Engineering Investment Process: Making Value Creation Repeatable
Chafic Merhy, Simoneau Guillaume and Florian Lelpo
Engineering Investment Process: Making Value Creation Repeatable explores the quantitative steps of...

Entrepreneurs Succeed with Us: Creating High Performance Business
This book provides entrepreneurs with highly readable principles and actions which convert readily...

Creating Urban Agricultural Systems: An Integrated Approach to Design
Creating Urban Agriculture Systems provides you with background, expertise, and inspiration for...

Soulistry - Artistry of the Soul: Creative Ways to Nurture Your Spirituality
Soulistry - Artistry of the Soul: Creative Ways to Nurture Your Spirituality encourages readers to...

50 Things to Colour: 50 Creative Projects to Unleash Your Colouring Skills
Explore the Realms of Color with an Eclectic Collection of Objects A hedgehog, a steaming bowl of...

Daily Zen Doodles: 365 Tangle Creations for Inspiration, Relaxation and Joy
A year's worth of "tangled drawings" designed to inspire creativity and serenity Few activities are...

New Crafts: Creative Bookbinding: 25 Book Cover Projects Shown Step by Step
Bookbinding is a classic craft that has been practised for over 1,000 years, and is reaching new...

New Crafts: Creative Plasterwork: 25 Beautiful Projects Shown Step by Step
Few craft materials are cheaper to buy or easier to work with than plaster, and by mastering and...

Sculptural Secrets for Mosaics: Creating 3-D Bases for Mosaic Application
With easy-to-follow guidance and over 175 photographs, this book helps mosaic artists to meet the...