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Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl, #1)
Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl, #1)
Eoin Colfer | 2001 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (25 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hearing recently that, due to the Covid-19 situation that has swept the world and (as of 2020) has caused the majority of affected countries to go into full-on Lockdown mode, the planned cinema release of Kenneth Branagh's film of the same name would instead be released on their streaming platform Disney+, I thought I would go back and re-read the novel for the first time in about a decade or so.

And, I have to say, while it's enjoyable enough, it's also pretty forgettable, which might explain why I never read any of the sequels. I'd be interested, however, in how this translates to a different medium and - if, as planned - there are any other films based on those sequels, I may hunt them out.
The Last Cabin Girl
Tom Swyers | 2023
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
114 of 235
The Last Cabin Girl
Tom Swyers

As the pandemic begins, Josie Thompson is a struggling waitress, mom of two great kids. She wants a fresh start far from her abusive husband, the confining small town she calls home, and a long-held secret her family refuses to disclose.

But Josie isn’t going anywhere. After murder victims turn up floating in the river near her isolated cabin, the FBI quickly charges her in one of the killings. Thankfully, she’s freed on bond, but charges for the other deaths loom. The FBI thinks she’s a serial killer.

If convicted, she faces life in prison and a future forever apart from her children. Josie can’t let that happen. She must venture out of her comfort zone to prove her innocence, even if it means confronting her issues, including a growing fear of COVID-19.

Can she trust anyone to help? A friendly detective and former police officer? Her estranged lawyer-brother, David Thompson? Her cryptic parents? A wealthy bachelor who has eyes for her?

In a town where things are not what they seem and not everyone can be trusted, can Josie clear her name, or will her own dark secrets be her undoing?

I honestly don’t know what I just read. I hate giving 2 star reviews but I just don’t know what I feel about this book. It started well but I think there were to many ideas thrown into it I found it became completely bizarre towards the end I mean I can see what the author wanted to to do was twist , turn and shock but all it did for me was twist, turn and confuse. We have the covid 19 virus, conspiracy, incest and espionage that didn’t gel well in my opinion. So sorry 🙈
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020)
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Music, Romance
OK, I'll admit it … that was better than I was expecting.

Will Ferrell and Rachel McAdams starring Rom-Com, as the members of the Icelandic band 'Fire Saga', who get chosen (for plot reasons) to represent their country in 2020s Eurovision Song Contest, which is being held in Scotland for some reason(?!).

Yes, the actual 2020 Eurovision competition itself was cancelled due to Covid-19.

As for the film: after a slow(ish) setting the scene start, it picks up once Lars and Sigrit make it to the song contest, and with the introduction of Dan Stevens completely-over-the-top Russian entrant - the firm favourite to be the winner of said competition - alongside a whole host of actual Eurovision nods and winks.

And Graham Norton.

Yes, that Graham Norton.

(although he may be more familiar to UK watchers than to others)

Charlotte (184 KP) rated Quick Fix in Books

Oct 17, 2021  
Quick Fix
Quick Fix
Louise Cypress, Jennifer Bardsley | 2021 | Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If only a quick fix really did work....

Quick Fix is not only a gripping read about an awful epidemic, it highlights how easy it is to exploit people. The ones with low self-esteem, the ones desperately seeking approval and the need to fit in or be perfect. It also shows how easy it is to manipulate and hide in plain sight.

Marley is a classic example of low self-esteem and is a product of social media and the pressure that society puts on people. I like her.......I also want to shake her as she's perfect as she is.

Written before Covid-19 came about, Quick Fix is pretty accurate in the measures that are put in place for outbreaks of infectious disease, it's kind of eerie.

I was hooked from the start, it had me thinking and guessing the end result.
I Miss You Most
I Miss You Most
Cassie Hoyt | 2020 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Were you looking for a book for your child last year to explain the different way life is for some time and still going on a bit for now with Covid? Well “I Miss You Most” by Cassie Hoyt has come to mind. I would have read this one earlier in the year if I received it earlier. That's okay I read it now. This book reminds me of the Covid 19 lockdowns and might be able to help children with the stress of distancing.

This book deals with the emotion of missing your loved ones that are far away. It is a good one all around. It might help the social distancing we have to deal with. It works for distance in a general manner rather than just a specific time.

The illustrations are beautiful. This book also deals with child imagination. It also shows that distance is not a faraway thing. You can call your distant relative as well to stay in contact. The rhyming in this book is just good. I do not all rhyme though. Think of all the things you can do when you see that loved one next time.

I love the way this book is done and can be used at any time. The plot can be used for any type of distance like a friend that lives far away or down the block. Good for bedtime reading as well. Parents will want this on their child's or children's bookshelves.

David McK (3194 KP) rated Soul (2020) in Movies

Dec 27, 2020  
Soul (2020)
Soul (2020)
2020 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Pixar's latest (at the time of reviewing), released exclusively on Disney+.

I don't know whether it was always intended to be so, or because of the current worldwide Covid-19 pandemic (I lean towards the latter).

In any case, this is somewhat along the lines of 'Inside Out', although more metaphysical in nature, examining just what life is all about. It takes a good 40 minutes or so - I felt - to get going, and probably could have trimmed the ending down a bit.

I guess what I'm trying to say is there there is the kernel of a good idea and film here, but - for me - it just doesn't really cut it, with too much padding (IMO) to make it a really enjoyable movie. Definitely not up there with the likes of any of the 'Toy Story' films, or even with the aforementioned 'Inside Out' despite the similarities

Animation is top-notch, though.

Sara Cox (1845 KP) rated Yoga | Down Dog in Apps

Apr 4, 2020 (Updated Apr 4, 2020)  
Yoga | Down Dog
Yoga | Down Dog
Health & Fitness, Lifestyle, Sports
9.0 (1 Ratings)
App Rating
Good for all levels (3 more)
Variety of instructors
Variety of music
Syncs with Google Fit
Music rating system (0 more)
I started using Down Dog as a suggestion from my yoga instructor after the Covid-19 lock down. I absolutely love it! You can select what level you're at, what you want to focus on in regards to your body, how long you want your session to be and what style of yoga. I like the options of background music and that you can choose a voice to instruct you. The video is really good showing the different poses and you can select a level of description for the poses. My only critism is that although you can thumbs up or down certain tracks of music, you have to do this during the practice which is difficult if you are in a pose. You can view all the tracks played at the end but can't rate them, I was under the impression the point of rating them was so you didn't get msuic that distracted you or you didn't like again.
Onward (2020)
Onward (2020)
2020 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Late 2019, early 2020.

I rsaw a lot of ads in the cinema for this film. Then (in the UK) Covid-19 hit.

As a result, I'm not honestly sure whether this got a big screen release or not: I actually watched it via Disney+, not really knowing what to expect.

I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Set in a mystical realm where magic had all but died out (Unicorns as garbage rats? Genius!) due to the advent of technology, this follows two elf brothers who are able to partially bring their deceased dad briefly back to life, after the younger of the 2 opens his birthday present from said dad of a wizards staff. Only enough magic to 'bring back' his legs, so off they go on a quest for a power source to enable them to bring back the rest of his body.

What really follows is a story about familial bonding, that pulls in the heartstrings as well as made me laugh out loud on a few occasions!

Ali A (78 KP) rated Hello (from Here) in Books

Sep 14, 2021  
Hello (from Here)
Hello (from Here)
Chandler Baker, Wesley King | 2021 | Young Adult (YA)
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Trigger Warnings: Covid-19, death of a parent, AIDS, generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks,

Max and Jonah bump into each over at the grocery store right when the Covid-19 lockdown was beginning in California. Max's part-time job as a personal shopper begins to transform into a bit of a nightmare and Jonah's pre-existing anxiety disorder is becoming a daily struggle. Can the two come together even though they must stay apart? Hello (from Here) jumps into the first two months of the quarantine and the love lives and two teenagers trying to figure out this new world.

This wasn't my favorite book on the planet, but I still enjoyed it nonetheless. I will also keep it on my shelves and possibly come back to it another time (when the Corona Virus isn't still running wild). Like most who have reviewed this book, I feel like it may have been too soon.

The main characters were okay, but not amazing, I did find them a little whiny towards the end... Olivia, Jonah's sister, was probably my favorite out of everybody and I'd kind of like to hear some more of her story! Also Arlo and his story! Kate and Jonah's "step-parent replacing late parent" trope was shown well in the novel. I thought the development of their relationship was well handled and realistic. I was happy with the end result for them.

I also thought the anxiety disorder representation was handled well in this novel too. As someone with anxiety who has had panic attacks (though not quite like Jonah's), I felt like one could still understand what he was going through, especially in his current situation.

I feel like this novel fell short - mostly by tackling too much all at once. I felt a little anticlimactic by the time I closed it. So many things were brought up: important issues and themes, but then were finished limply in the end. (view spoiler).

The cheating storyline was just - bleh. It wasn't needed and was more of a distraction. I also felt like it didn't make much sense for how the character had been acting throughout the whole storyline.

Overall, I feel like this was just too soon. I'm sure it will be good in a few years time though, when we weren't all still going through the same pandemic.
I’ve been wanting to read this for quite some time, but for one reason or another, I haven’t. COVID-19 and lockdown gave me the ideal opportunity to borrow it from my library’s ebook selection. It’s a quick read for an adult and possibly some young people too, but it’s just the right length for the story.

I loved it - Sleeping Beauty with a twist. It definitely has the fairy story vibes, where the good people are good, and the bad are thoroughly bad. Some would say that’s a very one-dimensional way of looking at it, but isn’t that what fairy stories are all about? As for those who’s ah it’s too scary for young children, I would disagree. I would have loved this as a young child. Yes, it’s scary in places, but it’s a typical fairy story, in that good triumphs over evil. Actually, who am I kidding? I loved this as an adult!

And the art work is stunning. Chris Riddell’s drawings are always wonderful, and the drawings in this book are no exception. Beautiful drawings that complimented the story so well.