Nordic Genre Film: Small Nation Film Cultures in the Global Marketplace
Pietari Kaapa, Tommy Gustafsson and Outi Hakola
Offers a transnational comparative approach to contemporary popular Nordic genre film. Nordic Genre...
African Film Cultures: In the Context of Socio-Political Factors
Winston Mano, Barbara Knorpp and Anuli Agina
The growing body of films in and around Africa, and the seemingly incongruent growth in African film...
Heroines of Film and Television: Portrayals in Popular Culture
Norma Jones, Maja Bajac-Carter and Bob Batchelor
Despite the increasing variety of heroic women portrayed in film, television, and other popular...
Rhapsodes: How 1940s Critics Changed American Film Culture
Pauline Kael, Andrew Sarris, and Roger Ebert were three of America's most revered and widely read...
Space Oddities: Women and Outer Space in Popular Film and Culture, 1960-2000
Space Oddities examines the representation of women in outer space films from 1960 to 2000, with an...
Australian Film Festivals: Audience, Place, and Exhibition Culture
This is the first book to offer an in-depth examination of the history, operation, and growth of...
Orienting Hollywood: A Century of Film Culture Between Los Angeles and Bombay
A new understanding of the culturally rich and historic relationship between Hollywood and...
The Neuro-Image: A Deleuzian Film-Philosophy of Digital Screen Culture
Arguing that today's viewers move through a character's brain instead of looking through his or her...
French and Spanish Queer Film: Audiences, Communities and Cultural Exchange
Chris Perriam and Darren Waldron
Advancing the current state of film audience research and of our knowledge of sexuality in...