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Cult of the Deep
Cult of the Deep
2021 | Bluff, Deduction, Dice Game, Fantasy, Horror
You see that cultist in the foreground of the box art about to dab? If I knew being in a cult was THIS cool… Well, I have never been in a cult. At least not that I am aware. However, if I ever were to be in a cult, I certainly wouldn’t wish it to be one that is intent on reviving or calling upon the scourges of the earth. I would rather be in one of those happy cults that take wisdom from a prophet and make delicious breads or something. But how does the Cult of the Deep operate and would I want to join?

Cult of the Deep is a dice-driven, fantasy horror, hidden role game with similarities to some classic games. In it players will be donning the personas (personae?) of cultists with different roles and agendas. Players will be forming alliances with other cultists of unknown roles and possibly having their character perish and return to play as a Wraith with a totally new agenda. Each cultist’s role will have their own victory conditions to fulfill and the game ends once a player (or players) have fulfilling their victory conditions.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this review. These are preview copy components, and I do not know for sure if the final components will be any different from these shown. Also, it is not my intention to detail every rule in the game, as there are just too many. You are invited to download the rulebook, back the game through the Kickstarter campaign, or through any retailers stocking it after fulfillment. -T

Setup involves placing out the Altar Boards and Ritual Cards upon them. Players will also receive one Role, Character, Sigil, and Reference Card to use during play. Players will reveal their Character Cards and collect enough Life Tokens to equal what is shown upon these cards. Each set of dice and the coins are to be set on the table within reach. The player who received the High Priest Role Card reveals it, takes extra Life Counters, and becomes the first player. They take five Cultist Dice and the game may begin!
Each turn is divided into four phases: Roll, Commit, Response, Resolve. During the Roll phase the active player will roll five dice, and any dice may be re-rolled another two times. Once all re-rolls are complete or the player decides to stop, they will take each die and Commit them to other players, altars, or themselves. For example, if the player rolls two blood drop icons they may wish to heal themselves by two, so they can commit these dice to themselves. Should this player also have rolled any dagger icons they may commit these dice to other players in order to attack them for one life per icon. If any player has a special ability that can be enacted during the Response phase, they must now use it. One such ability may be turning a one-dagger icon into a two-dagger icon, or other abilities. Once all players have had a chance to activate any abilities during this phase, the dice must now be Resolved in any order of the active player’s choosing. So now the player can regain life counters (or even surpass their starting life total), attack other players’ life points, or activate any Altar abilities if dice were placed on Ritual Cards on altars.

The Resolve phase is where the action happens, and can lead to some serious actions. Players can be killed, Rituals can be activated, and players can be healed. If a Ritual is completed (no more activation slots remaining) during this phase, the active player becomes the Keeper of the Ritual and collects its card from the altar to be used for an immediate effect, or an ongoing effect for the rest of the game. Should a player be slain, they may return to the game as a Wraith, and thus draws a Wraith card (shown below) to now represent their altered state. Wraiths play the game differently, as they will not be able to commit any dice during their turn, but rather have their dice to be used during other cultists’ Response phases.

Play continues in this fashion of taking turns around the table until victory conditions have been met for a player or group of players. The game may be over, but the lasting effects of the results will remain in each player’s heart for some time.
Components. Again, this is a prototype copy of the game, so not all components are as they will be in the finished version. That said, we received an excellent prototype copy of the game. The cards are great, the cardboard components are equally great, and I know we were provided with examples of the Kickstarter exclusive add-on metal coins, but I certainly would spring for them. These coins are the real deal and just feel amazing to handle. I know the dice will be different upon a successful campaign, as stickered dice simply will not hold up to many plays (and I see on the KS page that the d4s will have numbers ON TOP, which is where they should be). So once all is said and done, I believe this will be a beautiful, if not dark, game with excellent components and art style.

I mentioned in my open that this game reminds me of bits of other classic games. Perhaps you were able to discern these in my description, but here are my thoughts. I enjoy dice-based hidden-role games like BANG! The Dice Game. Cult of the Deep feels similar in that players may suss out roles of other players simply by attacking them until roles are revealed or cultists slain. This is not the ideal strategy, as I have been repeatedly told by my wife, but it certain is effective. What is improved here is that players come back as Wraiths and really are not ever out of the game. This is very good, as I usually am the player who is ganged up on and first to exit any game of this type.

Secondly, rolling dice and then committing them to certain areas of the game feels extremely reminiscent of the classic Biblios. Biblios uses cards and each turn the different areas MUST be committed to, but here again Cult of the Deep improves on this mechanic by allowing the player to choose every location to which they wish to commit their dice. Maybe every turn a player will commit daggers to one player (more than likely the High Priest), or certain dice faces to heal another player, but it is not necessary, and always being aware of what faces the Rituals need to progress will also dissuade players from ganging on one player each turn.

I didn’t mention it in my description, but each player is also given a Sigil card that can be used once per game, and they are especially powerful. Having so many choices available during a turn, or even during other players’ turns makes this game unique and incredibly enjoyable.

If you are looking for a game that has that Cthulhu-esque theme, hints of other classic game mechanics, and a deluxe look, then Cult of the Deep is certainly highly recommended. It is a notch more difficult than BANG! The Dice Game, and utilizes Biblios’s resource allocation mechanic better, thus creating a great blend of each. I do think you should check out the Kickstarter campaign ending Wednesday, March 3, 2021 to back it and add it to your collection. Obviously, this isn’t for everyone, but if you have read this far, I will assume at least a small measure of interest. I believe it will be a great game to have available for the right group of people who can handle the theme and don’t mind dying and becoming a character in Lord of the Rings.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) Feb 25, 2021

How many board games do you have?

Amity & Sorrow
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

So when I read the blurb about this book, it definitely interested me. I find these kind of cults interesting. Amity & Sorrow: A Novel by Peggy Riley is such a good read when it comes to religious cults and just a great read in general.

Amaranth is on the run from her polygamous, cult leader husband. She's also brought her two children, Amity and Sorrow, with her. When she crashes her car in Oklahoma, she doesn't plan on staying. However, after spending time with Bradley, she wants to stay. Sorrow, her eldest child, wants to go back to her father. Amity just wants to make her sister happy. Sorrow will do anything she can to get back to the compound and her father. Will Amaranth stay with Bradley or will she miss the compound's ways?

The title is pretty straight forward. Amity and Sorrow are the names of the children in this book. I kind of like the title although I think it's not very original.

The cover is simplistic. I was a bit confused though when I started reading the book because the two girls look like adults judging by what their bodies look like. Amity is supposed to be 12 years old, and although Sorrow's age is never revealed, she is referred to as a child. I think the cover would've suited this book better had it looked like a pre-teen and a teenage girl holding hands.

The setting and world building were done beautifully. Everything was written the way I'd think a polygamous cult would be and the how the people in it would act. Riley's portrayal of a woman who escaped from a religious cut is fantastic!

I can not fault the pacing in this book. Not once was I bored when reading Amity & Sorrow: A Novel. Every chapter ending left me wanting more. Every page came alive in my mind for me.

The characters were very well developed and well written. I enjoyed reading about Amity. I loved her innocence and the way she was protective of her sister. I couldn't stand Sorrow, not because she wasn't written well but because I just found her to be so much of a spoiled brat. Amaranth was a great character, and I thought she was a great mother to her children.

Like the pacing, the dialogue is fantastic. The children who were raised in the religious cult speak the way I'd imagine them too. The dialogue between the characters is very interesting. There's no real swear words although there are sexual references.

Amity & Sorrow: A Novel by Peggy Riley is a fantastic read that will leave its readers thinking about it long after they've finished the ending. It is a touching story about love, survival, and the human spirit.

I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 16+ due to sexual references and adult themes.

(I received this book for free from the Goodreads Firstreads program).
Blood &amp; Treasure
Blood & Treasure
2019 | Action, Adventure
7.4 (5 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Good Summer Series That Works Well
Blood & Treasure is an action/adventure drama series created by Matthew Federman and Stephen Scaia. It was produced by Propagate, Lake June Productions and CBS Television Studios and distributed by CBS Television Distributions.

Art expert Danny McNamara recruits an old flame, Lexi Vaziri, a professional thief, to help rescue Dr. Ana Castillo, his mentor, who after discovering the tomb of Mark Antony and Cleopatra was abducted by terrorists. The tomb was missing the sarcophagus of Cleopatra and also contained the remains of dead Nazis who were sealed in by a mysterious cult. Lexi and Danny track stolen antiques to an auction and kidnap the terrorists middleman, Aiden Shaw. Lexi let's him escape so they can follow him and they pursue him over the border. Shaw tries to sell his antiques back to Karim Farouk, the terrorist leader involved in the abduction of Castillo and explosion of the Pyramid. Farouk shoots Shaw and escapes while Lexi chases after and Danny rescues Castillo. Danny determines two things with Castillo's help: the cult that killed the Nazis are the key to finding the bodies and Farouk plans to weapons the curse of Cleopatra and Antony.

This show has been consistently really good. I am excited to see where it goes plot wise and it's overall story arc. Very enjoyable, really good acting and fast paced. Lexi is such a great character, she's beautiful, kicks ass and doesn't ask for permission. People complain about how it shifts perspective from past to present but no think it has become a staple of the show and makes it unique. It does have a familiar feel to it something like Indiana Jones meets Da Vinci Code but nothing supernatural yet. I hope that this show does well enough for a second season or at least is able to finish the plot of the first season. Critics are tearing it apart online but its a pretty decent show. I really like how they are constantly shooting in different locations that look beautiful from around the world. I give it a 7/10.
The Silence Project
The Silence Project
Carole Hailey | 2023 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Silence Project grabbed me, sucked me in and I raced through it, desperate to know what was going to happen next.

What a fascinating concept. Rachel Morris moves in to a tent at the bottom of her pub garden and never speaks again. Other women are drawn to her cause, and a community is born. One that seems to worship Rachel and her message. It sounded an awful lot like a cult to me. And when Rachel and thousands of her followers burn themselves on the pyres that they built themselves, the cult of The Community is truly born.

This book is written as a memoir by Rachel’s daughter, Emilia. Unsurprisingly, she misses her mother at the same time as resenting her. I thought this was really well done: Emilia loses her mother the day that she pitches her tent.

I think this would make such a good book club book - there’s so much to discuss. The concept of The Community, and the fact that it had clearly become something entirely different to Rachel’s original idea - whatever that really was. But due to her silence, Rachel was never fully able to say exactly what it was that she wanted for the future of her movement. I wondered whether her silence was rational; was she depressed? Her silence meant that others could put words into her mouth, surely?

Was Rachel selfish or selfless? Would we think differently if she had been a man? That’s very much left to the reader to decide. What really disappointed me though, is that a group of women, The Community, after Rachel’s death, becomes corrupted. They convince everyone that they know best and bring in some pretty outrageous policies: enforced contraception, euthanasia that’s geared towards making a profit for The Community. They have their fingers in many pies and many governments.

I’ve got to admit, this disappointed me a little. There was always the hope that women would be different - but it turns out that they’re the same as everyone else.

That said, this is a really hard-hitting book that gave me so much to think about - and I loved it.
The Librarians  - Season 1
The Librarians - Season 1
2014 | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
Cast chemistry, fantastic adventures, narrative (0 more)
Some effects are off as it is a first season cable show (0 more)
A gem of a find
After watching The Librarians, I have a love for the magical fantasy show. Revolving around the secret actions of the Librarian to collect and protect magic artifacts from the common population. Most people don't know that magic even exists.

When the Library becomes threatened, the current Librarian and his new guardian must rescue some past candidates as well as save the Library itself.

The show is a blast, the team heads out to so many awesome places and whole yes, some of the effects are bit stretched, they do an admirable job for a first season cable show.

There's many a cameo to be had in the show as, including past cast mates from Leverage, the show main star Christian Kane was on. Look for cult icon Bruce Campbell in a great role.

I have binged all three seasons on Hulu and am trying to blaze thru the current season 4 now. Go watch folks!
Fight Club 2
Fight Club 2
David Mack, Chuck Palahniuk, Cameron Stewart | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am Jack's emerging sense of Nerd Rage...

Firstly, WHY? Why on earth would you even think about writing a sequel to one of the best books ever written that spawned one of the best cult classic movies ever made?

Secondly, WHAT? I mean, I read it and all, but...

Thirdly, OH WOW.

This book will be polarizing for fans. You will either love it or hate it. Period. I doubt there will be any middle ground here. Some fans will argue that Palahniuk is spent creatively, or that this was a giant FU to the Tyler Durden fan club, or that it was just ill conceived all they way around.

Others will think it's the most beautiful messed up thing they've ever read.

At the moment, I fall very much into the later category, but I just finished this set, and the resonance of the final pages have left me a little shell shocked. I need to discuss this with friends, like NOW.

More to come as it unravels for me...