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Wrong Turn (2021)
Wrong Turn (2021)
2021 | Horror
7.0 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Well now, I watched this reboot of the semi popular Wrong Turn series with absolutely no knowledge of what was going to happen, expecting it to be more of the same, and was gobsmacked when it turned out to be a genuinely excellent slice of modern horror.

Firstly, the usual body count teenagers are all very well written. There's enough character building to care when they start to die, their reactions to said deaths are believable and human, and they are a set of protagonists who want to survive, not just cannon fodder. Lead actress Charlotte Vega has a huge part in this positive.
The regular set of cannibals are nowhere to be seen, and the antagonists this time around are a secluded community of mountain hunters known as The Foundation. They live off the natural earth and become entangled with the main characters after one of their ranks is killed in self defence. The narrative explores these two groups, and how both make decisions based on assumption of character and class. It's an interesting notion that elevates this movie beyond your standard slasher.
The leader of The Foundation, named Venable, is a genuinely imposing character. He has some great monologues, and actor Bill Sage really leans into the role. I'm hoping a sequel gets made just to see more of this dude as well as Charlotte Vega.
The gore on display is pretty damn impactful, only showing what it needs to, but making sure it sticks in your head. The whole runtime boasts some gorgeous cinematography as well, the filming location of the Ohio trail providing some breathtaking scenery.

I don't know what else to say. I was expecting the same old shit, and was instead presented with a great looking, well paced, and powerful horror feature that had me glued to the screen until the credits finished (the credit scene is a fantastic way to end things by the way so be sure to stick around.)

Well played Wrong Turn, well played.
Fear Street Part One: 1994 (2021)
Fear Street Part One: 1994 (2021)
2021 | Horror
A young teen, Heather, is finishing her last shift of the day in the mall, upon closing time she agrees to meet her friend Ryan outside so they can walk home together. Once Ryan leaves to gather his things, Heather is chased through the mall by a masked stranger and murdered in an almost identical way to casey becker in scream! When the credits start, the 1994 is blood red and someone screams as it is splattered against the screen, again just like scream! Either purely coincidental or the writers are a fan of the movie.

Anyway, the next day we see a number of teens talking and apparently this isn't the first murder in this town, in fact almost every decade has had a massacre, which many of the teens believe is the result of a witches curse. After a fight breaks out at a vigil held for Heather and Ryan, the rival schools threaten to kill each other and a killing spree starts shortly after. However, it is not the teens going through with their threats, in fact the killers aren't even alive! The teens must find a way to stop these creatures.

The movie is filled with so many feels of the 90s, as someone who was a teen in that decade herself I enjoyed all the nostalgia, from the mention of AOL to calling someone a dilweed. I liked the fact that the teens in the movie actually did look like teens unlike many other movies, though it did the almost sex scenes seem wrong. I enjoyed the teen Slasher part of the story as Slashers are my fav movie genre and we don't get many of those anymore, what ruined I for me though was the addition of Supernatural beings, I really wanted a teen Slasher with a big reveal at the end but sadly that isn't what I got. Still a good film though.
Tenet (2020)
Tenet (2020)
2020 | Action
God damn Tenet is confusing, and even that statement has a dual meaning - in regards to the plot, it's purposefully confusing to a degree (more on that shortly), but also in regards to my poor frazzled feelings towards the film as a whole.
For every moment where I felt myself switching off a bit, there was another moment which blew me away.

Back to the plot, Christopher Nolan has done that thing where he throws a load of faffy exposition and quick cuts, with thread bare explanation, before bringing in a massive pay off to sort of tie it all together. Not too dissimilar to Inception, but way harder to follow.
By the time the credits rolled, I think I had a good enough grasp on what happened, but still will probably need another viewing to piece it together.
Something that is beyond doubt however, is the aesthetics on display. Tenet looks amazing. The action set pieces are breathtaking at times. The last 45 minutes in particular is an absolute pleasure to look at, and the idea of some people functioning in reverse makes for some hugely eye pleasing fight scenes.

Another positive to take from Tenet is the cast. John David Washington, Robert Pattinson, and Elizabeth Debicki are all great as per usual, and are supported by the likes of Kenneth Branagh and Aaron Taylor-Johnson. Branagh especially is a convincing, nasty villain.

There's been a lot of discussion surrounding the sound mixing - and I can honestly see why. A lot of the dialogue is cancelled out by either the (pretty damn good) music score, or swamped underneath obnoxiously loud sound effects. Whether this is a stylistic choice by Nolan or not, it does negatively impact the experience.

Ultimately, Tenet is enjoyable enough, but I feel like it's not as clever as it wants you to think. That being said, maybe I'm just not clever enough to truly get it. It's proving to be a divisive film however, so it's definitely worth seeing for yourself to reach a conclusion.
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    Pic Blender Art Photo Editor

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    FocusNow - Bye delay

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