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    Martini Shot

    Martini Shot

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    Veteran TV writer and producer Rob Long shares his behind-the-scenes look at Hollywood life on...


Mike Portnoy recommended House (1977) in Movies (curated)

House (1977)
House (1977)
1977 | Comedy, Horror
7.4 (13 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I love that Criterion not only focuses on the classic work of the Fellinis, the Bergmans and the Kurosawas of film history but also gives attention to controversial, camp, and cult films like Salò, Head, Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, and Pink Flamingos. And none is more strangely perfect than House. One of the most beautifully strange and original films I’ve ever seen. Almost like a psychedelic, live-action Japanese version of an episode of Teletubbies, H.R. Pufnstuf, or Scooby-Doo. The fact that both this and Eraserhead came out in the same year leads me to believe there were some really good drugs floating around in 1977."


Jason Clarke recommended Withnail and I (1987) in Movies (curated)

Withnail and I (1987)
Withnail and I (1987)
1987 | Comedy
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"It was seminal, you know? It’s still a cult film for actors. It’s just about two out-of-work actors in England. I keep that on my iPad; I’ll go back and watch that at any point or scene. And there’s a performance by Uncle Monty (Richard Griffiths) — I think it’s one of the greatest comedic performances I’ve seen in my life. Such a wonderful film. It just reaffirms to me that I’m part of an ongoing world of actors. It’s funny, but it’s also beautiful in the end. When Grant does the Hamlet speech… It’s about success, failure, moving on, friendship, loss, and just life. It’s brilliant."

Hell Fest (2018)
Hell Fest (2018)
2018 | Horror
Over the top gore (2 more)
Insane story
Rooster Teeth cast cameos
Give a bunch of gamer enough money to create a horror film...
So the Rooster Teeth team created a horror movie... we know the create some epic entertainment that doesn’t take itself seriously (Red vs. Blue, RWBY). Now give them the means to create the horror movie we’ve all discussed when hanging out... all the ideas in one... then use a festival so it makes sense for so many different horror genres to collide in one movie.
Reminiscent of the B-movies of the 60s-80’s that now hold “Iconic Cult Status” & that’s what you get from this film.