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Hazel (2934 KP) rated Crash & Burn in Books

Jan 12, 2018  
Crash & Burn
Lisa Gardner | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have read a few of Lisa Gardner’s books and have enjoyed them all but this was something different and equally as good. This is the third story in the Tessa Leoni series but you definitely don’t have to have read the previous books in the series to enjoy this and it can be read as a standalone. I would however like to add a caveat to this as I do believe it would be beneficial to read the other books in order to get an insight into Tessa as Lisa touches on this in this book and I did feel I was missing out on something from previous stories but, as this book doesn't focus on Tessa that much, it didn't detract from my enjoyment of the story.

Full review here -, please stop by and have a look :)
Matter of Life and Death (1981)
Matter of Life and Death (1981)
1981 | Drama
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I think A Matter of Life and Death is one of the great works of imagination in cinema. It’s a brilliant story. David Niven could not be more charming in it if he tried. He starts off, you know, as a World War II pilot about to crash his plane whilst quoting Andrew Marvell down the phone to the mayday operator, who he then falls in love with. There is one shot in it, actually, of the heavenly court before it goes into session, which we absolutely — and I haven’t actually spoken to Mike Newell about this — but we lifted almost identically for the start of the Triwizard tournament in Potter, in the fourth film. There is one shot — because I think I watched Matter of Life and Death shortly after we finished that film — which I watched and went, “Oh my god, we’ve just stolen that!”"

Flight (2012)
Flight (2012)
2012 | Drama, Mystery
I’m not good with dramas. I like to watch movies to escape reality and dramas are all about reminding you of the turmoil and awkwardness and unpredictability that is reality. But, only if they’re good. Dramas require an emotional response from the viewer, which can only be achieved through great performances, enhanced by story, music and editing. (don’t quote me I could be missing one). If one or more elements are missing, at best it’s an unexpected comedy, at worst you’ve just wasted time and money that you’ll never get back.

Flight in my opinion delivered. We start off with gratuitous nudity (for me it didn’t add to the story but guys will like it) from flight attendant Katerina Marquez (Nadine Valazquez) and a man, Captain Whip Whitacker (Denzel Washington) who’s about to hit his rock bottom. After a night of drinking and snorting some cocaine, together they take to the skies only for it to go horribly wrong, the plane begins an uncontrolled nose dive. Lot’s of close up shots put you right into the aircraft and you almost feel as if you’re on the flight as it’s going down (seriously my heart involuntarily started pounding faster).

Afterwards, the movie really hits its’ stride and gets into the gritty reality of what life can become. Denzel does an excellent job of bringing you in to the internal struggles with his demons; he’s so good in his denial. John Goodman plays a drug dealer Harling Mays, almost as a comic relief which actually works. Don Cheadle plays Hugh Lang, a criminal attorney sent to help Cpt Whitacker as questions arise about what really caused the plane to crash. He plays a great attorney, not smarmy, not slick, but intelligent and sharp, and in his own way, caring.

Nicole Maggen (Kelly Reilly), a drug addict who we witness goes through a relapse that puts her into the path of Cpt Whitacker. Co-pilot Ken Evans (Brian Geraghty) was a convincingly green pilot whom I would not want flying any plane I’m in. And flight attendant Margaret Tomason (Tamara Tunie), a good friend of Whitackers for several years and Pilots union rep Charlie Anderson (Bruce Greenwood) a long time military buddy who comes back into his life because of the crash. I liked both their performances, they really did great in their supporting rolls; you couldn’t have one without the other.

There is a question of devine intervention and redemption, but I think the movie steers clear of being overly religious. (I could have done without Ken Evans wife, overkill in my opinion and not necessary to the story). Anything more I say will spill the beans on the ending, so I’ll leave you with this; it really is unpredictable, you never quite know what Cpt Whitacker’s going to do until he does it. There are beautiful moments and bittersweet moments that create a powerful, emotional ride that I would recommend to someone who likes a good drama. And, even to people like me, who generally try to avoid them.
There is so much that goes on in this book, but that is not a bad thing. In fact, even when it had finished, I still needed more!!

You get a prologue with a young child, then it skips forward ten years and she is the sole survivor of a plane crash. You don't know how or why, and you stay with "Gabi" as she tries to figure out who she is and where she belongs. She is taken to a secret location where there is a specialised group of people called Sarcomeres.

I won't go into the story any further as I hate giving away spoilers. Suffice it to say, I loved every word. It is full of action and intrigue, with snippets of memory surfacing occasionally. There is certainly more than enough to keep your attention! With a hint of romance between Finn and Gabi/Kazumi as well, this is a well-rounded story with full-bodied and believable characters.

This is certainly an author I will be following and I really hope that she brings out more books in general, but specifically with this world and characters. Highly recommended.

* I received this book from Xpresso Book Tours in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Mummy (2017)
The Mummy (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Visual effects (2 more)
Action sequences
Better than I actually expected
Is it a horror, or comedy or action.... still don't know (0 more)
Can you have a "dark universe" in a 15/pg13 movie?
After reading plenty of reviews for the 1st movie in universals dark universe I went into my viewing expecting a car crash. I think because I went in with pretty darn low expectations it actually surprised me. The plot although although shallow kept me entertained. There is a wash of high calibre talent that has been contracted to bring this universe alive and I enjoyed Annabelle Wallis and Jake Johnson more than I did cruise . Russel crow was great imo as Jekyll and Hyde. What disappointed me most is, if this is a snapshot of how they are going to handle the rest of the universe then we're in for a very shallow light hearted take on what should be a true "dark universe" filled with legendary creatures of horror. Only time will tell.
Countdown (2019)
Countdown (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
A group of teens are playing a game of cards at a house party when they discover an app which tells you when you will die, they all download it for a bit of fun. Everybody gets dates years or months from now, except one teen who only gets several hours. They all laugh it off and continue with their party. After the party this girl gets into an argument with her boyfriend and ends up walking home alone where she is eventually killed in her bathroom by an unseen force.
Fast forward to a hospital student nurse going about her duty, she speaks to the first girls boyfriend who is due to go into surgery after his car crash. He had downloaded the app and had been given hours to live and was scared he wouldn't wake up from his surgery. The student nurse laughs it off and downloads the app herself which tells her she dies in 2 days. When Evan (the first victims boyfriend) dies right when he was due to, Quinn realises it isn't just an app and sets about how to stop it.
I quite enjoyed the movie even though it was very predictable at times, and sometimes characters were so face-palm stupid! I liked that it has a final destination feel to it, I do think it should have stayed serious though as the scene with the priest was over the top with its silliness, and the way Quinn opens Evans dead body eyes to unlock his phone was laughable. These aside though, it is a fun horror movie which I recommend you watch at least once.
The Wife Between Us
The Wife Between Us
Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
8.1 (37 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is about a woman. A woman who was married to man whom she loved dearly. She loved him so much she couldn't see his flaws or how she was changing. This book is also about a woman who is about to marry said man. But his ex wants her to see all the things she didn't before it's too late. This book is also about a woman who loves this man unconditionally flaws and all. Just when you think you know which woman is which, you will be surprised. All together, these three women are centered around this one man. This one man who is rich and powerful and full of flaws.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martins Press for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I will admit that the book started off very slowly for me. The story was interesting enough, but there wasn't much there to make me pick up the book instead of watch a tv show. At about the 1/2 way point, there was a twist in the story that made me perk up a bit and changed my view on the whole story. Things really got into full swing then and I couldn't put it down. I had to see where the plot was going and what was going to happen at the end. It really leaves you on the edge of your seat.

It's hard to write a review about this book without giving too much away. You think you know what is going on, but in actuality you have no idea.

Richard is the man. He is handsome, rich, powerful. He was raised by his older sister after their parents where killed in car crash. Richard has been married twice before and he is now engaged to Emma. Richard's "crazy" ex-wife doesn't want to see this marriage take place and will stop at nothing to warn Emma, even if it makes her look crazier than Richards claims she is. Who will win in the end?
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Book, Social Networking
8.8 (453 Ratings)
App Rating
Easy to keep track of my books (1 more)
Great for updating my reading challenge
Can crash quite a bit (0 more)
Must have for readers
The Goodreads app is probably one of my most used app on my phone it just makes keeping track of my books I've read so easy as well as searching for and adding new books while out and about.

One of the most useful tools that comes with an app that isn't on the website is the book scanning tool you literally just have to open the camera and It'll recognize a book just by its cover for the most part if a cover is too dark at have those couple problems but for the most part I've rarely ran into any serious issues while using it.
 The app makes it easy to update my progress on my current books as well as leaving reviews the only real issues I ever have with the app is that attempts to crush on me quite a bit but usually reloads itself pretty fast.
Nights at the Circus
Nights at the Circus
Angela Carter | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The beautiful layout of the plot, the characters (0 more)
Wandered slightly at the end (0 more)
So creative - a totally unique writer

I'd been expecting good things from this book, as everyone always tells me how wonderful Angela Carter is, and it certainly delivered!

It's a surreal, earthy kind of book, divided into three distinct parts, which largely focus on the introduction of Fevvers (the fabulous cockney winged woman), the days at the circus, and the wilds of Siberia. Hey, I did warn you it was surreal!

In this book, the reader encounters intelligent pigs (I LOVED Sybil!), brothel madams who like dressing up as Nelson, depressed clowns and more. It's a weird, wonderful world that Carter conjures up, but a joy to immerse yourself in!

It's also great to read an author who is simultaneously so elegant with her language, and so brutally down-to-earth. This echoes the main character in a way, who has the potential to soar to the sea or crash to the ground.

Definitely a must-read...I've no doubt I'll be revisiting this book in the future!
The Other Widow
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dorrie is embroiled in an affair with her boss, Joe, which ends abruptly one cold and snowy night when Joe picks her up. He tells her the affair is over, that "it isn't safe," and then moments after, their car skids on the ice and crashes into a tree. Joe dies at the scene, but Dorrie's airbag deploys and she makes a split moment decision to walk away from the crash (undetected). But she's haunted by that evening and Joe's death. Further, what did Joe mean that it wasn't safe? Why didn't Joe's airbag deploy like Dorrie's? Did Dorrie really see someone near the car moments after the crash?

Meanwhile, Joe's wife Karen is left reeling from his death as well. Also wrapped up in Joe's passing is insurance investigator Maggie Devlin. A former cop, Maggie is suspicious about the circumstances of Joe's death--and the women involved in his life. But can she put together the pieces of what really happened? And are Karen and Dorrie truly in danger?

This novel was interesting and suspenseful, though it didn't fully grab me. Still, I read it in about two days, so it was certainly a fast read with a captivating plot. For me, I liked Dorrie and Karen well enough, but I wasn't deeply pulled into either of their lives. Neither character was fully drawn enough for me to fully relate to them. In fact, I really liked Maggie the best, but we learn the least about her. I could almost see Maggie getting a sequel--she was a very intriguing and likable character.

Crawford's novel is well-written, but seems to suffer a little bit from "who am I" syndrome... in some ways it's a thriller, but in other ways, it's purely psychological women's fiction. As such, the mystery seems to take a backseat to the women's lives, at times, and becomes convoluted and confusing by the end. There's a backstory with Joe's business that I almost couldn't fully tell you what happened, because it's not given complete attention, even though it's supposed to propel so much of the action. That duality was tough, because the book never really focused on either the thriller aspect, or the women, and you felt like you were left hanging on both plot points by the end.

Overall, this was a quick read, with an original plot, but seemed confusing and pulled in a few directions: 3 stars.

I received an ARC of this novel from Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available for publication on 4/26/16. You can read reviews of this book and many more at my <a href="">blog</a>;.