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Pearls Gone Wild
Pearls Gone Wild
Diane Vallere | 2016 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Retail at Christmas is Killer
It’s the week before Christmas, and Samantha Kidd is looking forward to a relaxing week off from work and the return of her boyfriend from Italy. That’s before her friend, Cat, calls upset. Cat is eight months pregnant, but her husband just announced he needs some space. Things get even worse when Cat and Samantha interrupt a burglary at Cat’s boutique only to discover her husband’s body behind the counter. Can Samantha figure out what is going on?

If you are familiar with the series, you’ll know what to expect here. We get another plot with plenty of surprises to keep us engaged the entire time. I did feel the resolution left a few things out, but it was a minor issue overall. The characters, both new and returning, are fantastic. There is some humor in the book, but it mixes well with the more serious elements, and we get some nice growth in Samantha. This book is a little edgy for a cozy, but it’s nothing too bad. Christmas is more in the background than in some cozies set during the season. Both of these are worth nothing only in passing. If you are as behind on this series as I am, you are in for a treat when you pick up this book.
Stitched in Crime
Stitched in Crime
Emmie Caldwell | 2021 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Accidental Fall? Or Murder?
Life is beginning to settle down again for Lia Geiger, and the crowds are returning to the craft fair where she sells her knitting projects, thanks in part to Cori Littlefield and her wonderful crochet projects. Sadly, Cori is found dead one day near the bottom of a waterfall. While the police rule it a tragic accident, Lia thinks there might be a connection to a similar death from two decades ago – a death that Cori claimed to witness as a little girl. But can Lia find any evidence to back up her claim?

I enjoyed the first book in this series, and this was just as much fun. We get a puzzling mystery with several strong suspects. Every time I thought I knew who done it, another suspect would do something to put them at the top of my list. The ending answered all my questions, including one the characters never asked. I do feel like the characters could be a little stronger, but maybe that’s just me, and maybe it’s because of all the background characters. I had no trouble keeping all the characters straight, and a character that rubbed me a bit the wrong way in the first book has definitely softened here. If you are looking for a fun cozy, this is the book you need to pick up.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2103 KP) rated Up to No Gouda in Books

Jun 16, 2022 (Updated Jun 16, 2022)  
Up to No Gouda
Up to No Gouda
Linda Reilly | 2022 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gouda Debut
After losing her husband, Carly Hale has moved back to Balsam Dell, Vermont, and followed her dream by opening Carly’s Grilled Cheese Eatery. Her new business is threatened when the building it is in is bought by her high school boyfriend, Lyle Bagley. Lyle wants her to move out so he can turn it into a clothing boutique for his fiancée. The day after Lyle makes his announcement, he is found behind Carly’s restaurant. When her server becomes the prime suspect, Carly starts investigating. Can she figure out what really happened?

What lover of culinary cozies could resist a book featuring grilled cheese as the hook? Not me! I’m glad I picked it up. The cast is filled with some unique characters for a cozy mystery – or at least a slight twist on the normal characters we’d see, and I really enjoyed that. Carly herself is an entertaining and engaging lead character. The pacing was slow a few times, but overall, this was a solid mystery with plenty of suspects and a couple of nice twists on the way to a surprising conclusion. And yes, you’ll find three grilled cheese sandwich recipes at the end to satisfy your cravings. I will definitely be returning to find out what Carly gets up to next.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Jul 22, 2022  
Sneak a peek at the culinary cozy mystery A SHOT IN THE 80% DARK by Amber Royer on my blog, and enter the giveaway for a chance to win a signed copy of the book - two winners!

Felicity Koerber’s bean to bar chocolate shop is thriving. Despite everything she’s been through with the murders she’s helped solve, Felicity is ready to take on new challenges. So when a local museum offers her a contract to create a chocolate replica of a gigantic sailing ship sculpture for a gala celebrating Galveston’s history, she jumps at the chance to combine chocolate-crafting with art.

The project is fun – right up until there’s not just one but two dead artists on the scene, and Felicity has to change gears back to detective. Logan, Felicity’s business partner and previous bodyguard, and Arlo, Felicity’s ex who is now the cop investigating the case, are split on which victim they think was actually the intended one. Felicity may have to take some chances, both emotionally and in luring out a killer, to determine the truth.

Can she find out how Galveston’s history relates to the murders, unmask a killer, and prepare 2,000 chocolate desserts for the gala all at the same time?
A Christmas Candy Killing
A Christmas Candy Killing
Christina Romeril | 2022 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sweetly Festive Debut
Identical twins Alex and Hanna have made a life for themselves in a small Montana town, where they have opened Murder and Mayhem, a combination mystery bookstore and chocolate shop. In the time they’ve been here, Alex has become friends with Jane, one of their neighbors. Jane invites Alex over to view a true crime show because she believes that one of their neighbors is the killer still at large at the end of the episode. But when Alex arrives, she finds Jane’s dead body. The police think it was a robbery gone wrong, but Alex wonders if Jane was really onto something. Can she find the killer?

Between the culinary cozy theme and the Christmas setting, I have to give this debut a chance. I’m glad I did. The first couple of chapters had a bit too much background on Alex and Hanna, but once the murder happened, things picked up. I appreciated how the clues were folded into the story. Not that I figured out the killer using them. The characters are good, but they could be a little stronger. Likewise, the setting is good, but could be a little stronger. Both of these are minor complaints since I am definitely ready to visit my new friends and this location again soon. I enjoyed the Christmas timing as well. This is a delicious debut.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2103 KP) rated Rum and Choke in Books

Jan 2, 2023 (Updated Jan 2, 2023)  
Rum and Choke
Rum and Choke
Sherry Harris | 2022 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bar Contests, Treasure Hunts, and Murder
Chloe Jackson has been drafted to represent the Sea Glass Saloon in the Barback Games. This annual tradition, a multi stage competition that includes physical and bar related contests, sounds fun until she meets some of her competition – ringers brought in to represent other bars. Meanwhile, her friend Ann asks Chloe to go with her as Ann tries to find a pirate ship sunk long ago. The first morning out ends abruptly when Ann finds a dead body – one of the Barback Games ringers. What is going on?

Sherry Harris is one of my favorite mystery writers, and this book is a perfect example why. With all of the storylines, this book has more than enough to keep us engaged. Yet, it doesn’t unfold in a traditional cozy way, which is a wonderful thing. Chloe pieces everything together for a great climax. It was nice getting to know Ann better, and Chloe is continuing to grow as well. The rest of the returning characters are charming, and the new characters fit in perfectly. I’m not a drinker, so I might have passed up this series if anyone else were writing it. But I’m so glad I started reading it. Whether this is your first visit with Chloe or you already love her, you’ll enjoy this book.
Mrs. Claus and the Trouble with Turkeys
Mrs. Claus and the Trouble with Turkeys
Liz Ireland | 2023 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Will Santaland's First Thanksgiving Be a Turkey?
Santaland is getting ready to celebrate their first Thanksgiving. Castle Kringle has imported a live turkey for their holiday meal, but the weekend before the big day, he vanishes. Then, one of Santa's cousins dies at a potluck to kick off Thanksgiving week. Can April Claus figure out what is going on?

I love this series, and this latest entry didn't disappoint in the least. It did take a bit for the entire book to get going since there are several storylines that need to be introduced. But once it got going, it was like a turbo charged sleigh with so much going on you couldn't put the book down. I did have a couple of pieces figured out early, but there was still plenty I didn't know about that surprised me at the end. The characters are charming as always, and I'm curious where some of the growth will lead in future books. The humor just adds to the charm. This is a cozy mystery first and foremost with some light fantasy in it, and the mix works perfectly. If you are looking for a holiday series, you'll be glad you gave this series a chance. If you are already a fan, you'll be thankful for this latest book.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Mar 4, 2022  
Sneak a peek at the paranormal cozy mystery GHOST AGENTS by Jemima Pett on my blog, and enter the giveaway for a chance to win a signed copy of the book - 3 winners!

An organization that has operated in secret for centuries... a mystery that threatens to burn it all to the ground… and she’s the only agent who can stop it…

To the residents and tourists of Galveston Island, Claire Abelard is the friendly young woman who works at the local candy store by day and leads ghost tours of the island’s haunted locations by night. They don’t realize this persona is a cover for Claire’s real job as an agent of the Bureau for Historical Preservation, a clandestine organization that monitors and assists energy projections, or the entities more commonly known as “ghosts.”

When projections begin disappearing from around the island, Claire worries that history may be repeating itself. She launches a dangerous investigation and uncovers a sinister, arcane organization whose agenda threatens not only Galveston’s ghosts, but everything she has worked her whole life to protect.

The truth behind the disappearances rocks Claire’s world to its core and shows her that ghosts aren’t the only things that can come back to haunt you.