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Sprinkles of Suspicion
Sprinkles of Suspicion
Kim Davis | 2020 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emory Finds Herself Caught up in a Murder
When Emory discovers that her husband, Philip, is having an affair with her best friend, Tori, Emory naturally gets very angry and gets into a very public fight with Tori. That creates a problem, however, when Emory finds Tori’s very dead body just a few hours later. Naturally, the police consider Emory their best suspect, so Emory sets out to give them other suspects. As she tries to clear her name, is she prepared for the secrets she will uncover?

Between the Orange County, California, setting and the culinary cozy hook, I couldn’t pass this book up. As always, I enjoyed seeing the action taking place in areas I recognized even if I don’t know them super well. This book works in many ways like a TV pilot, readjusting Emory’s life as well as giving us a murder to solve. The murder got overshadowed a bit at times, but I always found the book compelling to read. There are several good surprises and twists to the mystery. The ending was a little weak, but it does answer all of our questions. I certainly sympathized with Emory since she comes across as very trusting, something that creates problems when your life becomes a mystery. I did feel her family was a little too self-absorbed. I’m sure it was supposed to be funny, but I found it more annoying. The 11 recipes at the end include some Western themed dishes as well as a couple of delicious sounding cupcakes. All told, this is a fun series debut that will leave you wondering just where cupcakes and murder will take Emory next.
When Holly White calls off her wedding, she returns to her family’s tree farm in Maine just in time for the annual Reindeer Games, which take place in the twelve days leading up to Christmas. However, the night before the games are set to start, Margaret comes in causing problems in her quest to keep the town exactly historically accurate. When Holly finds Margaret dead among the trees a few hours later, the police start looking a little too close to home. Can Holly clear her family and friends before Christmas?

If you are looking for a Christmas cozy, this one is perfect. Each page oozes Christmas cheer, and the games sound like a ton of fun. I’d love to visit and play myself. Unfortunately, I did feel this got in the way of the mystery at times, and Holly spent quite a bit to time reacting to events rather than actually investigating at other points. Still, it held together well overall, and we got a great climax. The characters are already sharp, and their relationships help add to the Christmas cheer.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Fairy Tale Cupcakes are selling cupcakes at the end of the first annual Zombie walk in town, and Mel, Angie, and the rest of their staff are getting into the spirit of things. But the fun takes a dark turn when Mel finds a body stuffed into the coffin outside their cupcake truck – a body that hits very close to home. Who was the target and why?

This book is a little darker than others in the series based on the plot alone, but we are talking a shade darker – cozy fans will still love it. The mystery takes a back seat at times to the characters reactions to the murder, but that was the appropriate response to the plot and I was never board while reading it. The book reaches a logical and page turning climax, and it also features some of the funniest scenes in the series. I think this is best for people already fans of the series, but they will love it.

NOTE: I was sent a copy of the book in hopes that I would review it.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Sue (5 KP) rated Death Over Easy in Books

Aug 13, 2018  
Death Over Easy
Death Over Easy
Maddie Day | 2018 | Mystery
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Roberta “Robbie” Jordan is busy running her country store/café and has newly opened her B&B for business. Her first guests at the B&B include her father Roberto and his wife Maria visiting from Italy plus a few musicians in town for a bluegrass festival.

On the first night of the festival, Roberta and Maria recognize one of the performers as a young woman named Pia from their town in Italy. Pia is later found choked to death by a banjo string and there are many suspects that the police are looking at including Robbie’s father and stepmom, her boyfriend Abe, and the festival chairperson Sue. Can Robbie find the real murderer before someone she loves is booked for murder?

This is a cozy mystery with a strong female lead who has a knack for amateur sleuthing. The rest of the ensemble of characters include the usual quirky and witty townspeople, a laundry list of potential suspects, and for once a few police officers that are not bumbling idiots. It has a good plot and the author has a nice flow to her writing style. While this is a few books into the series, it can easily be read as a standalone without the reader getting confused by the storyline.
Wreath Between the Lines
Wreath Between the Lines
Daryl Wood Gerber | 2018 | Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Killer at Christmas
The town of Chrystal Cove, California is getting into the Christmas spirit, and Jenna Hart is busy with a bunch of Christmas themed events at the Cookbook Nook. Her life is more complicated by the fact that her sister and her family are visiting, and Jenna gets pulled into their drama. But things take a huge turn when her neighbor, Jake, comes over in a panic one night to report that a friend who had been staying with him has been murdered, trussed up with Christmas light and stabbed by a Christmas star. Who would want to kill a visitor to town? Or was Jake the intended target?

If you are looking for a cozy filled with Christmas spirit, you've come to the right place. This book is filled with Christmas. The mystery is a little weak since a couple of sub-plots crowd it out, but we do still get some twists before reaching a creative and fun climax. The series regulars are all here, and it is wonderful to catch up with them again. Once you've finished the book, you can keep the Christmas spirit with the many recipes for holiday goodies at the end.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Aug 19, 2022  
Sneak a peek at the cozy mystery THE FLOWER ENIGMA by Breakfield and Burkey on my blog. If you like what you see, the eBook is only $0.99. Be sure to enter the giveaway for a chance to win an autographed copy of the book - two winners!

Imagine a romantic getaway in the Texas Hill Country

JJ, a cyber guru, whisks his girlfriend, Jo, away for a vacation. No paparazzi. Magnolia Bluff is the perfect destination. Flower B&B is prettier than the pictures on the website.

The evangelizing podcast creators are demanding answers about the town’s newest resident, Mateo Hernandez. The enormous wall he erected has convinced the ladies he’s hiding nefarious activities behind a dubious attorney. Local authorities don’t believe laws are broken and discount the women as meddling gossips.

When the couple checks in to Flower, the podcast show-in-progress is interrupted by a cyberattack. JJ, the techno-geek, can’t resist helping. At each subsequent event in the series, he uncovers more serious issues than cyberwarfare.

JJ and Jo can’t avoid this roving series maelstrom. It gets personal when they’re attacked and warned to leave town. No one can conceive the depth of the crimes behind Mateo’s walls.
Bakeries and Buffoonery (Magical Mystery Book Club #4)
Bakeries and Buffoonery (Magical Mystery Book Club #4)
Elizabeth Pantley | 2023 | Mystery, Paranormal
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

The snapdragon inn is the setting of a cozy mystery book club with a difference they get transported into the stories to find out whodunit!

This time they are trying to find out who hates cake so much, in the town of Frosting that they have caused chaos, mayhem, and murder. Can they do it before the next murder happens?

This is such a delightful series they really are a pleasure to read. Elizabeth does such an amazing job at pulling you into the story as if you are one of the characters and I must say I am rather fond of all the characters, I'm sad we've lost one but happy for her circumstances and hope we do find out how she gets on.

Although this is a series I personally think you could read it as a stand-alone, but it's much more fun reading the series as you get to find out more about everyone.

I highly recommend and give 5/5

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **


* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *