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Nadya R (9 KP) rated The Tea Rose in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
The Tea Rose
The Tea Rose
Jennifer Donnelly | 2006 | History & Politics, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fiona is 17 years old girl who works in Burton's tea factory. She leads a life of Irish emigrant with her big family. There is Joe as well. The next door boy she is inlove with and also he is inlove with her since they were children. The only light in their light is their cacao box. It consist all of their savings set aside to support their dream - to have their own shop. When one day everything broke down. His father died in accident. Joe, the men she always love, is forced to marry to other woman.
London's atmosphere is so vivdly described. With only two word Donnally took us into her universe. Everything is so bright. It's make you feel the smell of the tea into English's humid air. You can hear Joe, who call you to go and buy some of his fruits and veggies. This is also the time of Jack the Ripper. Series of brutally killed women spread the fear trough the people in Whitechapel. Trying to take the ill baby to the doctor, Fiona's mother Kate became a witness of another Jack's murder and for that she paid with her life. The baby died a couple of days after her mom. Fiona's bigger brother Charlie disappeared, heart-broken because of his mother death. And Fiona end up with her little brother. But when their life is threatened, they catch the first ship to New York. There from poor little girl without a family, she become one of the richest women in New York.
Unputdownable! Totally deserve to be read. All this tragedy. Her misfortune love with Joe. Every time when they are going to meet I became so happy, only to be disappointed because they missed out the chance. Its a huge book with its 800 pages (Bulgarian edition), but they aren't enough for me. I wanted to learn more about Fiona's success. How she became this powerful woman. I missed this ten years that aren't described in the book.
Amazing book that kept me awake three nights in a row.
Young Enough (The Age Between Us #2)
Young Enough (The Age Between Us #2)
Charmaine Pauls | 2018 | Erotica, Romance
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
You need book one first!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book two in The Age Between Us set, and you MUST read book one, Old Enough, before you read this one, it is not a stand alone.

I'm not gonna write a blurby bit, cos I might give something away!

When it all starts to unravel for Jane, and indeed for Brian, together, and separately, its like a ball rolling down a hill. As it moves, it gets faster and faster, and for Jane and Brian, things move at great speed, one thing after another after another, til the only way is for them both to walk away. When reading this unraveling, its like Oh My God. Then its, No Freaking WAY! And SAY WHAT NOW!!!

Because Pauls chucks so many, so bloody MANY things at this couple, and at us, it's a wonder they are still standing. So many twists and turns, so much that came totally out of left field, that I was totally blown away with the plot twists!

I've filed it on the darker/grittier shelf, because some of the things that are thrown at Brian and Jane need that tag. But if I tell you what they are, that would give plot lines away, so if anyone wants to know, please feel free to message me, and I will tell you, but I'm not doing that here.


It's again, first person present tense, from both Jane and Brian's point of view. And as much as I loved this book, more so than the first, I still can't get past that. And for that I'm sorry!

Its very well written, though and you really do feel for both Brian and Jane when things start to go wrong. Strangely, I felt more for Brian than I did for Jane. Well I did, up to a point, and after that point?? It was Jane I felt more for!

So, even though I enjoyed this one more than book one, I still can't get past the present tense .....

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Lee (2222 KP) rated Bad Times at the El Royale (2018) in Movies

Oct 16, 2018 (Updated Oct 16, 2018)  
Bad Times at the El Royale (2018)
Bad Times at the El Royale (2018)
2018 | Thriller
Not knowing what's going on for much of it is actually quite enjoyable (0 more)
Unbelievably, Chris Hemsworth! (0 more)
Nice mystery thriller
The El Royale is a bi-state establishment. A painted red line runs straight through the centre of the car park and right through the centre of reception, leading to a jukebox. One half of this hotel lies in Nevada, the other half in California. The rooms on the California side are a little more expensive because.... well, because it's California!

A number of guests arrive in reception - Jon Hamm is a vacuum cleaner salesmen, keen to stay in the honeymoon suite, Jeff Bridges is a priest and Cynthia Erivo a singer. They chat a while as they wait for somebody to return to the reception desk so that they can check in. And then another woman arrives, played by Dakota Fanning. She's not so chatty.

They all head off to their rooms and begin behaving in very different and mysterious ways. One is taking the room apart, removing microphones and phone taps, another is lifting up floorboards, another is singing into the mirror while another is bringing in a body from the boot of a car.

There's not a lot else that can be said without giving things away but much of the movie is spent exploring each of these characters and what they're all up to. We go back in time days, even years, exploring their past a little and discovering what brought them all to the El Royale. Stories within the hotel overlap and affect each other, with twists and turns revealing different motives for various people. It's all very mysterious, very well executed and very enjoyable.

Where I felt the movie falters is in the latter third, with the introduction of Chris Hemsworth. I didn't really buy into his character at all and that's when the pacing, the mystery and the enjoyment fell apart somewhat for me. It picks up with a couple more twists and surprises towards the but at 141 minutes, I feel the movie could have easily benefited from losing 20-30 minutes from its run time. Overall though, this was an enjoyable bit of fun.

Merissa (11794 KP) rated Seaborn in Books

Oct 19, 2018  
Lena North | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Seaborn by Lena North
Seaborn is the first in a new series, loosely linked to another series by the same author. In this story, we meet Charlie, or Lottie as she is known at that time. She is running for her life, away from an abusive ex. It is told in enough detail that your sympathy is with her immediately, whilst dropping you straight into the story. She is taken to an island where she meets a group of people who end up meaning more to her than she ever thought possible.

I went into this story not really expecting too much. I'd been burnt by a couple of stories where the blurb really drew me in, and yet the story left me cold. This was one of the opposite cases where I was blown away by what I received!

The characters are all well-rounded, whether you like them or not. Some of them are fantastic - I'm looking at you Dupree! And others are... not. I'll leave it to you to figure that one out! The writing is exceptional, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading. However, full disclosure, I don't know if I'd notice them anyway, as I was thoroughly engrossed with the story. I went through a whole gamut of emotions whilst reading this - from horror and pity to a situation, to disgust, to laughter, to crying. It was all here, and I was an emotional wreck by the time I finished this book.

This is the first book by this author I have read, and it won't be the last. How do I know this for sure? Because on the back of reading this book, I have immediately purchased the WHOLE Dreughan and Birds of a Feather series - that's a further eight books I now have by this author, and I can't wait to lose myself in her worlds again.

Absolutely and highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nightmare Keep (Euphoria Online Book 2)
Nightmare Keep (Euphoria Online Book 2)
Phil Tucker | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Moments of luck/deus ex (0 more)
Outstanding follow-up LitRPG fantasy tale
The follow-up to Death March continues straight on, with Chris being marched off to the eerie evil presence lurking in the nearby ruined village. From there on, Chris has a mission to accomplish and things are looking good for him, albeit with some hard work to come. Just as things start to look up, he is booted out of Castle Winter by a group of stronger players and has to find another way to complete his mission.
The action is thick, fast and wonderfully narrated throughout the book. While the constant mention of which Skill, Spell or weapon is being used gets a little bit annoying, it adds to the gaming feel and allows you to see the characters' actions and how they chose them.
The story is excellent, barring some slightly confused metaphysical stuff right at the end, where the world becomes all hand-wavey and dreamy and you kind of lose the immersion a little. But the character development (literally, by completing tasks and winning fights, Chris gains XP and levels up) and interaction is top notch, totally nailing the language that would be used by gamers trying to be their character but also retaining their own personalities.
There are a couple of moments in the book where it seems Chris has just plain run out of luck, but something always arrives just at the right time for him to get out of his predicament. One revelation in particular was a little jarring where he managed to de-crypt a message and work out (or guess) what he had to do, which could have worked but was delivered a little clumsily in my opinion. In hindsight the smaller incidents are minor and did not detract from my enjoyment of this book.
Once again, the book is just cruelly short and leaves you wanting more. Luckily, there is one more book in the series so I won't be away from Euphoria Online for long.
Read as part of free trial on Kindle Unlimited (so for free!).
The Lemon Sisters (Wildstone, #3)
The Lemon Sisters (Wildstone, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I absolutely love reading Jill Shalvis books. She has the uncanny ability to get right into my head and thought process to lead me on an extraordinary adventure from the first page. The Lemon Sisters is no exception, with life quotes on every chapter and stories like “popcorn farting”, this is a true to life story.

Brooke and Mindy are the Lemon Sisters. Separated by time and distance, they each are settled into their own crazy lives. Brooke is busy adventure journalist who had a little hiccup in her career and Mindy is a mom to 3 wild kids. Mindy shows up and Brooke’s door and needs a break so Brooke agrees to take the kids home for a couple days to give Mindy the time she needs. Not wanting to mention to Mindy how close the edge Brooke was herself, she keeps her mouth shut and helps get Mindy’s life back on track.

Wildstone is a place Brooke never wanted to head back to, ever. She ran fast and far as soon as she could seven years ago and never looked back. Putting Garrett out of her every thought has been the hardest part of living away from home. This could get very interesting.

Garrett has lived next door to Mindy and Linc for years, he loves being a psuedo uncle to their 3 kids. He’s tried hard to keep Brooke from encroaching on his daily thoughts, but that has proven to be futile. Now with her next door again for who knows how long, his thoughts are no longer his own.

I love the flow of storylines from Brooke to Mindy to Linc and Garrett. Add in a quirky OCD like storyline with Brooke and her niece and you have a perfect flow of characters both main and secondary. Telling storylines within the main storyline including lines like “Popcorn Farts” and the cool quotes Ms. Shalvis puts at the beginning of chapters is just one of the many reasons I flock to books by this author. 5 out of 5 stars for a book I voluntarily read and reviewed without expectations. Wildstone hooked me again, toss me back and I’ll get hooked again I’m sure.
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Picking up after the events of the previous film; “Godzilla: King of the Monsters” deals with a world trying to assess what to do with the presence of the giant Titans. The Monarch Corporation wants the creatures studied and has established locales to study the ones they have found currently hibernating. The U.S. Government wants them destroyed as they do not want repeats of the destruction that was previously caused by Godzilla.

Dr. Emma Russell (Vera Farmiga) and her daughter Madison (Millie Bobbie Brown) have developed a device known as Orca that will allow them to communicate with the creatures using specific sonic frequencies.

After a successful test under duress; the duo are captured by a ruthless Eco Terrorist group who want to use the giant creatures for their own objectives.

This leads to a chase around the world with Monarch attempting to stop them and with Emma’s ex-husband Mark (Kyle Chandler) deeply involved though he is deeply divided as he blames Godzilla for the loss of their son.

When a gigantic creature is freed; Godzilla faces his greatest challenge as there is a race against time to save the world.

While the film has some very impressive visual effects, the film drags as aside from a couple of brief encounters; the audience is required to sit through roughly 90 minutes of plodding story to get to the action which is roughly only the last 15-20 minutes of the film.

The human characters were very disinteresting and many of the international cast looked at times like they were sleepwalking though their lines as they seemed to have a real lack of passion for what they were given to work with.

The human characters were also very annoying and I found myself hoping that they would be taken out by the creatures as I had no connection to them and they did not inspire any sympathy.

While it may possibly appeal to hardcore fans, this was a miss for me as there simply was not enough creature action to counter-balance having to sit through the human characters and plodding plot to get to the good stuff.

Darren (1599 KP) rated Alien 3 (1992) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019  
Alien 3 (1992)
Alien 3 (1992)
1992 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Story: How do you follow up two of the best sci-fi films or all time? This struggles to keep up with the atmosphere created in the first two. It offers nothing new to the series either. As a stand-alone film this would struggle to be a good sci-fi thriller. It’s only positive I can think of were a couple of surprise deaths. (5/10)


Actor Review: Sigourney Weaver – Ripley back to kick the alien’s arse. Sigourney has created one of the biggest icons in female cinema, but this is not the chapter anyone would be remembering. (6/10)


Actor Review: Charles S. Dutton – Dillon leader of the religious movement on in the prison. One of the good guys who protects Ripley from the bad prisoners. He does an ok job but doesn’t have enough to work with. (6/10)


Actor Review: Charles Dance – Medical officer with a dark past on the road to recovery. Good supporting role is used well to create a good connection between Ripley and the prisoners. (6/10)


Director Review: David Fincher – The great director disowned this film after it got changed post production and I don’t blame him. (4/10)


Action: Slow moving action throughout. (6/10)

Sci-Fi: Take out the Alien it offers very little in the world of sci-fi. (5/10)

Thriller: Not very thrilling compared to previous offering. (5/10)

Special Effects: Poor special effects too. (5/10)

Chances of Tears: No (0/10)

Settings: A prison on a planet with nowhere to run creating a great isolation setting for this sci-fi horror. (9/10)


Suggestion: I only say try because it makes the first two look even better and it is nice to see how the characters you grew to love, well their next chapter. (Try It)


Best Part: Lead scene.

Worst Part: Loses suspense element.

Action Scene of the Film: Final scene.

Kill Of The Film: Clemens

Oscar Chances: Nominated for one Oscar for visual effects

Chances of Sequel: Did get a sequel.


Overall: Poor addition to the franchise.

Kayleigh (12 KP) rated Mudlark in Books

Jan 2, 2019  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Although mudlarks were also found in London, diving for pennies in the Thames mudbanks, this book is set in Portsmouth, so I was really enthusiastic to read this, hoping I’d know where the characters were larking about. Going to stay with my grandparents every half term means I know the area fairly well. Sure enough, most of the time I knew where the characters were, which added to my enjoyment of the book. In general, though, Sedden describes the scenes well enough that anyone could pick the book up and become immersed in its landscape.

Jimmy and Reg, the first-person protagonist and his best friend, were really realistic too – there were things like Reg having a stutter, the number of dead-arms the boys give each other (!) and the sense of guilt Jimmy feels when he realises he’s in the wrong, which made the boys really 3D, relatable characters.

I loved that the book brought to life a picture of not only mudlarking, but the start of the First World War and everyday people’s reactions to it. The twists that take place in the book can’t be guessed from the blurb, and I found myself surprised a lot of the time. The solution to the mystery had to be explained to me just as much as it did to Jimmy and Reg, which is rare, as I can usually guess what’s coming from at least a couple of pages before. PLUS, the solution was historically accurate. Double tick!

I reckon this book will appeal to boys (and probably girls too!) around 11-14, especially those with a love of history. Mind you, once I get the book back I’ll be sending it to my grandpa, who I’m sure will love it. It’s his old stomping ground, after all, although he’s never been as nasty as the policemen in the book!

If you liked this review, I also went into some of the history of mudlarking in Portsmouth on my <a href="">blog</a>;; please feel free to check it out!
The Captain's Daughter
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I grew up with a deep (DEEP) appreciation for theatre. I have been in several productions personally. And musicals are my lifeblood (my hubby and I are going to see Phantom of the Opera in a couple weeks). So you can imagine my surprise when I discovered that not only is this book set in one of the most fascinating time periods, (Queen Victoria was pretty amazing! Check out the new Masterpiece Series from BBC
"Victoria" Yes, I know they over dramatized some aspects in this...But it is still AMAZING...and Jenna Coleman...'nough said.) but that we also get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the life of the theatre in 1873. An era where an occupation on the stage was heavily frowned upon. Not to mention that the operettas written by Gilbert & Sullivan are the productions we find in The Captain's Daughter. I had the opportunity to see Pirates of Penzance, oh my lands! I adore it! By the way, for all my love of the theatre, I had NO idea why it is called "the lime light". If you don't know either, you can find out more on Wikipedia.

Falsely accused, Rosalyn finds herself in London. Without a penny to her name she makes her way to the very theatre that Nate is working at(you will understand the significance of this when you read the book). Both Nate and Rosalyn must make peace with the past in order to move on. As Nate tries to earn forgiveness for his mistakes, he learns that forgiveness can not be earned. Our Heavenly Father gives it freely. All we have to do is ask.

Swept into the sea of romance, song, lights, costumes, and scandal...I found myself dancing through the pages (or at least swaying) as the anticipation builds for the ending that I was HOPING would play out a certain way. Forgiveness, true love, and living the life that God has called you to live are the main themes that struck my heart.

I received a complimentary copy of The Captain's Daughter from Bethany House Publishers through the Litfuse Tour. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.