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Sue (5 KP) rated Death al Fresco in Books

Aug 13, 2018  
Death al Fresco
Death al Fresco
Leslie Karst | 2018 | Mystery
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sally Solari is working very hard to make a name for herself at her recently inherited restaurant, but her father has different plans. He doesn’t seem to remember that she no longer works at the family restaurant Solaris’ and keeps pulling her in. While taking an open-air painting class of the Monterey Bay coastline, Sally’s dog Buster finds a corpse tangled up in the kelp.

The body is identified as Gino, a local fisherman and regular patron at Solaris’. Is it true what everyone is saying? Is Sally’s dad negligent for allowing an inebriated customer to leave the restaurant alone at night? Witnesses claim that Gino was drunk when he left the restaurant, but his waitress swears that she only served him to beers with a full meal. Can she find out the truth before her father’s reputation and that on his restaurant goes down the drain?

This is not your average cozy mystery full of cuteness. Sally is a smart and multifaceted character that has you cheering for her to find the bad guys.
I Can Handle It! (Mindful Mantra #1)
I Can Handle It! (Mindful Mantra #1)
Laurie Wright | 2016 | Children, Health & Fitness
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I Love Hedgehogs! (Okay now that I have that out of my system…)
Sebastien is a typical kid dreaming up some funny ideas of how he could accomplish things. It brought to mind the adage “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try, again." I really enjoyed Laurie Wrights’s style of writing and I can see my classroom of kids loving how it speaks their language. The illustrations also added another element of cuteness and engagement geared towards kids. From Sebastien’s best friend (who is a Hedgehog) to all the creative ways he thinks of ways to handle situations Laurie Wright emphasizes that kids can do things and she leads them to some really helpful ways to process how to do them.

I think that this book is one every kid needs to read and grasp the concepts of. It helps take “I Can’t” out of their dictionaries and replaces it with “I Can Handle It." I HIGHLY recommend this book and give it 5 out of 5 stars.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Doggone Deadly
Doggone Deadly
Deborah Blake | 2021 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Doggone Fun
Kari Stuart has taken a booth at a regional dog show to promote her newly renovated pet rescue shelter. Her best friend, Suz Holden is grooming dogs for the event and helping to run it. The first night, Kari is helping Suz make sure everything is shut down when they find the dead body of a local dog breeder. The murder weapon appears to be a pair of Suz’s distinctive grooming scissors, so she leaps to the top of the suspect list. Naturally, Kari adds playing detective to her weekend plans. Can she figure out what is going on?

I enjoyed the first book in this series, and I’m thrilled to say that the second is just as much fun. The set up before Kari and Suz find the body is good, and things only pick up from there. The background of the rules around dog shows is presented in an entertaining way, so it never feels like a data dump. It’s wonderful to see the returning characters again, and the suspects are just as strong. Plus, there’s plenty of cuteness from the four-legged animals. You are in for a treat when you pick up this book.
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda
Becky Albertalli | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Gender Studies
9.0 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
Simon is a gay, still in the closet boy attending Creekwood High School. He is e-mailing the mysterious Blue, identity unknown, more frequently with increasing flirtation. A fellow classmate stumbles upon these exchanges and starts blackmailing Simon. Things get interesting.

I will begin by saying I read this book in one day. I could not put it down, other than the times I had to run squealing around the room from the cuteness of the e-mail exchanges between these two boys. It is adorable. The e-mails are by far the best part of this book. They are what kept me reading. I wanted to know who Blue was so bad I couldn't stand it!

I have one main critique for this book. All the characters are pretty much horrible people except Blue and the theater teacher. Everyone is so selfish, shallow, and idiotic. It made me so glad to never have to step foot in a high school again. That was disappointing. Even Simon is self centered and clueless. Are teens really like this now?

With that said, I still give this book 5 out of 5 stars. It is utterly adorable and, for some books, maybe that's all they need or are meant to be. I would recommend this book to any teen, YA, and/or LGBT readers.
Darling, All at Once
Darling, All at Once
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved how Cohen was a candy floss vendor at Juliet's sisters wedding. That just screams fun to me so I was enjoying this from early on. And then there's the slightly drunken sex after said wedding ends and I was drawn into this.

Cohen's boyish charms really won me over, as did his constant hoping for more with Juliet. Juliet, on the other hand, could deny her attraction and want for something more with him until she was blue in the face but it was pretty obvious after a while so about half way through when they gave in and became a couple I was really happy for them.

Of course nothing ever goes as planned and their relationship goes through a few rough patches but the baby brought them together for a lot of it. It was really cute. I seem to have a soft spot for babies and toddlers in my romances. They just add a touch of...tenderness to the characters. I melt a little when a big tough guy goes all gentle and sweet with a cute little kid--or even his pregnant girlfriend.

I really liked this, it was pretty high on cuteness in my opinion. I'm intrigued about who's going to star in the rest of this series so I will be keeping my eye out for other books in the series.
Geekerella (Once Upon a Con #1)
Geekerella (Once Upon a Con #1)
Ashley Poston | 2017 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sweet but forgettable
This book was cuteness-incarnate with a slice of grit, a retake on Cinderella with a geeky fandom context that worked in a way that was fun and easy to connect. I found myself sucked into this story of Elle and Darien. Darien is something of a beta-male character and I’m always here for that.

As you might imagine, Elle lives with her stepmother and step sisters, things are pretty grim and abusive at home and that made for difficult reading at certain moments. Darien is playing the lead role in a film depicting a fandom Elle has been immersed in since childhood thanks to her late dad’s love of it.

The serendipitous connection through text between these two was a lovely, sweet slow build but the masking of their identities was bound to lead to complications. The events in the storyline were occasionally fresh outside of the fairytale but mostly predictable too, especially when it came to the meeting of these two. There were some very clever aspects like the pumpkin, the cosplaying elements were enjoyable and the side characters were superb. Sage was a highlight from a side character perspective. The character diversity was oozing from the pages in an unforced and natural way. I appreciated how this was conceptualised. .

This was enjoyable, easy YA reading with a delightful geek-fandom. I think this book would appeal to many.

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.
Perfect Harmony
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
<h2><em><strong>Perfect Harmony</strong></em><strong> speaks of two things: cuteness and music.</strong></h2>
In fact, it is probably the embodiment of a dream my mom once had for me when<strong> </strong>I used to play the violin when I was 10-years-old. Maybe I've mentioned this at one point in my blogging career, who knows. She wanted me to be famous <span style="font-size: 8pt;">(well, actually, she still does)</span> and as a result, I stopped playing after a year because of too much pressure to practice, practice, practice <span style="font-size: 8pt;">(and 10-year-old me probably didn't care about fame more than actually enjoying the instrument itself).</span>

<strong>But I do like the violin when I think about it!</strong> It's such a delicate and tiny instrument making pretty music. But I digress - <em>Perfect Harmony</em> reminded me a lot about my orchestra memories.

<h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>Soooo What Can We Expect From <em>Perfect Harmony?</em></strong></h2>
Because that's the most important question of them all.

<h3>Lots of music!</h3>
Pippa is super passionate about playing the cello - it's become a part of who she is as a person, and if someone takes it away from her, it's like they're taking away her soul. Music to Pippa allows her to express her emotions much like words allow writers to express their emotions. There is not a page that goes by without some reference to music in <em>Perfect Harmony</em>.

<h3>Cuteness (or rather, a cute and fictional boy)!</h3>
Pippa's life seems perfect until she meets her competition in the form of Declan during her senior year, who is just as good at the cello as she is and seems determined to keep her dreams as dreams. Declan is the cutest and sweetest boy ever - omg he did not deserve the harshness of his life. He's a precious cinnamon roll, and I'll keep him forever if Pippa ruins his soul.

<h3>Sometimes there were too many love crises.</h3>
It was hard to keep track who was attracted to who and who was pissing off who deeper into the story. I'm sorry I get confused so easily.

<h3>Friendship! Family! Siblings!</h3>
All of these play a huge role in addition to the musical competition and passion. Since a lot of the characters grew up together or watched each other grow, it was fun to see them get through all the obstacles life throws at them and find their path to each other, whatever it may be.

<h3>Writing that is meh?</h3>
The writing style is why I rated the book lower than I wanted to since I enjoyed the novel. A lot! But it was so hard to look past and see into the book itself because I just didn't like the writing for some reason - maybe it's just me. It is, however, easy and quick to read. It just didn't ring well with my reading preferences.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Show Me the Way (Fight for Me, #1)
Show Me the Way (Fight for Me, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited Library.

This one starts with Rynna leaving her small town after yet another run in with her bullies, breaking her Grammy's heart as she flees. Fast forward quite a few years and Rynna is coming back to run the diner her Grammy used to own after her passing away. She's wary of people recognising her and dreads running into her bullies but makes new friends within her first days and meets her neighbours, single dad, Rex, and his young daughter Frankie Leigh. Rex has closed himself off from pretty much everyone and, intrigued by the contradictory man, Rynna can't help wanting to get to know him.

This was sweet. Both damaged in one way or another, wanting to overcome it when they meet that special someone and in this case it's each other. My only issue is I want angst in my stories lately. I want them to scream and fight and make up with each other. That didn't quite happen but somewhere around the 65% mark, someone made an appearance that sent everything up in the air and I was dragged into the story fully for the first time. It got a little intriguing with me wondering how it would all play out.

One thing I did really like about this book was Frankie Leigh. I have a huge weakness for adorable babies/children in my romances and Frankie Leigh may just have won the award for cuteness. She's so full of cute energy with her enthusiasm and crazy fashion sense. Adorable!

I wouldn't mind going back to Gingham Lakes to read Rex's friends stories.
Claws for Suspicion
Claws for Suspicion
Deborah Blake | 2022 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kari’s Life is Upended Before Murder
The shelter that Kari Stuart bought when she won the lottery is finally in great shape. However, all that is threatened when Kari’s ex-husband shows up in town. Charlie Smith arrives baring the news that there was a mistake with their divorce, and they are technically still married. As a result, he is entitled to half Kari’s winnings. Or, he will settle for the land the pet shelter is on. Kari has no interest in giving Charlie anything, so she starts trying to figure out how to get him to go away. Then he dies, and his death looks like murder. The police view Kari as their prime suspect since she is the only one in town with a motive. Can Kari convince them that someone else killed Charlie?

While the ex coming back to town isn’t a new plot element in a cozy mystery, Charlie’s motives and the complications are definitely fresh here. I did feel the plot stalled a bit before Charlie actually died, although it was setting up motives and suspects before it happened. Once it did, Kari followed a logical set of clues to the climax. I always appreciate how well things are laid out when I reach the end of the books in this series. I love Kari’s circle of friends, and it was wonderful to spend time with them again. The suspects fit wonderfully into the world. Naturally, there’s plenty of animal cuteness here as well. Fans of the series will be happy with this book, and if you haven’t started it yet, you’ll be happy you picked up one of the books.
This Adventure Ends
This Adventure Ends
Emma Mills | 2016 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This Adventure Ends started off by speaking to my little sarcastic, witty heart and introducing us to a funny, female character. It’s crazy, but yes girls can be funny. The humorous person in your novel does not have to be a guy. It is your classic high school story where a new girl moves to town and makes friends – but of course, the friends all have drama and secrets.
Sloane is also a singer and loves to read, so basically, this is starting to sound like my life. I joke, sort of, but she is a relatively normal, relatable high school girl. It really made me miss taking voice lessons even though they’re not expressly featured in the book. A lot of the events are more just telling the reader that it happened, than showing them what happened.
I’m sure most readers can relate to this line in the book:
“He looks at me for a moment and then says, ‘Maybe I’ll just watch the movie.’
‘Those are fighting words,’ I say.”
It just speaks to how relatable the author makes the book, from fanfics and fandom to high school sports and friends. This book gives you feels and might even cause a tear of joy. All of the effort that Sloane goes through, the love that Vera and Gabe have for their mother, just comes together in one poignant moment and it’s beautiful.
The friendships are authentic, from their ups and downs to the simple fun they have together. The characters are likable and relatable – and although there’s some typical, adorable teen romantic cuteness, it fits in the story and I approve.
Recommended to teen/young adult readers who enjoy cheery contemporary novels about family, friendship and high school.