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We Begin at the End
We Begin at the End
Chris Whitaker | 2020 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
We Begin at the End is described as a crime thriller, but it’s so much more than that.

At 15 years of age, Vincent King is sent to an adult prison for the murder of Sissie Radley. He doesn’t dispute this - he was driving the car, he didn’t realise he’d hit her, but he had hit her all the same. He goes to prison for 30 years, leaving his best friend Walk, and his girl friend Star Radley, Sissie’s sister, behind. Thirty years later, he’s released and returns to his hometown and his parents house.

In the meantime, Star has had two children: Duchess and Robin. Star clearly has problems with alcohol, and Duchess often has to look after her when she’s incapable of looking after herself. She also takes care of her younger brother, Robin s a mother would.

I don’t actually want to go in to too much detail, because there’s a lot of detail to go in to! Suffice it to say, that when I wasn’t reading this, I was thinking about it. It’s a beautifully written, melancholy story, and I became so attached to the main characters: not just the children, but also Walk, the Sheriff, and Vincent King himself. There are so many twists and turns. Just when you think you know what’s happening, something else comes along and changes everything. And the ending broke my heart! I spent the last Pigeonhole instalment blinking away the tears so that I could read it. If this book doesn’t win awards, then something is very wrong with the world! Wonderful, wonderful writing.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this book, and for Chris Whitaker for popping in now and again to answer questions. It has been one of my favourite Pigeonhole books.
The Woman in the Window (2021)
The Woman in the Window (2021)
2021 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
A woman, Anna, wakes up and we get a view around her home, followed by a conversation with her daughter and her husband. We see her watching her neighbours before engaging in a therapy session. It is soon clear that Anna has problems. She has attempted suicide, has a drinking problem and is agrophobic meaning she is too scared to leave the house.

One evening her new neighbours son Ethan, comes over to introduce himself and they get talking, but something is worrying him. The next day his judgemental mum, Jane, comes over after Anna's House is egged on Halloween and they also get talking, but she is worried about her son and husband. That same evening, the husband comes over asking her if his family had come to see her, she lies and says no.

One evening whilst in the bath, Anna hears a scream coming from her new neighbours house, she speaks to Ethan who is clearly distraught but won't say why. Then whilst watching them again, she witnesses a brutal crime where a Russell family member is stabbed, but when she reports it nobody believes her, so she decides to try and find out what happened, which isn't going to be easy for someone with agrophobic.

I want to say I have never seen a movie like this before, and in truth I haven't, but I have seen a very similar storyline on the simpsons, when Bart thinks ned flanders has killed maude, it even plays out in a similar way.

It was an interesting movie though, with so many twists that I didn't see coming and it kept me interested right to the end. I did feel the end wasn't In keeping with the tone of the movie though, it started off like a psychological thriller but ended like a teen Slasher.

BookishWoo (317 KP) rated Zodiac in Books

May 25, 2020 (Updated May 25, 2020)  
Anamaria Lonescu | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Zodiac is the 2nd book of the Sergiu Manta Series and the first to be translated into English.
I was captivated by Zodiac right from the first page. Anamarie wrote this extremely well and in a way that you felt you were reading a script for a crime drama, scene by scene. This is slightly different to what I'm used to, but I found as long as I paced myself and didnt speed through it I could keep up with the scene jumps and found that I completely enjoyed her writing style. Although this is a fast paced thriller do not be fooled that being only 218 pages long you can speed through this quickly. This is a book to savour and enjoy.

I can honestly say that I fell in love with the main protagonaist Sergiu, he was an unpredicatable, motorbike riding, charming "Agency" man willing to do whatever it takes no matter what the cost.
His character was in stark contrast to Marius who was a typical police inspector and family man with a moral conscience. This worked well alongside Sergiu's character and didnt give you that typical good cop, bad cop feel. They complimented each other well.

The plot was fantastic, and just when I thought I had it all figured out the twist came along and surprised me completely!

I cant wait to read more of the series and hope that the first book gets translated so I can read this too!

If you are a fan of fast paced thrillers I highly recommend this!

Trigger Warnings: swearing, sexual themes, rape, murder, guns, violence

I received Zodiac by Amamaria Ionescu for free in exchange for an honest review from Love Book Tours and Corylus Books.
One For Sorrow (DI Callanach #7)
One For Sorrow (DI Callanach #7)
Helen Fields | 2022 | Crime, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is an absolute cracker of a book; totally absorbing, riveting and a rollercoaster ride of emotions.

This is the first one in the series I have read ... I know, I know, where have I been? However, I do feel this can be read quite successfully as a standalone even though I know there is quite a lot of back story that I have missed. This didn't affect my enjoyment of this book one little bit though so don't let it put you off; if anything, it has forced me to put the previous 6 on my wish list it's just a shame my birthday has been an gone ... do you think I can ask for them as a Mother's Day gift foregoing the usual card, flowers and chocolates? I would say so 😀

From start to finish, I literally couldn't put it down ... yes I know this is a bit cliché and is said far too often but in this instance, it is a totally accurate statement. With excellent and believable characters, a fast pace and a tense and thrilling plot that had me guessing to the end, this is definitely going to be one of my books of 2022.

This has got everything you could want from a crime thriller from beginning to end and on that, the ending ... I actually gasped out loud and frantically swiping at my Kindle screen wanting to find out what happens next only to realise that there was no more which has left me waiting very impatiently!

Bravo Helen Fields, bravo ... just wow!

Thank you to Avon Books UK and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
A Time to Kill (1996)
A Time to Kill (1996)
1996 | Drama, Mystery
Story: A Time to Kill starts a we see 10-year-old Tonya beaten and raped by Billy Ray Cobb (Katt) and James Louis Willard (Hutchison) and with the case taken to court it looks like they will get off the charge, her father Carl Lee Hailey (Jackson) takes matters into his own hands.

Carl Lee facing a double murder charge Jake Tyler Brigance (McConaughey) takes the case having to go up against powerful DA Rufus Buckley (Spacey) in what is a case fuelled with racial tension.

When the case brings the Ku Klux Klan back from grave Jake puts his own family in danger but thanks to young law student Ellen Roark (Bullock) and his mentor Lucien Wilbanks (D.Sutherland) to help him keep his business a float and win this case.

A Time to Kill is a racial driven courtroom crime thriller that touches on everything with the nice amount of time. We get left to question what you would do if you were in any of the position between the case which is a huge plus for the film. The idea that we get the racial tension going on because of how the case could be treated differently depending on the skin colour of a character also helps drive the story. when it comes to courtroom drama this is by fair one of the best out there.


Actor Review


Matthew McConaughey: Jake Tyler Brigance is a young lawyer who has taken over a small law firm from his mentor who struggles to keep the business afloat. When this case comes his way he wants to do the right thing because he knows how this can be a difficult decision and believe he can win the case against the odds. Matthew shows early on in his career he could handle the serious films in leading role.

Sandra Bullock: Ellen Roark is a young law student who has helped on many murder cases and wants to help Jake with this case to help clear Carl Lee from the charges. She has different political beliefs to him which they do class on but their passion together can drive the case. Sandra shines in this role in her early career showing how she can pull of the serious roles too.

Samuel L Jackson: Carl Lee Hailey is the man that finds his daughter beaten and raped and decides to take justice into his own hands by killing the men involved. He doesn’t care what happens to him just as long as he makes these men pay but not faces a double murder charge. Samuel is great in this role as a man who got pushed to his limits.

Kevin Spacey: D A Rufus Buckley is the cocky DA who thinks this case is a slam dunk as he knows he can get the white man’s vote on the jury and questions Jake ability in a courtroom. Kevin while playing a standard character for the villain of the courtroom hit it ot the park in every scene.

Support Cast: A Time to Kill has a supporting cast which is filled with stars in nearly every scene and each one gives a brilliant performance throughout the film.

Director Review: Joel Schumacher – Joel gives us one of his best films that balance the racial tension with the crime case perfectly.


Crime: A Time to Kill leaves us in the middle of a court case handle a sensitive subject which poses us questions on where you would stand on such a case.

Thriller: A Time to Kill does keep us one edge wondering where the next twist will come in the story be it in the courtroom or the tension building outside the courts.

Settings: A Time to Kill keeps nearly all the settings within the Louisiana town where racial tension is still strong and you can see the difference in both sides even with the same struggles.

Suggestion: A Time to Kill is one of the most must watch courtroom dramas out there with such a sensitive subject. (Must Watch)


Best Part: Closing speech.

Worst Part: Slightly long if you are being picky.


Believability: Parts could be.

Chances of Tears: No

Chances of Sequel: No

Post Credits Scene: No


Oscar Chances: No

Budget: $40 Million

Runtime: 2 Hours 29 Minutes

Tagline: A lawyer and his assistant fighting to save a father on trial for murder. A time to question what they believe. A time to doubt what they trust. And no time for mistakes.


Overall: One of the all-time best courtroom drams out there