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Tune In: The Beatles: All These Years
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you don't know by now, I am a huge fan of the Beatles. Both of my children have their own Beatles song (Hey Jude and Help), however my general knowledge of their history is not so great. So when I saw Tune In, I didn't hesitate at the opportunity to read it. Being born in the late 80s I can only imagine what it was like to live in the world of Beatlemania, endure the sorrow of their breakup, and all the years in between. Which is why I am so excited about this book. Something else about me, is that I value history, learning the facts and details about people and time periods. Tune In is an extremely in depth look at the men that changed music forever.

Beginning with their family histories, we learn everything there is to know about the background, the life, the creation of the Beatles. Each chapter covers a few years to a few months, and a single day in some cases, beginning in 1845-1945 with the histories of their families, going through their childhood years in the next chapter (1945-1954), and taking us through to the end of 1962.

I have only begun to scratch the surface of this book and I think it is safe to say...Mind...Blown. So much detail, so much history. I love it! With about 80 pages of Notes and another 10 for Credits Mark Lewisohn has definitely done his research to give us such an in depth account of Beatles history. If you are a fan of the Beatles, you are sure to love reading Tune In. Now to wait for volume two...

I received a free copy of Tune In (The Beatles: All These Years) Volume 1, from the publisher through Blogging for Books. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Reign of the Fallen
Reign of the Fallen
Sarah Glenn Marsh | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Reign of the Fallen was a book that I desperately wanted to love. The cover is stunning, the synopsis sounds amazing! I’d never read a book like this before, and I was super excited about the whole necromancer aspect of the story. I decided to use one of my free audible credits for this book.
I started reading and the characters were amazing and the story was pretty fast paced, there was so romance elements to it, but then it all kind of started to go sound. There is a pivotal scene about 1/4th of the way into the book, and after that the whole tone of the book changes.
The characters in this book were going to be badass or so I thought. Odessa was my highest hope of all the characters, but she ended up being the one I hated the most. Odessa is the name of a badass, and I expected nothing less from her. However, she suffers a terrible loss and just spirals out of control after that. She becomes addicted to this potion and instead of leaning on the plethora of supporting characters (and there are a lot) she continues to drink more and more of this potion, and quickly the main plot of this book becomes about dealing with her addiction… <head desk>
I decided to persevere and trudge onward in my audiobook journey noticing that I keep speeding up the narrator’s voice. Because if she reads fast the book would be over faster… Right….
Each chapter seemed to get more and more convoluted and I couldn’t wait to be done with this book. This book had so much promise and was so interesting with a unique plot but I just couldn’t. I couldn’t get past ALL of the characters and I couldn’t keep them straight. So, to you potential reader I say this… If you have patience and you think it sounds good, give it a go. Otherwise, save yourself the trouble.
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
The best Spider-Man so far?
Let's face it, Spider-Man has been through it over the years in his various incarnations, and Marvel had a tough job ahead of them to bring him into the Marvel universe. Whilst they managed this pretty well in Captain America and Homecoming, it's only in Far From Home that Spidey truly shines in his own right.

For starters, this is a very fun and entertaining film and makes for a refreshing antidote to the rather heavy and sad Endgame. It of course has references to the events of Endgame, but fortunately doesn't go too heavy on the weepy bits. I wouldn't have been able to cope if they had! Instead this has a lot of fun humour and a fairly adorable romantic plot with two very awkward teenagers, which is still entertaining even if we do all know how it'll turn out. Tom Holland is by far the best Spider-Man we've ever had and he suits this role perfectly. Finally a Spider-Man that looks and sounds like a teenager (even if Tom Holland technically isn't...)! Jake Gyllenhaal isnt someone you'd expect to see in a superhero film, but I actually think he was marvellous as Mysterio, especially towards the second half of the film- no spoilers! I'm also so glad that Happy is back, I know Jon Favreau has been off directing etc but I do wish Happy was around more in some of the Marvel films as he's great for the comedy and I loved him in this.

My only criticism is it felt like it dragged a little in parts. That's actually the only bad thing I have to say about it. Even the end credit scenes were a bit more exciting than some have been in the past, especially the mid credits which has a very welcome cameo.

This is by far the best Spider-Man film we've seen, and I can't wait to see what they do next.
Bohemian Rhapsody (2018)
Bohemian Rhapsody (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama, Music
Listening to other people's reviews, I thought I would see a great movie about one of the greatest bands of all time & maybe the greatest singer of all time. But, in the end, I thought it was just okay.

Let's start with Rami Malek. Rami Malek was unbelievable & he deserves to win best actor. One of the best portrayals of a real person I've ever seen. He was Freddie Mercury. every move, every mannerism, perfect. The music is the best, because it's Queen & a couple of other great songs. Although the movie was over 2 hours long, it seemed rushed. Some great songs were missing and the time frame for some of the songs seemed way off. But any Queen songs is good enough.

 But my main problem was I did find the movie to not be that interesting. There was nothing shocking, nothing we didn't already know. Freddie comes off as an egotistical prick, which he deserved to be, but it's not enjoyable to watch. There was not that much drama. And the drama there is, was just not played out right. Like the father is against his ways, but doesn't say anything. There's no tension there. When Mary breaks up with him because she knows he's gay, it's like nothing happens. Freddie is lonely so he throws big parties with people who aren't his friends. Yeah, we've seen that before. They play "Under Pressure" but no mention of David Bowie at all. Felt like they had to keep Freddie lonely for an attempt at some fake drama. They end the movie with a replica of Queen's appearance at Live Aid, which was great. It sent chills down my spine. And I'm guessing people are basing their love for the film, based on how the movie leaves them feeling. It was also great seeing Freddie Mercury himself singing during the credits. I enjoyed the movie over-all, but don't think I'd watch it again. I'd rather watch a Queen concert or Live Aid again.
Daybreakers (2009)
Daybreakers (2009)
2009 | Action, Drama, Horror
A great take on a vampire film
I can't believe I've never seen this film before. Not only do I love vampire films, I also have a soft spot for Sam Neill and Ethan Hawke, so I should've watched this a long time ago!

This is a very refreshing and original take on a vampire film. It's not an idea I've seen before, and it works really well. The background to the story and vampires is flashed over so quickly during the opening scenes and credits, and at a 1hr40 runtime this film really doesn't mess around. The vampire world looks great and I loved the grayscale and darker camera shots whenever the vampires were on screen, it made a stark contrast to the scenes set in daylight. This is such a different version of vampires to what we're used to and there are parts of this where you almost feel sorry for them.

Ethan Hawke is wonderful as Ed, and Sam Neill is deliciously wicked as he has been in other films, despite the fact I cant stop seeing him as Alan Grant! I think Willem Dafoe was a tad underused thought. The best thing I loved about this film was the gore and physical effects. It's an 18 for a reason and I loved all of the blood and guts. Admittedly some of the gore seemed a little over the top and ridiculous towards the end, but this just made it all the more hilariously enjoyable.

This film isn't perfect. I think some of the CGI is dodgy in parts which is a shame as the rest of the effects are rather good. And the sub plot about Sam Neill's daughter seemed a little flimsy. But aside from this, I think Daybreakers is a great underrated vampire film with a unique story, that seems to have gone without the recognition it deserves.
Missing Link (2019)
Missing Link (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Animation Style (3 more)
Character development
Voice Acting
Predictable Plot (0 more)
An adventurous, family-friendly animation.
After winning the BAFTA for best animated feature, my interest in seeing this film rose. As it is conveniently found on Netflix, we watched it as a family for a ‘movie night’. I was prepared for a mediocre adventure in search of a missing link between man and ape. What you actually get is a heartfelt, quintessentially British, global adventure in search of a home for a lonely Sasquatch. The journey each character goes through is wonderful as they learn about family, friendships and individuality before conquering the villain.

With a high calibre cast, this film is full of seasoned voice actors. So much so that it is actually difficult to identify the owner of each voice until the credits roll. This, for the most part, makes the film even more enjoyable as you aren’t left guessing actors or imagining them in the role.

Beginning with two characters on a quest for the Loch Ness Monster, the story is full of mystery and myth. It then becomes a predictable one, when it gets into its flow. For an adult, this can make the film a little expected. However, for a child this film is filled with hilarity. When watching with my three kids, there was non-stop laughter. From the naming of the Sasquatch to him forgetting swimwear, the room was full of joy.

Animation has always been a passion of mine, since I was young: from hand drawn to computer generated. My favourite had always been stop motion. Missing Link is primarily filmed in stop motion, using new techniques that allow for smoother facial transitions. The film’s adventurous nature encourages for exciting sets and explosive additional CGI that makes the film feel incredibly polished.

Captivating the attention of adults and children, alike, Missing Link provides an animated, family friendly adventure that teaches morals and respect. I can see why it won so many awards and challenges Toy Story 4 for the top place.
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