Creative Space: Urban Homes of Artists and Innovators
Francesca Gavin and Andy Sewell
"Creative Space" looks at the studios, apartments, and homes of the designers, directors, stylists,...
Creativity: A Crtitical Realist Perspective
Creativity: A Critical Realist Perspective challenges conventional wisdom on how we define and...
Gumby Imagined: The Story of Art Clokey and His Creations
Clay animated superstar Gumby has made an indelible impact on our culture and continues to enchant...

What Lifts You: Uplifting Designs to Colour & Create
Step into the world of Kelsey Montague in this colouring book. Famed for blending street art and...

Arthur & Sherlock: Conan Doyle and the Creation of Holmes
'Fascinating ...A stimulating contribution to our never-ending fascination with Holmes himself, and,...

Creating a Culture of Accessibility in the Sciences
Mahadeo A. Sukhai and Chelsea E. Mohler
Creating a Culture of Accessibility in the Sciences provides insights and advice on integrating...

Safe House: Explorations in Creative Nonfiction
Mark Gevisser, Ellah Wakatama Allfrey, Hawa Jande Golakai and Beatrice Lamwaka
A Ghanaian explores the increasing influence of China across the region, a Kenyan student activist...

Messy: How to be Creative and Resilient in a Tidy-Minded World
The urge to tidiness seems to be rooted deep in the human psyche. Many of us feel threatened by...