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Have you ever opened a package and immediately felt giddy over the book that popped out? Well, I will be honest that is how I felt about this book. The cover pulls you in, the weight and feel of the paper further builds up the hopes in your mind, and then to cap it all off, the description is intriguing! Did I mention I got a hardcover edition? 

  Bryan Litfin is a new to me author with a very great writing style. He pulls you in with vivid characters, drama, battles, and dreams. I loved the period and setting, and I am so thankful for the research Bryan Litfin put into making this book believable and accurate. The characters were pretty realistic, and they chose believable courses of action. Although at times I marveled at their courage! The Religious aspects of the book were spot on for the period (but more on that in a bit), and I truly felt like I was back in time facing off against the lions with the characters. Both Flavia and Rex captured me from the first page, and I enjoyed getting to go on their journey (But I am curious to see what happens to them next).

  On the religious aspect. I usually only review Christian Fiction. This is not your normal overtly Christian Fiction. It does not mention God in the sense of having a personal deep abiding relationship with him. He is thought of more as a deity and mostly mentioned in passing. He is not the focus of this story, as most people expect from Christian Fiction. Yet to clarify it is not primarily listed as Christian Fiction, but Ancient, Historical, Romance with a Christian fiction genre thrown in there. Personally, if this book were to be marketed directly to a non-Christian audience, I could see it doing very well (maybe even having a movie made of it) but directing it towards Christians… I do not think it will go well. Also, because it has sexual connotations throughout the story, as well as taking an odd (period correct though) stance on women.

Overall, I give it 2 out of 5 stars for the great research, interesting story plot, and vivid characters. But I would NOT recommend it to anyone who is not sure of their faith, has problems with reading sexual references, or an impressionable audience. I would also recommend the publisher Revell not label it as Christian Fiction.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.

Moby recommended Station to Station by David Bowie in Music (curated)

Station to Station by David Bowie
Station to Station by David Bowie
1976 | Pop
8.8 (6 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is his Los Angeles album, and what's funny about that is it's one of his most European records. On the 'Station To Station' song he even sings "the European cannon is here", and it's ironic that he recorded it in the Hollywood hills while doing tons and tons of cocaine. It's odd when you talk about these really iconic artists, whether it's Led Zeppelin or The Rolling Stones, there's always that debate about which is their best album, and usually there's some degree of consensus. With David Bowie most of my music cognoscenti friends will go with Low, but for me Station To Station is the weirdest, most subtly strong David Bowie album. It doesn't have the ambient beauty of Heroes or Low, but it's almost as if he was trying to make a conventional record, but it ends up sounding even stranger because it's trying to be conventional. And that's why I picked it. In a way it reminded me of some of the Roxy Music albums being made around this time, like Manifesto in that was these very strange artists trying to be a little more normal and ending up making something even more disconcertingly odd. How he could make this amazing record when he was constantly out of his mind on cocaine, and also the courage of having the first song on the record nine and a half minutes long, but the music on 'Station To Station' doesn't even get going for the first few minutes. When I was growing up Bowie really had this otherworldly mystique. There was so many different David Bowies, there was glam Bowie, European Bowie, then later on there was dance album Bowie. There was an assumption that whatever he was doing was phenomenal because he was David Bowie. To be a celebrity name-dropper one thing that amazed me was that I lived across the street from David Bowie for a while in New York and we had BBQs together, we went on tour together, and one of my most treasured memories, if I'm on my death bed this might be the thing that I think of. One morning David Bowie came over to my apartment and we were sitting on my couch at 10 in the morning drinking tea, and I played 'Heroes' on acoustic guitar and he sung along. Even if I end up getting married, having children and a family life, my favourite memory will be playing 'Heroes' on acoustic guitar with David Bowie."

Thirteen Reasons Why
Thirteen Reasons Why
Jay Asher | 2009 | Children
8.4 (49 Ratings)
Book Rating
I will start with a confession, I requested this book because I knew the TV Series is out, it can’t be bad if it’s on telly right? And guess what, I was right. I loved this book.

This book is a quick read because it is tiny and really gripping. This book carries two stories at once, the story of Hannah and another one of Clay. This novel is filled with feelings and regret. I loved Hannah’s character in this book, yes, even though she is dead, she is still the main character in this book. I loved her courage for this confession and the secrecy and originality of all this “business”. The palette of characters is really wide in this novel and offers a great variety of personalities to choose from. The characters are very realistic, just like ordinary school kids, which most of us faced in our lives. The whole story is told by Clay and Hannah, but that is sufficient to showcase the feelings and powerful meaning of this novel.

I absolutely loved the message of this book, and I think that Jay Asher has done a great Job, by highlighting suicide and its causes. I loved the way he showed, how small and to some, unimportant actions might influence young people and what it can lead to. I loved the difficulty of relationships which Jay Asher was portraying in this book, and how it changed due to particular actions. The narrative of this book is flowing smoothly and there are no much twists or turns, but every chapter has a great cliffhanger, which creates suspense, makes you wonder of what is waiting on the next side of that cassette. One thing that made it difficult for me, was the merging of these two stories, I would’ve preferred that Hanna’s stories would be uninterrupted by Clay’s commentary and thoughts.

The language of this book was easy to read and understandable, and the chapters are reasonable length, so it is easy, quick and very powerful read. The ending of this novel is well-thought throw and shows to all of us, that life goes on. So, to conclude, it is very amusing and extremely deep book, full of friendships and teenage relationships, and I think this book is absolute must read to all the school goers (and others as well), as in my opinion, most of them can relate to this book and learn few great things about life as well.
Leave Me
Leave Me
Gayle Forman | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
As a mother, there are many days that I dream about packing a bag and leaving town for a few days. But I can't do that, not without a plan and a few weeks notice. Maribeth Klein, on the other hand, does just that. She packs her bags, leaves her cell phone and laptop, and a note for her husband and off she goes. When she boards the train in New York, she's not sure where exactly she is headed, but she'll figure it out when she gets there. Two weeks post heart attack and emergency bypass surgery, she's not getting the help she needs at home and so she decides, just to pack it up and move it out and doesn't communicate with anyone for weeks. Not only does she leave behind her husband, but also their two children. Will she be able to get away and find herself again? Will she ever return home? And if she does, will things just go back to being the same way they were before.

Leave Me is a book all women who feel overworked and underappreciated will enjoy. I know I have threatened my family many times to run away from home, but I would never do it. For starters, I don't have the courage and I would feel extremely guilty about doing it. Luckily for Maribeth, she doesn't feel that way. This book was so hard to put down. I could feel myself in Maribeth's shoes. Enjoying the feeling of not having to worry about anyone but herself and getting things done for herself. As mother's we always put ourselves last in everything that we do. There have been many days that my dinner was cold when I ate it making sure that everyone else around the table was taken care of first, or I missed out on something because there was just enough for everyone else.

This is the second book I have read by Gayle Forman. Usually her books are targeted to a slightly younger audience, but she really hit this one on the head. I hope she has plans to continue to write for women like this.

A couple of my favorite lines from the book are:
The first line of the book, "Maribeth Klein was working late, waiting to sign off on the final page proofs of the December issue, when she had a heart attack."

And this line that reminded me of my husband: "My husband used to say that scars were like tattoos but with better stories."

Overall, this is one of the best books I have read this year and will be doing on my favorites list. I hope that every woman with a family will read this book and be able to appreciate the ability to run away.