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Hazel (2934 KP) rated Unseen: No. 7 in Books

Jan 12, 2018  
Unseen: No. 7
Unseen: No. 7
Karin Slaughter | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I haven't read any previous novels with these characters so didn't know any background to them but it didn't seem to matter to me as Karin was adept at shedding light on history but not too much that the story became confusing and bogged down which can happen.

I found it to be an exciting story that, unfortunately, is very plausible in this day and age (wow, I sound like my mum!) and it kept me interested throughout. The descriptions of places, people, situations, injuries, etc were vivid and, I felt, accurate enough to enable me to develop detailed pictures in my mind as I was reading which made it all the more real.

Some of my thoughts on the main characters:

Lena - I didn't like her at first but once the character started to develop I found myself on her side and defending her like she was a real person.

Sara - annoying but likeable in a strange way. She came across to me as quite a hard and unforgiving person but I think I warmed to her in the end.

Will - my favourite loved him - a very complex character that I want to know more about. A tough exterior with a very soft centre and a good heart; brave and fearless and someone you would want on your side.

There was one negative that I found and it was that I thought the chapters were way too long - I hate stopping midway through a chapter but if you only have a short amount of time to get a few pages read, you have to with this book which I found quite frustrating.

Overall though, I enjoyed it so much I will be reading more and would definitely recommend to people who love a fast paced crime thriller.
Next Victim (DCI Rachel King, #1)
Next Victim (DCI Rachel King, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Exhausted, overworked and trying to deal with two teenagers with little help from her ex; what Rachel King doesn’t need is an early morning call to a murder scene. Added to her complicated life is a series of text messages from an ex-boyfriend/lover who wants to reconnect with her. She loves him but a major problem is that he is a well-known villain, active in an around Manchester.
Leaving the chaos of her home behind her, she arrives at a grizzly scene. A young man has been tortured, cut up and burned then tossed into the canal. There are few clues, a homeless man who heard the cries of the young man while being tortured can give them no help.
And then another body appears on the scene. The only apparent link is that they are gay, beautiful young men.
While all this is happening, Rachel’s younger daughter is kidnapped but there is nothing to suggest where the murderer might have taken her. Meantime, Rachel is trying to keep her relationship with the crime boss a secret from her team but relies on him to help find her daughter.

This is the first book in a new police procedural series, featuring DCI Rachel King and her sidekick DS Elwyn Price, set in and around Manchester. The novel is a police procedural with lots of action.
You will find plenty of twists and turns in this thriller which will keep you on the edge of your seat.
The characters and plot are well developed and I couldn't read this fast enough as I was so gripped with the story.
I think this is gonna be another great series from this fabulous author.
Many thanks to Joffe Books via Netgalley for my digital copy.
Trust No One
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
***NOTE: I was provided a free copy of this book from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review***

Jerry Grey is a best-selling crime writer who writes under the pen name of Henry Cutter. He is 49 years old, and has been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s. Jerry can’t always remember what is reality and what is fiction. Sometimes he believes that he is Henry. Sometimes he talks to Henry. And sometimes he confuses his real life with the lives of his characters. He confesses to crimes that never happened except within the confines of his books. At least that what everyone keeps telling him…

Several women have been killed recently at times when Jerry has gone wandering away from the nursing home where he now resides. He may know what has happened to them, but he can’t trust his memory of events. Can he trust what he’s written in his “madness journal”? And how can he be sure people are telling him the truth about what has happened during times that he has no memory of?

Trust No One is a very fast-paced, suspenseful novel. This book kept me guessing right up to the end. Just when I thought I knew who did what, something would happen to make me think that I must be wrong.

I would recommend Trust No One to any thriller or suspense fan, but if you like stories told by unreliable narrators, such as Before I Sleep or Girl on the Train, then you really must read this one!

Warnings: occasional explicit language, violence, and those who have a loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s may be uncomfortable reading about the disease’s devastating effects on Jerry and his ability to function
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Ben is a reporter, and he's been brought in to shed light on a new case that's baffling local law enforcement. With his keen investigative knowledge and sharp eyes, they're hoping he can tell them how this killer is managing to get into women's homes, considering all the doors and windows are locked except the front one as he leaves the grisly scene behind. Aside from this, Ben has a few of his own issues: He's supposed to be writing a mystery novel, but his brain's stuck in reverse, and he doesn't feel like it would be anywhere near as good as his first book, a true-crime novel. He's also having to deal with his ex, who's determined to take half the royalties from that first book, seeing as how he worked on it while they were still together (divorces are grand, aren't they?). Even beyond all that, it turns out this current killer has more than just a passing fancy with Ben, and poor Ben gets dragged along for the ride as this story heats up.

I definitely enjoyed this novel, as I always love a good mystery/thriller. The main characters were very personable, and I like how Ben tries to use his skills as a journalist to not only do what he's been asked by law enforcement, but also to try and figure out just why this killer is obsessed with him. There are certainly some shocking twists all throughout the story, and I can say that I was on the edge of my seat more than once, trying to speed-read so I could get to the next jump.

4 1/2 stars

Hazel (2934 KP) rated It Was Her in Books

Aug 11, 2018  
It Was Her
It Was Her
Mark Hill | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Highly recommended
Having read the first in this series "His First Lie" (previously named "The Two O'Clock Boy") and thoroughly enjoyed it, I was excited to get my hands on this second outing for the team of DI Ray Drake and DS Flick Crowley and I certainly wasn't disappointed.

I know that sometimes you can dip into a series out of order but not this one. I strongly suggest you read "His First Lie" before "It Was Her" otherwise you could become a little lost as this book builds on the events of that one. In addition, you might feel differently about the characters, especially Ray, without the back story that is so important in understanding his thought processes and actions.

What we have in "It Was Her" is not just your run-of-the-mill crime thriller, it is so much more than that and I can't even begin to describe how much I became totally immersed in the story. I won't go into detailing the plot as it's clearly set out in the blurb but I will say that it is complex, dark, gritty and edgy with suspense and tension but amongst all that, is quite a sad story and the ending ... well, I didn't see that coming until it was on top of me and it left me having to take a few deep breaths and a few minutes to take it all in.

So, would I recommend this book? Absolutely. Would I recommend this author? Without a doubt. Do I want to read the next instalment? Hell yes!!

My thanks go to the publisher, Little, Brown Book Group UK, and NetGalley for my e-copy in return for an honest review.
Molly's Game (2017)
Molly's Game (2017)
2017 | Drama
Perfectionism, pressure, drive, success – “Molly’s Game” tells the story of a woman pushed to achieve these qualities by her father (Kevin Costner) throughout her childhood and adolescence. The pressure to become perfect went far with Molly (Jessica Chastain), who grows up to become an Olympic-class skier and scores astronomically on the law school entrance exam.

But Molly doesn’t go to law school, and she doesn’t win the gold medal. She comes in fourth and slides into the seedy world of high stakes gambling, where her clever mind and charming appearance take her far. She becomes a leader of an underground world, filled with money, greed, and glamour.

Her gambling ring included players that were famous, wealthy, and in some cases criminal. She became the target of an FBI investigation, that revealed how little she was actually in the know about her own game.

Chastain does a great job in her role as Molly. Her striking features and strong demeanor exude a woman in charge. Particularly enjoyable is the performance by Michael Cera as Player X, a celebrity poker player who always plays in the big leagues. Cera, does a great job of making you wonder which celebrity Player X was, and why he was so heavily involved in the high stakes gaming world. It is a nice switch u for Cera into a more serious kind of role.

The consequences of Molly’s choices unfold rapidly. Making it fast paced and suspenseful, without a dull moment.

The style of the film paints a pretty picture of an ugly scene, with each shot appearing beautifully smooth and gliding transitions that grab a viewer’s focus.

“Molly’s Game” is a must see for anyone who loves a good crime-thriller, especially one based on a tell all of a real human experience in a wild reality.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Stranger in TV

Feb 10, 2020  
The Stranger
The Stranger
2020 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
Intriguing and twisty
Pretty much everyone I know is watching this at the moment. Mainly because it's set in a fictional Greater Manchester town and was actually filmed in many locations across Greater Manchester, including my own town. I wasn't too bothered to see it though until I saw the trailer, which sucked me in just enough to start watching.

I've never read the book, so had no preconceptions whatsoever other than a general view on Harlan Coben. I've read that there are some differences, but for me this show really worked. The smaller local setting works, and it's a fun, intriguing twist filled crime thriller with a great cast. There is a lot to take in with this, with a lot of smaller stories and scenes that all mix in together with the wider main plot about the mysterious stranger. Whilst I wouldn't say it gets confusing as such, you really have to focus to keep track of everything that's going on and all the different intersecting story arcs of all the characters. It may be a little on the unbelievable side, but it is fiction after all! The only thing I was really disappointed about was the ending - the Stranger's motivations and the reveal about what happened to Corinne, whilst good, weren't entirely surprising. There are some great actors in this, Siobhan Finneran's cop with her natural Oldham accent is a riot and it's always good to see Richard Armitage on screen. I just wish there had been more Anthony Head!

The extra appeal about watching this was trying to identify all of the local areas and places it had been filmed in. It was incredibly devastating to see that both Richard Armitage and Anthony Head had been in numerous places in my town without my knowledge. I was so close to seeing Giles in the flesh!
Poisoned Pawn
Poisoned Pawn
David Siegel Bernstein | 2020 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
not one for me
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I am struggling with my review for this one, and I have no idea if any of this will make sense you, since I'm struggling to make sense of the book.


It's well written. I saw no spelling or editing errors. It plays well with the Sherlock Holmes and the characters all to do with him, the good and the bad. There is a huge supporting cast of well rounded and developed characters, that fit in, in all the right places. It's very different to my usual reads. I DID like the twist that I did not see coming, not in the slightest!

And I finished it!

Negatives (for me):

Single person point of view, in the first person.

And I have not a single clue about what was the point of the whole book! I kept on reading, since I thought *something* will make sense soon. Something will give me a sign what the whole point of this tale is. And I got nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero clue. There is an EXTREMELY tangled web within the book, and I tried to keep up, I really did, but I got lost somewhere around a key player's murder. I can see HOW everything came together, I just can't see WHY, you know?

Maybe it was just a little TOO far out of my corfort zone, although, pre-kindle days, crime/thriller/police books were my main stay, so I don't know!

Will I read anything else by this author? Probably not, no. Someone will be fully engrossed in the book and it will make total sense to them, but for me? Sorry.

3 stars, since what I read WAS well written, and I DID finish it.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Bag Man (2014)
The Bag Man (2014)
2014 | Drama
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Sometimes it sucks to be a delivery guy when you don’t know what you are
carrying in a tightly sealed leather bag. Anything can happen when too many
people are interested in what The Bag Man is carrying when it gets a
limited theatrical run starting Feb 28th.

When Jack (John Cusack) is a fixer/hitman under the employ of Dragna
(Robert De Niro), a crime lord — tasked to bring a leather bag to a seedy
hotel — the people he runs into are more shadier than he is. All he has to
do is to wait for the arrival of this gangster and not look at what’s

Both the movie and night is long while Jack fends for himself. His dealings
with the motel manager (beautifully played by Crispin Glover) is far more
interesting than the lady of the night, Rivka (Rebecca Da Costa), he meets.
Together what they end up in is a cat and mouse game of nearly everybody
from this sleepy hole-in-the-wall after them. Everyone is interested in
what the bag contains, and this Macguffin never strays far from the plot.

Even though the concept of what’s in the bag is hardly original, this
narrative device will keep some people — characters included — invested
in wondering what’s so important about it. When the contents are revealed,
will what’s revealed be King Midas’ gold or the evils from Pandora’s Box?
This loose thriller has its moments where viewers will be glued to the
suspense but ultimately, it’s this movie’s pacing that slows the action
down. Losing 10-15 minutes might help in keeping the tale tight.

That can help everyone, audience included, from not losing interest. Sooner
or later, the cat has to be let out of the bag.
Closed Circuit (2013)
Closed Circuit (2013)
2013 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
oday, we’re going to bring you something a little different from ‘across the pond’ in the form of the latest crime-thriller from

the United Kingdom ‘Closed Circuit’.


Directed by John Crowley, ‘Closed Circuit’ tells the story of a fictional terrorist attack on the city of London and it’s aftermath.

Staring Eric Bana, Rebecca Hall, Julia Stiles, Ciaran Hinds, and Jim Broadbent. ‘Closed Circuit’ follows two lawyers (Bana and Hall)

as they individually attempt to prepare the defense of their client, the lone suspect apprehended in the aftermath of the attack on a London market,

in most high profile criminal case in british history, They quickly learn though that all is not as it appears. As they discover they are being shadowed,

their every move monitored, and their pasts scrutinized, it soon becomes clear that no matter what the outcome of the trial is, it might not be

just their reputations that are on the line.


The movie is a fictional example of what unfortunately, has become almost commonplace in today’s world.

Terrorist attacks, manhunts, expanded surveillance, and it makes you ask yourself, Who is the biggest threat to us? Our enemies? Or those we trust

to defend us from our enemies?


‘Closed Circuit’ was well filmed and is cast be top-notch actors. However, once the movie gets past the very beginning it drags on for a while and has little

dialogue. Every line by the actors in the movie implies others hidden within others and is hard to follow sometimes unless you’re a conspiracy theorist.

I’d give the film 2 and a half out of 5 stars. It’s a good flick, don’t get me wrong. But it’s kind of a downer. Not exactly, an ‘escape’ from the summer heat.

Put it in in your queue for NetFilx.