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Buyer, Beware
Buyer, Beware
Diane Vallere | 2013 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Is Samantha in Danger Taking a Dead Buyer’s Job?
Samantha Kidd is excited about another fashion store opening up in her hometown of Ribbon, Pennsylvania. She and some friends attend the opening night party, but the party ends abruptly when Samantha stumbles on the body of a dead woman in the handbag department. The woman was the store’s handbag buyer, and the police quickly rule it a murder. Then Samantha gets another shock – the store’s owner asks Samantha to take over the dead woman’s job and use her position to help figure out what happened. But is Samantha putting herself in danger by taking a dead woman’s job?

I might not normally have picked up this book because of the fashion theme, but I already knew that author Diane Vallere can craft a great cozy mystery. Yes, fashion is certainly an aspect of the book, and even plays into the plot, but it never overwhelmed the story or bored me since the book never loses sight of the fact that it is a mystery first and foremost. And what a mystery! The suspects are all outstanding and do a great job of misleading us. Samantha has to deal with twists and red herrings galore until she finally figures things out. I did feel a few of the details could have been smoothed into the story better, but that’s a minor complaint overall. I enjoyed this book and need to make time to visit with Samantha again soon.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Mar 28, 2020  
Have I got a treat for you on my blog today! Author Alexia Gordon shares the top ten real bridezillas in a guest post. Seriously, you will want to check this out! You can also sneak a peek at her paranormal cozy mystery EXECUTION IN E, and enter the #giveaway to #win a signed copy of the book, a Gethsemane Brown Swag which includes a mug, stickers, pens, bookmark, combo bookmark/laser pointer, coasters, & more, and a $10 #Starbucks GIFT CARD!

Romance is in the air. Or on the 'gram, anyway.

When an influencer-turned-bridezilla shows up at the lighthouse to capture Insta-perfect wedding photos designed to entice sponsors to fund her lavish wedding, Gethsemane has her hands full trying to keep Eamon from blasting the entire wedding party over the edge of the cliff.

Wedding bells become funeral bells when members of the bride’s entourage start turning up dead. Frankie’s girlfriend, Verna, is pegged as maid-of-honor on the suspect list when the Garda discover the not-so-dearly departed groom was her ex and Gethsemane catches her standing over a body.

Gethsemane uncovers devilish dealings as she fights to clear Verna, for Frankie’s sake. Will she find the killer in time to save Frankie from another heartbreak? Or will the photos in her social media feed be post-mortem?
Booked 4 Murder
Booked 4 Murder
J.C. Eaton | 2017 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Is the Book Really Cursed?
Sophie “Phee” Kimball is annoyed when her mother keeps calling to talk about a cursed book. It seems that several members of her book club have died after starting their current month’s selection. Even though Phee is an accountant, Harriet is sure she is the one who can stop the curse, so Phee gives in and takes some vacation to go visit her mother in Arizona. Once she arrives, Phee quickly determines that something strange is going on. But is it from a cursed book? Or is a killer using the curse to hide his or her tracks?

I’ve been hearing about this series for a couple of years, and I can see why. This is a fun debut. The mystery is something different for a cozy, and I really enjoyed it. I was a little ahead of Phee in piecing things together, but only a little, and there were still some surprises when I reached the climax. I was worried that Harriet would be annoying, but I found her fun. The same goes for the rest of the cast. There were quite a few characters, but I was able to keep them all straight, which shows how well developed they were. The book made me chuckle and laugh, especially at the climax, which was a bit over the top but fit the story perfectly. I will definitely be visiting Phee again soon.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2103 KP) rated Long Island Iced Tina in Books

Feb 24, 2021 (Updated Feb 24, 2021)  
Long Island Iced Tina
Long Island Iced Tina
Maria DiRico | 2021 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Reappearing Painting and Murder
Mia Carina is thrilled for her friend Nicole, who is expecting her first baby. Nicole has chosen Mia’s catering hall, Belle View, as the location for one of her baby showers. Despite Mia’s best efforts, the baby shower is interrupted by a fight between Nicole’s mother and step-mother. Then, one of Nicole’s presents turns out to be a valuable painting stolen years before. Things only get worse when Mia finds the body of a shower guest the next morning. Is the murder linked to the painting?

I enjoyed the first book in the series, and this one was great as well. The painting added a fun element to the mystery, and I really enjoyed seeing how that played out. The mystery had some great zigs and zags along the way. The climax was a bit complicated, but I was able to think it through, and it did make sense. All the characters were wonderful, with some interesting growth for the series regulars. Mia’s grandmother provides a very funny sub-plot, and there are other great moments of humor throughout the book. At the end, we get four recipes and a hit for hosting events yourself. The series is set in Queens, and Mia’s family is involved in the mob. Even so, this is most definitely still a cozy series. Grab some ice tea and enjoy this delightful book.
Every Day Above Ground
Every Day Above Ground
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Greed is a Trap
Former army ranger Van Shaw is in desperate need of money, so when one of his late grandfather’s former associates, Mickey, comes with a story of long forgotten gold, it is too much for Van to resist. Teaming up with Mickey, Van goes to the abandoned office where the gold is only to find they’ve walked into a trap. Mickey is captured by persons unknown and Van barely escapes. In order to get Mickey back, Van will have to figure out who laid the trap and what they want. Can he do it?

This is very different from my normal cozy reads, both in the inclusion of language and violence, but also because Van is really an anti-hero. This is the most he’s slipped into that role, however, and knowing him from the previous two books helped me still root for him. It really helps that I do like him and the other regular characters and I want to see them succeed. While a few of the events of the book are expected, there were still some twists I wasn’t expecting along the way, and I loved the creativity of some of the locations Van used over the course of the book in his attempts to defeat the villains and come out on top. This is a fun, fasted paced thriller that will keep you turning pages.
Murder by Page One
Murder by Page One
Olivia Matthews | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder of a Debut Author
Marvey Harris has recently relocated to Peach Coast, Georgia, to take a job in the local library. Among her new friends is Jo Gomez. Jo owns the local bookstore, and this Saturday, Marvey is at the store to support Jo, who is hosting a book signing for the local authors group. When one of the authors fails to return from the storeroom, Jo and Marvey find her dead body on the floor. With the police looking at Jo, Marvey steps in to figure out what really happened. Can she find the killer?

This may be the first in the series, but I already feel right at home. Peach Coast sounds like a great town, and I love Marvey, Jo, and Spence, the third member of their trio. We never meet the victim alive, but I liked how well we got to know her as the story progressed. The rest of the cast could be a little better defined, but I’m sure that will come as the series progresses and they get more page time. The story starts quickly, but the pacing does slow a little in the middle. Still, the climax is logical and suspenseful. There’s a recipe for peach cobbler at the end. While not a culinary cozy, you’ll definitely be craving it by the time the book is over. I’m looking forward to returning to Peach Coast soon.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2103 KP) rated Death at the Salon in Books

Mar 31, 2021 (Updated Mar 31, 2021)  
Death at the Salon
Death at the Salon
Louise R. Innes | 2021 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder Hits too Close to Home
Daisy Thorne is closing up her hair salon in the small British village of Edgemead one Saturday when she finds the dead body of one of her clients in the alley behind the shop. Worse yet, Daisy’s scissors are sticking out of the victim’s back. Naturally, suspicion falls on her, so Daisy has to figure out what really happened so she can clear her name. The big question comes down to who had access to steal Daisy’s scissors. Can she figure out who did it?

I enjoyed the first book in this series, so I was looking forward to revisiting the characters. I’m happy to say I found this one just as engaging. Because the action focuses on the salon this time, we get to know her employees better, and I really enjoyed that. The rest of the cast is back, and the suspects are strong. I also appreciated the fact that it is obvious the characters’ lives were progressing between books, a fun change from most series I read. I’m not sure if it was just me, but I did feel like the pacing was a little slow early on, but once the plot really got going, there were more than enough twists and surprises to make up for that. The climax was wonderful and kept those twists coming. If you enjoy a cozy set in England, you need to check out this series.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2103 KP) rated Pint of No Return in Books

Jul 8, 2021 (Updated Jul 8, 2021)  
Pint of No Return
Pint of No Return
Dana Mentink | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Delicious Debut
After finding out that her ex-husband was a thrice-married embezzler, Trinidad Jones moved to Upper Sprocket, Oregon. The reason? Her ex left her a storefront, and she is going to open a shake shop there. One afternoon, she finds a neighboring store owner dead in the back of his popcorn shop. The police start to look at Juliette, one of Trinidad’s fellow ex-wives, as the killer. Trinidad doesn’t think that Juliette committed the crime, but can she trust her instincts?

I found myself at once drawn into the book as I struggled to fully get lost in the world. There were small details that we didn’t get right away that kept me from fully getting emmeshed in the story. On the other hand, the characters were wonderful, and those relationships kept drawing me in. The pacing was a little off a couple of times, but it held my interest as I read, and it led to a great climax. The book does a good job of balancing tone. At times, it’s light, but other times it gets serious. The combination makes for a richer book. I appreciated the slight twist on the cozy mystery set up. The ice cream scenes made my drool, and I appreciate the recipe at the end of the book. I can’t wait to revisit these characters when the second in this series comes out.