts her. Kate and several others run to find one of the interns dead. The police are quick to label it murder. With Tom on the case, it is cutting into the time Kate thought they would have together. But she can’t help but worry. Is Christine in danger since she is an intern?

I’ve just teased the first couple of chapters, so things obviously get off to a fast start. However, the pace is uneven, especially early on in the story. I know part of that is me since Kate loves England much more than I do, and her wonder at spending time there didn’t translate to me. However, there is a good mystery here, with some decent twists and surprises. The climax is page turning and perfect logical. The characters are absolutely wonderful. We have a rather large cast, but I never had any issue keeping everyone and their relationship to the events unfolding around Kate straight. While the book is set in December, there is so much going on we don’t get lots of scenes directly related to Christmas, although I certainly enjoyed the references to the season we did see. This book isn’t quite as strong as the first one, but I’m glad I read it. This is a series that anyone who loves the British Isles needs to pick up today.