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Hooked on Murder (Crochet Mystery, #1)
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hooked On Murder By: Betty Hechtman
Cozy Mystery 280 pages
Setting: Tarzana, California

I just love quick and fun mysteries. This book was one of those. I gave this book 4 stars. It is the first book in a series but not the first one I have read of hers. I have read this series out of order. It was nice to finally know somethings about the main character.
The main character is Molly Pink and she is a widow. Her husband left her in a good position so that she didn't have to work if she didn't want to. She has decided to go work and she works at a book store as an event coordinator. One of the events she has is a crocheting club, which she doesn't know how to do at the beginning of the book. The main leader in this group is murder and who finds her. You guess it it is Molly. You learn about the crochet leader and Molly in this book. One of the detectives is dating Molly and the other has it out for her because she wants Molly boyfriend. Did Molly kill the crochet leader? What about the boyfriend issue.I am afraid to go into a lot of detail because I don't want to spoil it for you.
At the back of the book the author gives you a recipe and a crochet pattern. I always like the little extras.
I hope you read this book and the rest of the series. They are fun.
I'm an avid, some might even say obsessive, crocheter. I love looking through crochet books for new patterns and inspirations. Paging through Crochet with One Sheepish Girl, I noticed the book had a nice, clean, and attractive look with a crisp and easy to read layout. The contents has not only the project and page number, but a picture of the project as well. There's a nice use of color that's classy and shows off the projects well. Looking further, I saw a lot of useful projects, i.e. coasters, placemats, baskets, a cowl, a clutch, an apron, and a darling hook case, among many others. Sure, there are some purely decorative items, like a pillow, a stuffed latte and muffin, bunting, crocheted edges and frames for cards, tags, and art, etc. However the bulk I would describe as useful and cute.

The yarn used is given, as is the weight so an alternative can be utilized instead, which I always appreciate that addition. There does seem to be a decent amount of bulky yarn used, but worsted can always be doubled or tripled up as a substitute. The instructions are fairly clear and detailed, although there were times I wish for a picture or illustration to clearly show proper execution. This mainly came up with the turban earwarmer. I'm pretty sure I made it accurately but it took more time figuring it out with only the written instructions. The bow brooch also seemed a bit more difficult than it needed to be and I think I could figure out a way to make it easier in the future. The gift boxes are cute, but the use of sugar water to stiffen the yarn? I don't think so, I'll find an alternative, thank you. There is a few pages of artwork that can be scanned to add the crocheted edges to the tags and cards. The artwork is by Oana Befort and is pretty darned adorable, I especially love the snowman made of yarn balls, crochet hooks, and a thimble and the kittens playing with yarn (yarn and crochet hooks make up the designs on the cards). I'm not so fond of flattening a book to scan the images and would have preferred a link to a specific webpage, pdf file or something like that instead.

Overall, the book is mostly well done and I really enjoyed it. The bulk of the projects would best be described as cute and kitschy, so if that's not your thing, than this book isn't for you. I happen to love those type of items, so will be making many projects from the book. I'd recommend this to someone who isn't a complete newbie to crochet unless supplemented by online videos, otherwise it has many fun, fast, and easy projects.

<i>Received for review through Amazon Vine.</i>
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

A perfect supplementary tool for every crocheter. As a newer crocheter and visual learner, I appreciated the accompanying images and loved that they added in issues the user may run in to as well. Overall, I felt this was a well-rounded book. It doesn’t just show you stitches and how to create them. It also discusses the different yarn types as well, which is influential to any project. As someone who is a visual learner, this is a perfect accessory. I recommend it to anyone interested in crochet.
This book has everything: Basic learn to knit and crochet instructions, lists of recommended tools, materials, books, and tons of basic beginner patterns that have the potential to be taken to the next level. I love it! Great for any beginner knitter.

However I have yet to find a book that has clear enough instructions to teach someone to actually knit a stitch. It's very hard to photograph a movement, and the basic knitting instructions in this book were no better than any others.

There was every sort of pattern: hats, scarves, socks, mittens, shawls, necklaces, flowers, sweaters, blankets etc. This book covered all the categories very well.
The cover picture for this book caught my eye while I was browsing for patterns to stash bust/single skein patterns, as it's a very simple pattern that can be worked up in any colourway and modified in countless ways.

I decided to get the book as part of my Scribd subscription, to browse the patterns while I got on with my cushion.

While a lot of the patterns are very pretty and some I would consider making, so many of them are freely available on the internet, with much more in-depth guidance for a beginner. I was a little disappointed that there weren't more original patterns from the writers, rather than so many "generic" crochet patterns.
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

A great collection of patterns for crocheters of any level. Don’t worry about being able to read the patterns because they are simple and straightforward with great images to accompany them. I love collections like this because there are so many patterns to choose from and they have such a wide variety, I dare you to find less than 5 things you want to crochet! Not to mention they are adorable as all get out. The best part? You require only 1 skein or less of yarn to make each project. It’s perfect for those who need a quick project or want to make something for all those little babies in (or about to be in) their lives.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

As someone who has never knitted a cable before, this was a great book to start with. The first thing I noticed about this novel is how beautiful the images are. They are so clear and crisp that it is easy to see the stitching, a huge plus for any knitting book.

The book begins with explained what a knitted cable actually is and some terminology and charting symbols you should familiarize yourself with. I appreciated that the charting symbols not only came with the images but short little descriptions of how to do them. The book also explains other important symbols to know as well as different types of needles used. The best about this book? The step by step descriptions and images that went with each. As a visual learner, it was a great asset to me especially since I am not as familiar with knitting as I am crochet.

I couldn’t have asked for a better book to try and learn cable stitches from. I have always loved cable stitches, and now I can finally knit my own!
YouTube: Watch, Listen, Stream
YouTube: Watch, Listen, Stream
Entertainment, Photo & Video
8.3 (138 Ratings)
App Rating
I have a love-hate relationship with YouTube.

I love it for how useful it can be when you want to learn to do something as there's nearly always a walkthrough video from someone - handy for me when I'm trying to figure out a tricky stitch or section in a knitting or crochet pattern.

I hate how apparently addictive life hack videos, videos of other people playing games or "unboxing" videos are to kids, haha! While it can be helpful when I need to get something done urgently, I feel like I can recite some of these off by heart...

In all seriousness, it is a great app. As I don't use it so much myself, I sometimes feel like the UI could be a bit more intuitive (I seem to get stuck in a loop on my phone app sometimes), but it's clearly simple enough for kids to use, soooo....

It can be hard to restrict inappropriate content because it isn't always labelled as such, but this is an issue on any platform with user-generated content and just means that as parents/guardians/responsible adults we need to be more aware of what children are accessing and to limit it accordingly and which is, after all, our job!
Since I'm a crafty-ish person, I wanted to like this book better than how it ended up. That's not to say there aren't some cute things in here, like the Monster Week Tampon/Pad Case, which could be used to hold other items as well, or handy, like the Secret Stash in Your Rack craft. Even the silly ones could be fun for a craft party or something. However, I don't see myself making many of these as they're just not how I am as a feminist. I'd like more crafts that have to do with equality than how women-centric those in this book are. I do like the cassette tape turned into a business card holder, although I could see ways of making it better, plus I'd urge those to keep the inside workings as they can be used for other things. I've had plans for more years than I care to think about to crochet with the tape. I like that there are recommendations for books, music, films, plus some quotations. I think this book would be better for newer crafters as the projects are fairly basic, but even those who are more advanced could think of ways of making the crafts more clean and upscale. Overall, this is a silly book and not to be taken too seriously.
I didn't enjoy this book as much as the first in the series, Blue Blood. The mystery was okay, but it was a very slow start and took over one-hundred pages for the book to actually get anywhere, and I began to get bored and wondered if I could continue. This could have been accomplished in maybe twenty or thirty pages. Luckily for the author, I persevered. Also some research and editing could have been done. For example, if Andy had ever been interested in animal rights, which she was, she would know that Iams tests on animals and wouldn't buy any to donate. The author should have just said bags of cat/dog food instead. Another thing, I've never heard of knitting a crocheted throw blanket - there's crocheting and there's knitting - they're two different things. I should know since I crochet myself and am into animal rights. Just little things that should have been edited. Otherwise, the mystery was, again, easy to figure out, and the book ended almost the same as the last one. I sincerely hope the others don't follow in the same pattern. Still, after I got to the meat of the story, it was light, fast, and easy to read, but ended up a disappointment after the debut of this series.
3.5 stars