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    Brooke Harper (0 KP)

    Running - Book Worm

    I am an Graphic Designer who reads in any of her free time. If I’m not reading, I’m running.


    Susan (45 KP)

    Book Worm/Netflix Binge Addict

    Mom of two, book lover, master chef, Netflix addict, bargain hunter, coffee snob

    Last Active: Sep 27, 2017

    Morina Kay Musgrave (0 KP)

    Mom of three, book work, and movie enthusiast

    I love reading to my kids and watching new movies with them and my husband. I'm also very crafty.


    Sherie Goff Lundmark (12 KP)

    Lover of afternoons on the deck with a good book

    Busy working lady with 4 kids, 3 dogs, 3 cats, and a husband that shares my passion for life,...

    Last Active: Apr 2, 2019