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Havoc (Tattoos and Ties #1)
Havoc (Tattoos and Ties #1)
Kindle Alexander | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
took a while for me to fully engage!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Keyes is a fully fledged patched member of the Disciples of Havoc club. Alec is a member of the DA's team who seems to have it out for the club. Can the biker see past the suit? Can the lawyer see past the tattoos?

I love Kindle Alexander and their work, you know I do, but I did struggle a bit with this one!

It took me til well past half way to fully engage with Keyes and Alec and I've no idea why, and you KNOW that pains me so! And just when I thought we would get an HEA?? NO, its a bloody Happy For Now sort of ending and that really did annoy me! There is a bit at the back that says about the continuation of Key and Alec's story, but that's not the point. I was expecting a Happy Ever After, I WANTED a HEA, and I didn't get it.

Once I'd fully immersed myself in the story, I did enjoy it. Both guys have a say, both guys are polar opposites and it shows in so many ways, but I love those sorts of pairings. Key and Alec have instant and powerful attraction, hot off the charts chemistry that burns long and bright the whole way through to that HFN ending.

We still don't know just why that particular DA is going after the group, I expect that will become a little more clearer in the next book.

There are a couple of mentions of other Kindle Alexander characters, and they slot in well into the overall plot line. Not gonna say who though, and they ARE just mentions. But well played there!

I really do need their next book, Chaos, to see if that gives me my HEA I want for these guys.

Now I've gotten over my little hissy fit about the ending, I've decided NOT to let it show in my rating, cos that's really not very fair. So, ONLY because of the long time it took me to engage, . . .

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Dogfight (Special Operations, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>
Quite often novels concerning the Second World War are assumed to be about Great Britain, Germany or life in concentration camps. However, first in series <i>Special Operations: Dogfight</i> by Craig Simpson is set in Norway in 1940 where Nazi’s have invaded.

The story is about fifteen-year-old Finn Gunnersen and his best friend Loki whose families are deeply involved with the resistance. Although they are still young boys, Finn and Loki end up playing an enormous role. Finn survives imprisonment and goes on to help a British Agent who has parachuted into Norway. As well as being a brilliant piece of historical fiction, this novel turns out to be an exciting thriller for teenagers.

Although suitable for both male and female readers, boys of ages ten and up would particularly like this book especially if they have a fascination for aircraft. There is a lot of detail about different types of planes and the author has even included a few diagrams and details at the beginning of the book.

Finn is a great hero with admirable strength and bravery. Simpson does not undermine women however and includes a couple of amazing female characters with just as much courage as the men.

<i>Special Operations: Dogfight</i> is a work of fiction but it was inspired by real events. It’s Norwegian setting makes it educational in that it teaches the reader about the effect of the war on innocent people in countries less spoken about in history textbooks. Despite some of the areas being made up to suit the story, Simpson has done a magnificent job at keeping it historically accurate and must have spent a great deal of time on research.

<i>Special Operations: Dogfight</i> is a brilliant book for young readers. For some the historical setting may be off putting but the characters feel as modern as teenagers today. The story is exciting and has a fantastic ending, including a few plot twists you do not see coming!
Every Day
Every Day
David Levithan | 2013 | Children
7.6 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
Every Day is an amazing story about an entity named A, that gets to wake up in a new body every day. A doesn’t know if it’s going to be male or female, or the person’s ethnicity. A has to adapt to a whole new person every day. Until one day, A wakes up as Justin, a less than stellar individual. Enter Rihannon, Justin’s girlfriend, and A is smitten. Unable to think of anyone else A tries every day after to get back to Rihannon in some way.
I love how this book was written. I thought it was brilliantly done. I can’t imagine how hard it would be to write and develop so many characters while moving the story forward at the same time. Levithan does this with ease. A is a great character, easy to root for, but also easy to hate. I didn’t agree with some of the decisions that A made, but that didn’t detract from the story, for me.
Rihannon is a great character. My heart broke for her. I pitied her. She has this terrible boyfriend, then an entity who jumps bodies every day enters her life and piles onto her already heaping plate. Her family life isn’t the greatest either which we get to see a couple of times throughout the book.
This book is fast paced, the constant new characters keeps the experience fresh and the reader turning the page. I loved this book…Until the end. Then I was just angry. The way this book ended left me hurling expletives into the dim empty bedroom around me. I absolutely hated the way this book ended. There could easily have been another 200 pages of story. I know there is a companion novel but it’s written from Rihannon’s point of view. I need a continuation of A’s story. I need a second novel.
If you’ve read this book, please let me know what you thought of the end.

*Note: I just found out that there is a sequel called Someday being released on October 2nd of this year.
I did not like Blue!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

A year ago, Kelly and Blue took the friendship to a whole other level. But Blue plays football, and doesn't wanna come out yet. He just needs to bide his time. Kelly, however, is growing impatient with Blue. Can Blue keep Kelly happy, while he gets himself together?

This is book two in the Rules of Possession duet, and you NEED to read book one, The Blueprint, first.

I listened to book one, and I said that I found that the narrator for Blue didn't quite for me, even though Sean Crisden is a firm favourite of mine. However, since READING book two, I've decided it's NOT the narrator, but Blue himself who is the problem!

I could hear Kelly when I read his chapters, but not so much Blue. I connected better to Kelly than Blue. I loved Kelly, but Blue?? Nah, wanted to punch him so bad!

Keeping Kelly happy is Blue's number one priority, but he still has to work, to play football, and to leave Kelly from time to time and that does rather kill Blue. He DOES love Kelly, that much is obvious, but he just can't come out yet, not to everyone else.

BUT everyone else? Those around Blue and Kelly all the time?? THEY know, they knew BEFORE Kelly and Blue did! When a couple of players voice what they know, and Blue gets caught kissing Kelly on their vacation, he knows he has to come out. And he does.

I just *insert sigh* expected the fall out of that to be . . . MORE . . . you know?? Blue goes on about how big a deal it is, to come out as a football player, about how BAD it will be, and I expected the fall out to be nuclear. But it's more of a damp firework, to be honest!

I DID enjoy reading this, but the thing I struggled the most with was Blue himself. But Kelly's voice is so strong, it balances out Blue perfectly. And the story rounded off beautifully, in a very Kelly way!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
An X-Men spin off, of a poorly received character from an earlier X-Men spin off... FOX must have had some major trust in Ryan Reynolds to give Deadpool the green light after the mess of X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

I've been a huge fan of Deadpool comics since as long as I can remember. When I was younger, the 4th wall breaking, the hyper violence, comedy, and self awareness that he is a comic book character, was always something that appealed to me.
So I, like many other Marvel fans, really hated what they did with the character in Origins, and it seems Ryan Reynolds did as well, pitching a rough sequence to FOX which convinced them to give this beloved characters another shot. God bless Ryan Reynolds.

And it paid off in spades. And it's easy to see why - Deadpool is a great movie.
The character himself is near perfect. He looks the part, he sounds the part, and it's great that the studio didn't shy away from an R rating.

The violence in Deadpool is frequent and messy, as is the cursing and crudeness, and the result is hilarious.

The story is told mostly in flashbacks before the big last showdown, and is nicely mapped out, and we're given a hugely likable cast.
Ryan Reynolds is of course , as is T.J. Miller and Morena Baccarin.
I even liked Ed Skrein's villain, Ajax.
Deadpool even manages to sneak in a couple of X-Men with a completely CGI Colossus joining the party, as well as Negasonic Teenage Warhead - the best superhero name ever, and coincidentally the films shining star after Ryan Reynolds - Brianna Hildebrand is a welcome addition to the film, and I genuinely hope that she makes in over to the MCU in the recent Disney Fox merge.

Deadpool is important for a number of reasons - it finally does the character justice. It's also shows that spin off films away from the main X-Men cast can be really decent, and it also shows that R rated superhero films can do the business at the box office.

It's certainly in the top tier of the FOX X-Men series.
The Scent Keeper
The Scent Keeper
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Scent is the strongest sense tied to memory. One smell can conjure up a whole moment in your life, that you thought you had completely forgotten about. "When you change a scent, you change the memory..."(Quote taken from advanced copy)

Emmeline and her father live on a remote island. It's just the two of them and Emmeline has learned all she knows from her father, but the greatest thing she has learned, is how to use scents to determine what is going on in the world. Cut off from the rest of society, people are just objects in books, and her father is the only other physical person she knows. When she turns 13 and is forced into the "real" world, she quickly discovers that it's more than scents that she will need to make it in life.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this book.

When I first heard about this book, I was quite intrigued. A whole book about a cottage filled with drawers of scents. How was this going to play out? Would it hold my attention? Boy did it ever. will admit, when I started reading, I was skeptical about which direction the book would take me. The journey was exciting and thrilling and it left me wanting more.

The Scent Keeper is the first book I have read by Erica Bauermeister, but I do look forward to reading more books by her. This is the type of book that is kind of hard to review without giving too much of the story away. This is a story that you will feel in your heart. You will start to understand and smell scents in a different way.

This book has something for everyone in it. A little bit of magic, thrills, just a touch of romance, and scents from all over. I think that if you pick up this book you will enjoy it. I wasn't sure after the description and reading the first couple of chapters, but this story really grew on me and it will stay with me for a while.
Trespassers (2019)
Trespassers (2019)
2019 | Horror
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Not Memorable In the Slightest
In Trespassers, two couples looking for a weekend respite wind up getting way more than what they bargained for when a stranger randomly shows up.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10
Things get off to such a good start, it makes me wish they had managed to keep this intensity for the rest of the movie. Your “What the hell?” moment comes extremely early and you know it’s only a matter of time before things reach that level of craziness again. When I watched the first ten minutes, I expected to be in for a serious treat. I was wrong…

Characters: 4

Cinematography/Visuals: 1
The film is shot in such a way that doesn’t do the best job of capturing the intensity of the moment. It left me wondering what director Orson Oblowitz was going for. It was uneven at best, feeling professional in some spots and juvenile in others.

Conflict: 8
From the moment that stranger shows up, the intensity ratchets up way high. There are a number of scare moments to keep you entertained. I also appreciated the interpersonal turmoil as well between the couples. From jump, you get the feeling that something is off and slowly each layer of the onion is peeled back.

Entertainment Value: 6
I would have been way more entertained had I given two shits about the characters involved. They all felt expendable to me which made it hard to reman rooted in the story. There are some pretty solid moments to be had, but there was definitely something lacking.

Memorability: 3
As I write this review, Tresspassers is playing in the background. I’ve already found myself saying a couple times, “Oh, that’s right! That happened!” The movie as a whole lacks staying power. When it’s all said and done, it doesn’t really stick to your ribs.

Pace: 5

Plot: 2

Resolution: 7

Overall: 56
There are certain movies you can only watch once and be done with them. Then there are movies that you can avoid altogether. Kind of like Tresspassers. Save your time on this one.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Mandy (2018) in Movies

Oct 30, 2019 (Updated Oct 30, 2019)  
Mandy (2018)
Mandy (2018)
2018 | Action, Thriller
A ride from start to finish
Mandy is an utterly bizarre experience, but it's one that kept me absolutely enthralled from beginning to end.

The basic plot is pretty simple - Red (Nicolas Cage) and Mandy (Andrea Riseborough) live an idyllic and secluded life until a run in with a cult-like group lead by Jeremiah Sand (Linus Roache).
After a night of terror falls on the couple, Red takes it upon himself to exact bloody vengeance on those who have harmed them.
This straightforward horror-revenge narrative however is washed in a truly striking example of filmaking.

The cinematography throughout is gorgeous, from huge sweeping shots, to grainier settings full of fog and red light. Director Panos Cosmatos lands numerous memorable shots and presents with a surreal visual experience with a continuous 80s vibe under the surface.
This distinct style paired with a beautiful synth heavy score from the late Jóhann Jóhannsson (which constantly reminded me of Twin Peaks) gives the movie a dream-like coating that gives the movie a really unsettling and downright creepy presence.
King Crimson plays over the opening credits also, which is always going to win me over!

The first half is a slow burner (the title card doesn't appear until 70 minutes in!), really taking advantage of everything mentioned above, before taking a pretty crazy, LSD drenched turn.
The gorier moments of Mandy happen here, and they're pretty effective, outlandish, but at the same time realistic. It certainly sticks with you as the movie slips further into a drug fuelled bloody nightmare. (there's a goddamn chainsaw duel!)

The cast are all pretty decent - Linus Roache makes for a menacing villain during his limited screentime, and his followers are suitably weird (the whole thing has a horrible Charles Manson vibe to it), and Nicolas Cage is both unnervingly restrained at times (even when drenched in blood) with the odd moment of full blown Cage that we've come to know and love.

Mandy deals with themes of love, revenge, toxic masculinity, religion, and cultism, all wrapped up in a truly outlandish and violent fever dream.
Some people love it, some people hate it, but it's certainly unlike any horror I've seen before and I though it's was pretty damn good.
How Do You Know (2010)
How Do You Know (2010)
2010 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
How Do You Know? is a heartfelt comedy about a woman who thought she had her whole life planned out and had answers to all the questions except for the most important, what she really wants in life.

Reese Witherspoon plays Lisa a former athlete who recently was cut from her team and is left to wonder what she will do with her life. Lisa has always been a confident woman who dated only athletes like herself. Matty (Owen Wilson), is her current love interest and also an athlete who does not really understand women, their feelings and the importance of monogamy.

Knowing this, Lisa still decides to stay with Matty and try and make things work as a couple.

At the same time, George (Paul Rudd), is being investigated by the FBI for wrong doings within the company that his father Charles (Jack Nicholson), owns. In the same day, George learns he is not only being investigated by the FBI, but his girlfriend breaks up with him because of his problems.

Lisa and George’s paths crossed earlier when a friend decides that it would be a great idea for Lisa to go on a date with a corporate type of guy rather than continue with her current athlete fixaton.

Lisa decides to meet George for dinner, but this sadly does not go well for either of them. Matty decides to be spontaneous and asks Lisa to move in but only ends up pushing her away. As a result, Lisa ends up getting to know George more and they become great friends during the on and off again relationship she has with Matty which leads to Lisa trying to find what she wants in life.

Director James L. Brooks did not allow the film to flow very well due to a slow beginning and middle and Jack Nicholson seemed out of place with such a small part for an actor of his status.

I was not a fan of the cinematography in some scenes and I wish the story would have flowed a little better and while this was not my favorite Reese Witherspoon role, Paul Rudd stole the show with his funny dialogue and silly antics.
Oh dear.

I decided to take this book for review as Austen is by far my favourite novelist and I thought this sounded like an interesting concept - what makes the protagonists' matches so good. And there is always the sticky Charlotte Lucas question to ponder over. This isn't really what I got; I felt that this book couldn't decide if it wanted to be a work of literary criticism/analysis or a self help manual. I'm also not entirely sure who the target audience for this book are supposed to be. I got a very strong impression that it wasn't supposed to be me! References to 'we Americans' can be somewhat alienating to the rest of the world. Although the whole book seems to push Austen as a main selling point, it also seems to be aimed at people who don't really know the novels that well - too much of obvious plot details have to be explained and there is an over use of quotation, beyond what was needed to make the point.

The text of the book is only about 250 pages, but there must be at least another 100 pages of endnotes. This is an area of complete overkill, in my opinion. When a single endnote can go on for a couple of pages, by the time you get back to the main text, you've pretty much lost whatever plot there was. Endnotes; just too many and too long and in many cases just too unnecessary.

I was only reading from a proof copy, but there were textual errors - Maria Crawford, anyone?! Hopefully someone familiar with Austen can pick this up.

At the time of writing I see that only one other reviewer has come forth to note that they didn't like it much either, while the reviews seem to be positive. Maybe this has something to do with targeting, as the writing style was very informal and slangy and with a number of American cultural references that meant very little to me. Such a narrow focus seems a bad error of judgement as far as the rest of the world is concerned. If you want my recommendation, I wouldn't bother with this one.