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Booked 4 Murder
Booked 4 Murder
J.C. Eaton | 2017 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Is the Book Really Cursed?
Sophie “Phee” Kimball is annoyed when her mother keeps calling to talk about a cursed book. It seems that several members of her book club have died after starting their current month’s selection. Even though Phee is an accountant, Harriet is sure she is the one who can stop the curse, so Phee gives in and takes some vacation to go visit her mother in Arizona. Once she arrives, Phee quickly determines that something strange is going on. But is it from a cursed book? Or is a killer using the curse to hide his or her tracks?

I’ve been hearing about this series for a couple of years, and I can see why. This is a fun debut. The mystery is something different for a cozy, and I really enjoyed it. I was a little ahead of Phee in piecing things together, but only a little, and there were still some surprises when I reached the climax. I was worried that Harriet would be annoying, but I found her fun. The same goes for the rest of the cast. There were quite a few characters, but I was able to keep them all straight, which shows how well developed they were. The book made me chuckle and laugh, especially at the climax, which was a bit over the top but fit the story perfectly. I will definitely be visiting Phee again soon.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2141 KP) rated Pint of No Return in Books

Jul 8, 2021 (Updated Jul 8, 2021)  
Pint of No Return
Pint of No Return
Dana Mentink | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Delicious Debut
After finding out that her ex-husband was a thrice-married embezzler, Trinidad Jones moved to Upper Sprocket, Oregon. The reason? Her ex left her a storefront, and she is going to open a shake shop there. One afternoon, she finds a neighboring store owner dead in the back of his popcorn shop. The police start to look at Juliette, one of Trinidad’s fellow ex-wives, as the killer. Trinidad doesn’t think that Juliette committed the crime, but can she trust her instincts?

I found myself at once drawn into the book as I struggled to fully get lost in the world. There were small details that we didn’t get right away that kept me from fully getting emmeshed in the story. On the other hand, the characters were wonderful, and those relationships kept drawing me in. The pacing was a little off a couple of times, but it held my interest as I read, and it led to a great climax. The book does a good job of balancing tone. At times, it’s light, but other times it gets serious. The combination makes for a richer book. I appreciated the slight twist on the cozy mystery set up. The ice cream scenes made my drool, and I appreciate the recipe at the end of the book. I can’t wait to revisit these characters when the second in this series comes out.
Essentials of Murder
Essentials of Murder
Kim Davis | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Essential Series Debut
After a scandal in San Francisco sent her packing, Carissa Carmichael has returned home to Oak Creek Valley in Southern California and has decided to open Aromatherapy Apothecary, a store specializing in essential oils. She is planning to work with her neighbor, who owns a candle shop, but the neighbor’s son, Russ, is certain that Carissa is going to steal business from his mom’s store. After a particularly nasty scene with Russ, Carissa enters her shop the next day to find his body in the back of her shop. Already convicted of the crime by local gossip and with the detective in charge of the case determined to find evidence to arrest her, Carissa sets out to prove her innocence. Can she do it?

I always love it when a debut cozy has characters who already feel like old friends, and that’s the case here. As we slowly meet Carissa’s family and friends, they form a great group I can’t wait to hang out with again. The suspects? They are great at keeping us confused. The mystery is good. I had some guesses on part of it, but I wasn’t sure until the end. The climax could have been stronger, but it did answer all our questions. As a Southern California resident, I loved recognizing some of the locations mentioned even if Oak Creek Valley is fictional. This is a fun debut you won’t want to miss.
Mrs. Claus and the Halloween Homicide
Mrs. Claus and the Halloween Homicide
Liz Ireland | 2021 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Introducing Halloween Has Consequences
April Claus is beginning her second year as the North Pole’s new Mrs. Claus, and she’s decided it would be fun to introduce Halloween to the residents of Santaland. Unfortunately, not everyone is on board, as evidenced by the threatening messages someone is leaving and the attack on the pumpkins one of the elves is growing. However, when things escalate to murder, April takes matters into her own hands to try to figure out what is going on. Can she keep the holiday from being ruined for everyone?

I absolutely loved the first book in this series, so I was anxious to return to the world that author Liz Ireland is creating. This book was fabulous as well. The murder takes place a little later in the story, but there is plenty going on to keep us entertained, and it only gets stronger as it goes along. The climax is wonderful. I did think there was a timeline issue at one point, but I think the fault is just a scene that is written unclearly. The little details of the world are guaranteed to make you smile; I just love them! While not all the characters are human, they are all completely real and we come to care for them quickly, which is key to getting us to believe in this world. If you are looking for a cozy mystery with a dash of fantasy, you’ll love this book.
Frosted Yuletide Murder
Frosted Yuletide Murder
Kim Davis | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Delectable Christmas Fun
Emory Martinez and her twin sister Carrie are not happy to discover that their mystery client for a Christmas party is Blair, an old high school nemesis. As the evening progresses, Blair continues with her abuse of Carrie, but she gets into fights with others at the party as well. When Emory and Carrie return to the location of the party the next morning, they find Blair’s dead body. The rumors and evidence seem to be pointing to the sisters. Can Emory figure out what happened before either of them spends the holiday in jail?

Before we go any further, I do want to issue a warning – this book spoils some events in the lives of the characters from previous books in the series. If you aren’t up to date, don’t start here. As a Southern California resident, I enjoyed this book’s setting since its depiction of weather in December made me feel right at home. The plot is filled with events that kept me engaged. I did feel the climax was a bit weak, but overall, I still enjoyed the book. One reason is the characters. Yes, the suspects are strong, but I’m talking the series regulars. I love getting to spend time with all of them, and fans of the series will be interested in seeing the latest developments in Emory’s life. You’ll want to work this Christmas cozy into your reading schedule as soon as you can.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Jul 30, 2022  
Have a listen to the awesome playlist for the #contemporary #suspense novel PAPER TARGETS by Patricia Watts on my blog. Then be sure to enter the fantastic giveaway for a chance to win autographed copies of "Paper Targets", "The Frayer" by Patricia Watts, and "The Big Empty" by Stan Jones and Patricia Watts!

Everyone knew that Roanne never got angry—until the night she killed her ex-husband and herself.

Roanne, a nice, suburban lady in her sixties who works at a Hallmark shop and volunteers at the Food Bank in Round Rock, Texas, calls her lifelong friend, Connie, confesses to murder, then puts the gun to her own head. Connie, spurred by Roanne’s last words about a lifetime of unspoken rage, sets aside her work as a cozy mystery writer and cupcake shop owner to confront the men who have stolen her dignity while she remained silent, including a bully brother, a rapist, and an ex-spouse. On a journey to reclaim her inner power and to make peace with the loss of her treasured friend, Connie’s mission is to avoid the same tragic path as Roanne, but she takes along a gun, just in case.

With pathos and humor, Paper Targets, by Patricia Watts, calls us to speak our own narratives, even when it is uncomfortable or risky, and shows us the magnificence of a friendship that transcends time.
A Dish to Die for
A Dish to Die for
Lucy Burdette | 2022 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder on a Neighboring Key
Even when you live in paradise, you need a break. That’s why Hayley Snow is taking a few hours with her friend Eric and their dogs and heading to a beach on one of the nearby islands. However, the day takes a sad turn when Hayley’s dog finds a dead body half buried in the sand. The man was G.G. Garcia, a Key West developer who had a bad reputation. The local police think there is something suspicious about his death, and Hayley gets pulled into the investigation. Will she figure out what really happened?

I’ve fallen in love with Key West thanks to this series, and I was happy to be back. Sadly, the mystery was very weak. Even the characters got frustrated by their lack of progress throughout the book. Plus, the victim was a little too evil, with a few things that felt thrown in just to make other characters feel virtuous. The book gets a little dark and edgy for a cozy as well. Finally, there’s a subplot that comes across as half-baked, the characters involved definitely deserved better. On the other hand, I really did enjoy the location and the series regulars. Nathan, Hayley’s husband, gets some good development thanks to a visit from his estranged father. If you are new to the series, this isn’t the book for you, but fans will enjoy catching up with the characters.